Target takes all your money
My LifeTop Posts

There’s Voodoo at Target Stores to Make You Spend All Your Money

Seriously. There has GOT to be some sort of voodoo at Target. That is the only explanation for how that place traps the most innocent people into these marathon shopping excursions that result in overdrawn bank accounts and hurting feet. First of all, going to Target on a Sunday is …

Monster on the quad
TV and Movies

Disney’s Monsters University is Totally Awesome

Disney first released Monsters Inc. in 2001 and folks LOVED it. I know I sure did. Boo was adorabo and Mike and Sulley stole our hearts. Now they’re coming out with a sequel to it called Monsters University (and they’re re-releasing the original in 3D). To commemorate this release, the …

Stevie J Haircut
Whose is this?

Whose Stevie J Haircut is This and Why is it So Accurate?

I was on my grind (O_O) when someone brought this pic to my attention on my Facebook fan page. And I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. So I cried laughing. One of your cousins got Stevie J’s face cut into the back of his head. AND IT LOOKS …

My Life

I Stand on the Shoulders of Giants and I’m Blessed For It

I gotta talk about how I’m where I am today. I’m 5’4 but I always feel tall. It’s not because I put on fierce 4-inch pumps (often red) either. Even in flats, I never feel diminutive. Plus I talk shit like I’m big so there’s that. O_O But for realsies. I …

Chanel Hula Hoop bag

That Chanel Hula Hoop Bag is a Fool and Y’all Know It

The past four weeks, it’s been Fashion Week somewhere in the world. Folks like Claire of The Fashion Bomb and GabiFresh have been to like four of them (New York, London, Paris, Milan) and I know they’ve seen all types of fashions. But what takes the cake (and some of …

Rihanna Chris Brown Karrueche
Famous folks

Word on the Street is Chris Brown Dumped Karfuffle for Rihanna

In news that surprises NO ONE, Chris Brown has apparently dumped his girlfriend, Karrueche, for his ex Rihanna. According to WonderWall, Chris made a statement saying: “I have decided to be single to focus on my career. I love Karrueche very much, but I don’t want to see her hurt …

TV and Movies

The Other Woman isn’t Just Olivia: Scandal Ep 202 Recap

When we left off in the premiere episode of Scandal’s season 2, David Rosen had just lost his case against Quinn aka Lindsey Dwyer in the 11th hour and to say he wasn’t pleased is an understatement. Let’s just get into this tea! Booty Call Hours – Liv is in …

Mitt Romney Barack Obama debate switched hairhats

President Obama Looked Bored, Mitt Blinked a Lot and Sesame Street-Gate: Debate Recap

I watched the Presidential debate and it was 1.5 hours of side-eying and roast on my part. If you’re looking for a great post on all the issues and stances and rebuttals and whatnot, this ain’t that. Go to, and getchu some of that there. Me? I’m here …

KitchenAid FAIL tweet
PoliticsSocial Media

KitchenAid’s Tweeter Is Gonna Need to #OccupyLinkedIn

During the presidential debate, whoever was tweeting for KitchenAid accidentally sent this tweet out: This is the definition of an EPIC FAIL. It’s so bad that I read that and went “WELP that’s a wrap.” Whoever was tweeting for them made the biggest mistake of their career, and therefore, it …

Nicki Minaj Mariah Carey
Famous folks

So Nicki Minaj Cussed Out Mariah Carey… Lawdt.

You’ve probably seen the video by now but Nicki Minaj decided that she was about done with whatever Mariah Carey was bringing to the American Idol judges’ table. So, homegirl and her wig decided to cuss Mariah CLEAN out like it ain’t 2 days after the Christian Sabbath. The had …