Michelle Obama DNC 2012
Famous folksPolitics

Michelle Obama’s Hair was LAID Like ObamaCare at the DNC and I Am Here for Her!

First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, came to the Democratic National Convention to SLAY and she left many in her wake as she murked that speech she had to give effortlessly. And she had me eating out the palm of her hands. Many other places will talk about what …

Equatorial Guinea
My LifeTravel

Why I Went to Equatorial Guinea: FAQs Edition

My peoples! Last Saturday, I got back from an amazing and transformative trip that I was on for a week. I was more hush hush than usual about my disappearance from blogging and all but it was for a good reason. I was in the city (and island) of Malabo, …

Stevie J Diddy
Famous folksTV and Movies

Diddy is Stevie J and Cassie is Joseline: Love and Hip Hop ATL Alternate Castmembers

Some of you are well aware of my love of the most ratchet show on TV right now Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. Well, I got to thinking and it dawned on me that real life can be funnier than semi-fiction that says it’s real life. Especially when you realize …

Barack Obama Seat Tweet
Famous folksPolitics

Clint Eastwood Talks to an Invisible Obama and Barack’s Team Shades Him

The Republican National Convention that’s going on right now has had so many foolish moments that even the Onion couldn’t have made this stuff up. There’s no reason to write satirical stories about the RNC because the GOP is acting enough of a fool for life to be funnier than …

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta
TV and Movies

I Got Questions About Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Reunion Part I

Last night was the reunion special of the Love and Hip Hop Atlanta crew and it was hosted by Mona Scott-Young, the producer with the gift to produce TV’s most ratchet castmembers since whoever did Flava of Love (Holy Run-on Sentence, Batman!). Anywho, I got questions. * Why was Joseline …

Chad Evelyn Saga
Famous folks

Chad and Evelyn are Having the Worst Week Ever And Here’s Why

This madness with Chad “OchoCinco” Johnson and Evelyn Lozada left me a bit speechless for some days (on that matter, anyway. You know I was running my mouth about other things). But I couldn’t figure out what to say about these two when word of their drama leaked and spilled …

Chescaleigh Issa Rae LaidBackChick Dr Goddess Luvvie BlogHer
BusinessMy Life

I Had a Blast at BlogHer 2012!

I attended my 3rd BlogHer conference a week and a half ago, and it was my 2nd BlogHer where I was a speaker. I was only able to go for 2 days, instead of 3 but I had a GRAND time while there. Lemme tells ya. That conference is truly …

BusinessMy Life

700 Posts and 6 Years Later: It’s My Blogversary!

I’m a TERRIBLE house blog mother because yesterday was an important anniversary and I forgot it. But now I am here and I must pay amish… to MYSELF. I’m a Capricorn and my blog is a Leo. I’ve been blogging for 9 years, but six years ago on August 8, …

Honey Boo Boo Family
TV and Movies

I Watched Honey Boo Boo on TLC and It’s Awesomely Ratchet.

I was peer pressured into watching TLC’s newest show Here Comes Honey Boo Boo featuring standout girl Alana from Toddlers and Tiaras and her family. And let me tell you I AM GLAD I  WATCHED! Let me tell you about Honey Boo Boo. She’s 5 years old and a non-winning …

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta
TV and Movies

Why Am I Here for Joseline Now? My Love and Hip Hop ATL Recap

LAWD, Love and Hip Hop ATL somehow ups its’ ratchetness quotient EVERY week. That takes skill from a show whose first three episodes included abortions and beatings. Anywho, last night’s ep gave me what I needed. Why is Mimi always talking tough to Stevie but her actions never back it …