Dear E! News, Lee Thompson Young’s Death and Yoruba “Religion” Link is Irresponsible
E! News is reporting that Lee Thompson Young’s suicide may have been result of his involvement with “Yoruba religion.” I’m reporting that they’re idiots. It’s pretty ballsy to insinuate this and it’s the biggest crock of bullshit. Methinks it demonizes Yoruba people as advocates for suicide. It’s irresponsible, full of bigotry and plays into the “Africans are barbaric” trope.

Dear Vibe Magazine, About Your Twitter After Dark Chat
The other night, Vibe Magazine’s Twitter account turned was turned over to radio personality, Angela Yee, for an hour for a “Twitter After Dark” chat. And I’m here to tell them to sit down for this decision. Because it was terrible, in my opinion. So here’s a sternly worded letter …

Dear LL Cool J, ‘Accidental Racist’ is an Accidental Failure
LL Cool J and Brad Paisley set the web ablaze yesterday when they released their new collabo song ‘Accidental Racist.’ The controversy and backlash was well-deserved too. I don’t listen to Brad’s music, and hell, I haven’t listened to LL’s for YEARS either. But I need to have some words with …

Dear Rick Ross, About Your Slipping Molly Lyrics… No.
Rick Ross, the rapper with moobs has earned this sternly-worded letter for being a disrespectful misogynistic jackass through his music. Dear Rick Ross, You came out with a song with the following lyrics: “Put molly all in her champagne, she ain’t even know it. I took her home and I …

Dear New York Knicks, Reconsider the Tyrese Takeover
I woke up to folks’ tweets about Tyrese taking over the New York Knicks’ Twitter handle later today during their game. I am here to ask the Knicks to think twice. Because. For reasons. I hope this makes it to their management before it’s too late. Do your part. Share …

Dear NRA, A Stadium of Seats Awaits You
The National Rifle Association (NRA) has been tripping for a good while and they’ve been hitting their dougie all over the collective nerves of people with sense. They’ve more than earned this sternly-worded letter. Dear NRA, I’m beginning to believe that you have to be a dizzy dingbat to be …

Dear Caroline Wozniacki, Mocking Serena’s Body? You TRIED It
I tell ya. People are getting too big for their britches nowadays and they clearly need to be snatched back into their lanes. This latest sternly-worded letter was earned by Caroline Wozniacki, tennis player and consummate loser. Dear Caroline Wozniacki, Girl, you REALLY tried it. You tried it so hard …

Dear Rob Kardashian, You Got the Nerve to Call Rita Ora a Whore
Two people I haven’t paid much attention to are getting some attention today, and I am here to write one of them a sternly-worded letter. Rob Kardashian, the Patron Saint of Ain’t Ever Did Shit went on a Twitter rant against his ex-lady he was seen with Rita Ora, also known …

Dear Shirley, Woman to Woman, Don’t Be Calling Barbara’s House Like That!
I was listening to Shirley Brown’s Woman to Woman, and I was just like “You know what? Shirley was TRIPPING.” So I decided to write her a sternly-worded letter. In case you’ont know what song I’m talmbout, see below: “Hey Barbara, this is Shirley. You might not know who I …

Dear Everyone Hating on Gabby Douglas’ Hair, Have A Seat.
Three weeks ago, I didn’t know who Gabrielle Douglas was. I had never heard of the 4 foot 11 inches 16-year-old from Virginia with an infectious smile and a love for the Lord. Now, I know and love Gabby, as if she was a little sister or cousin. I root …