Writing is hard lisa simpson gif
BusinessMy Life

I’m Doing the 30-Day Writing Challenge. Lawd HEPMEH.

In the past coupla months, folks on these interwebs have been embarking on 30 Day writing challenges. It’s where they make it a point to write/blog EVERY DAY for 30 days straight. Folks like Aliya S. King and The XD Experience have done it and I’ve been clapping for them …

My Life

It’s Nigerian Independence Day! You Know You’re Nigerian If…

It’s Nigerian Independence Day, folks! WHOOT! And we are a proud people with many quirks. You know you’re NIGERIAN if… * The only reason you dance at Nigerian parties is to get “sprayed” money by the adults. We are the ORIGINAL “make it rain” folks. * Your parents add “O” …

Terry Bams

No Country for Janky Relationship Experts. EVER.

I’m bout up to HERE *puts hand next to my neck* with so-called “relationship experts.” ESPECIALLY when they’re men, and all they do is tell women what they do wrong and why they’re single. It’s clear that there’s a HUGE demand for relationship experts, as one of the more successful ones …

Scandal ABC Kerry Washington
TV and Movies

White Hats Off and Scandal’s Back On: Episode 201 Recap

I have been anticipating the return of Scandal, starring Kerry Washington, since Season 1 ended in May. Those episodes were everything and after every one of them, I’d be jumping around in my living room wondering what was next. In fact, it takes me a good 30 minutes after every …

Famous folksMusic

Kreayshawn Sold 3,900 Albums and It Went Toilet Paper

Some of y’all are probably saying “Who is Kreayshawn?” and my response is “Exactly.” She’s a white girl from the Bay area who thinks she can rap and got on YouTube to show her skills. Of course, she was terrible at it and did the most with the least. She …

Shirley Brown Woman to Woman

Dear Shirley, Woman to Woman, Don’t Be Calling Barbara’s House Like That!

I was listening to Shirley Brown’s Woman to Woman, and I was just like “You know what? Shirley was TRIPPING.” So I decided to write her a sternly-worded letter. In case you’ont know what song I’m talmbout, see below: “Hey Barbara, this is Shirley. You might not know who I …

MySpace NAWL
Social Media

New MySpace is Almost Here and I’m Not Here For It

A sneak peek of the new MySpace is out and I did a “It’s cute but meh.” Watch the vid below and see for yourself. The new Myspace from Myspace on Vimeo. Ummm… it looks like a fancy ass Tumblr that will come in handy for musicians and folks with …

Replacement Refs FAIL

NFL’s Replacement Refs Fail and Hilarity Ensues

So y’all know I don’t watch football and don’t give 2 dambs about who wins what when. When I watch, the only things I end up commenting on is if their shoes are cute and coordinate well with their uniforms. I’m not the one to take to a sports bar. …

Oprah Winfrey Warren Buffett Bill Gates Forbes Magazine
Famous folks

Oprah on the Cover of Forbes Gave Me Tea for my Fever!

So ummm, by now, you’ve probably seen the picture of the FORBES 400 cover. If you haven’t, well take a look. I SAID LOOK! Whatchu see before you is Oprah Winfrey, a Black girl from Mississippi, who had to sleep outside her daddy’s house because she was too dark… STANDING …

Social Media

How to Back Up Your WordPress or Blogger Blog

I’ve been blogging for a long time and I’ve written over 700 posts and have about 170 sitting in my drafts folder. That’s a lot of typing and letters. If something was to happen and my site crashed and I lost all of these, I would basically quit writing. I’d …