Wendy's Tattoo
Whose is this?

Whose Wendy’s Tattoo is This?

So I saw this pic and was like O_O This is why some people can’t have nice things. Unless you consider obesity and the diabeetus nice. One day, you decide that you want to get a permanent mark on your body. You don’t go with the usual cheesy stuff like …

The Wire
TV and Movies

I Finally Started Watching “The Wire” and I’m Hooked

No, this post wasn’t written in 2003. I’m just tardy for the party as always. For a long time, folks have been telling me about the greatness that is The Wire. A slew of my favorite nerdy Black boys have even called it “the greatest TV show ever” unabashedly. Even …


Patti LaHelle Wins The YouTubes With “The Uninvited”

And yes, I meant “The YouTubes.” I first discovered Patti LaHelle’s videos in September when I saw the “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” video and I was slayed DEADT! Well there’s a new one and it is chock full of gems. *lays out* My favorite lines: Whitney: “Team Jesus. Team …

Vanessa Bryant Divorce
Famous folks

Kobe Bryant Lost $75 Million. Why Are Folks Mad At Vanessa?

According to TMZ, Kobe Bryant‘s divorce is finalized and he lost more than one. He lost so hard, Google Maps and the map that guides Dora the Explorer couldn’t help him. Vanessa Bryant is walking away with half of Kobe’s assets, worth $75 million, including their three mansions. Kobe’s bank …

Luvvie's Pinterest Board
My Life

I’m Obsessed With Pinterest! Get Me Help

Seriously. Pinterest has been the best time-waster to happen to me since Words with Friends, which I had to quit because I tweeted my screename, got 25 game requests and my app went “NAWL!” Some of you are probably like “What’s Pinterest?” It’s this website where you get to create …


Hitting High Notes is Hard. See This Girl’s Struggle

I bet y’all thought I was talking about *insert singer’s name here* right? Nope! I wasn’t even being shadeful. I’m talmbout a little girl who tried singing Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” and when she keeps failing, she starts hollering. Literally. Put some headphones on if you’re around …

Famous folksLettersMusic

Dear Common and Drake, No One Cares About Your Beef

I heard that Common and Drake had some rap beef going on, and word on the street is that it’s over Serena Williams. They’ve earned this week’s sternly-worded letter. Dear Common and Drake, Hey Lonnie. Hey Aubrey. I wanted to sit you both down to let you know that don’t …

Fantasia Fights Air gif
Famous folksMusic

Jay-Z Murked My Thug With “Glory” Featuring Blue Ivy

I know this is my 2nd post in 2 days about this baby but I have reason and y’all gon have to deal. Don’t worry. This blog won’t turn into Casa Knowles-Carter e’em though the Carters are tryna turn me into a stan, y’all! Anywho, I was on the Twitters …

Me in Sorels
My Life

It’s My Birthday! And I Come Bearing Gift!

Yes, gift. Just one. So, today is my 27th birthday and I’m thankful for seeing this day and being able to celebrate it. Countless blessings around me and I can’t help but smile. I don’t have much planned, but I am tempted to do hoodrat things with my friends in …

Happy New Year
My Life

New Year’s Resolutions I Should Make But Probably Won’t

It’s a new year and new opportunity to get my life right. Although technically, every day should be a chance for self-improvement. But anywho, you know it’s that time again: RESOLUTIONS! However, I don’t make a habit of making them, because I’m fickle and senile. Mostly senile though. I know …