LettersMy Life

Dear Grandma, We Love You. Always.

She helped raise me. I grew up in her house. We didn’t just see her on holidays. She was ALWAYS there. In our family house. Granny would pick us up from school almost everyday. People remember her because she was an ever-present force in all our lives. My cousins would …

Famous folksLetters

Dear Donald Trump, You’re a Dusty Degenerate

This week’s sternly-worded letter is truly deserved. If you don’t know why, then either you’ve been hiding under a rock or you’re related to Sarah Palin. Either one is not a good look. Let’s get into it. Dear Donald Trump, When you decided that you might be running for presidency …

Famous folksLettersMusic

Dear Lil Kim, This Nicki Minaj Beef is Tired

This letter to Lil Kim has been a long time coming. And everytime I lose my vigor to write it, something else happens. Sit back. Enjoy. Dear Lil Kim, Hey gurl hey. *deep sigh* You know I used to be a fan of yours, right? Your songs went HARD in …


Dear Amazon, Selling A Pedophilia Guide Book??? AWFUL!

I wasn’t even planning a sternly-worded letter this week. But as usual, something popped up to make one necessary. An evening post? Yes. It’s on THAT level of serious. I was on Twitter when I saw this tweet: I clicked on it, and what do I see but THIS: Dear …


Dear Antoine Dodson, I’m Not Mad At You But…

I realized that I had not written a sternly-worded letter in far too long. In fact, the last one I wrote was to Laurence Fishburne about his wayward daughter, Tana. 2 months ago. FAR TOO LONG! Today’s recipient is someone I was (and still am) cheering for, but may need …

Mel Gibson
CultureFamous folksLetters

Dear Mel Gibson, Please STFU

So Gawker released an article last week saying that Mel Gibson went on a diatribe against his ex. “You look like a fucking pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of n*ggers, it will be your fault.” – Mel Gibson to his wife. THAT is why …

Liza Minnelli at the Sex and the City 2 premiere
Famous folksLettersMusic

Dear Liza Minelli. No to “Single Ladies”

Liza Minnelli did a version of Beyonce’s “Single Ladies.” I’m murked. If you don’t getcho geriatric, eau de Ben Gay self and go be qwat somewhere! What are YOU doing singing “Single Ladies?”

Famous folksLetters

Dear Chris Brown, The Burnt Sienna Apology Blouse…

I’m overdue for one of my sternly-worded letters. I was pretty perplexed as to who I’d write one to this week. Then Twitter happened. I can ALWAYS blame Twitter. Chris Brown is this week’s addressee. Dear Chris Brown, Hey Chris hey. How are you doing? Can we rap for a …

stevie wonder before after
Famous folksLetters

Dear Stevie Wonder, Fire Your Team

So there other day, I watched the BET Honors, which gave awards to 5 people for their achievements in education, music, business etc. Honored included Queen Latifah, Whitney Houston and Diddy and 2 others. Stevie Wonder was all up through the show performing. He must have been up there at …

Famous folksLetters

Dear Rod Blagojevich

I got on Twitter on Monday morning to see a hailstorm of tweets from people talking about Rod Blagojevich making some foolish statements about President Obama. So HE has the honor of being the recipient of my first sternly-worded letter in 2010. Oh, and this is what he said, by …