Dear Future Mini Luvvie
Everywhere I look now, people are having kids. It’s like the 2nd Baby Boom. I’ve counted no less than 50 of my peers with kiddies in the past year. I have so many baby showers lined up that it makes no sense. Whatever’s in the water, I’m not having it. …

I’m a Professional Lush
I was thisclose to not being able to write a post tonight because I was sloshed! See what had happened was I spent ALL day at a conference for work (9am – 7pm). My Blackberry kept me company when I wasn’t speaking with people. I had fun connecting with folks …

I Have Shark Mouth
My smile is huge, and you get to see a lot of teefs. My sis makes fun of me for it but I can’t help it. In fact, I look JUST like the AIM smiley. The shut eyes plus the white blinging teeth is ALL me. In fact, I was thisclose …

My Closet said “iQuit!”
So you remember a while back how I’m shopping crazy, and it’s getting worse by the minute. Yeah I was serious, and it was a cry for help. This is how bad this problem has gotten. A month ago, my closet literally quit me. I have so many clothes that …

The Jordans that Got Away
If shoes were crack, lawd knows I’d need a Platinum Dental PPO to fix the inside of my moufs because I’d be allergic to teefs. My shoe addiction started my senior year of high school, when I started rocking all colors of the Nike Prestos. Well, technically, my shoe addiction …
Inauguration Ball was a Hoot
I was watching the Neighborhood Inauguration ball, and it was a GOOD TIME, even through the TV. The star power was ridiculous! But y’all know I got some things to say. The GREAT *My President has rhythm. Y’all saw him and Shelly (yes, we have given her a nickname) getting …

It’s my BIRFDAY!!!
One score and four years ago, my mother brought forth on this planet, a new daughter, conceived in awesomeness and dedicated to the proposition that she shall be IG beyond means. What this means is… IT’S MY BIRFDAY!!! *pops bottles of Baileys* *does jig* *gets sprayed with money* (you know …
Wood Splinter 1, Luvvie 0
I am currently limping around these parts because I got punked out by a wood splinter last night. I was minding my own business when I took a step and a sharp pain went through my left foot. After my reflex yelled out the loudest “F&VK” ever, I looked at …
Chicago is Giving Me Brain Freeze
Seriously, I was going to write an entry today but I stepped outside, and I believe my brain fluid froze. Chicago ain’t SH*T for this weather. How cold is it, you ask? According to weather.com, It is currently 8 degrees, but the wind chill makes it feel like 11 degrees …

I’m on an Anti-Diet
I know people are still dragging, dreaming of roasted turkey, mac ‘n cheese, stuffing, pies, jollof rice, suya, plantains… Wait, where was I going with this? Ah yes, it has been a rough transition back to work mode for some. Onward… I’m naturally small, and I’m built like I run …