Dear Nellie Andreeva and Deadline, About Your Piece on Too Much “Ethnic Casting” on TV
Yesterday, Deadline’s TV editor Nellie Andreeva posted a piece titled “Pilots 2015: The Year Of Ethnic Castings – About Time Or Too Much Of Good Thing?” This headline wasn’t click-bait because it captured exactly what the writer was trying to say: that TV is getting too Black and maybe it should …

Dear Johnson Publishing Company, About Selling Your Photo Archives
I had to write this sternly-worded letter because NAWL! Dear Johnson Publishing Company, I read a story in the Chicago Tribune called “Johnson Publishing to sell historic photo archive” and I had to write you a letter because my spirit was bothered. I posted it on Facebook and everyone did …

Dear Brands, Exposure is Not a Real Form of Payment
All that glitters ain’t gold and a lot of bloggers have prestige without matching pockets. Many of us are fighting an uphill battle because we constantly have to prove that we’ve earned a seat at the table. And far too often, brands do not really value us like they should, …

Dear Raven Symone, About You Being “Colorless”… NOPE.
Because Raven Symone has earned a sternly-worded letter with the interview she did with Oprah on OWN this weekend. Dear Raven Symone, Hey girl, hey. Let’s talk about this interview you did with Mother Oprah and those things you said about not liking to be labeled. GWIRL STAHP! First, lemme …

Dear WHUR and Richard Montgomery, Stop Stealing Content From Me and Others
Last week, I wrote about the Fire and Fainting Challenge that is all the rave with some of the teens of America now for my column at The Grio. I posted my week’s writing recap here and this morning, someone commented telling me they searched for the fainting game on …

Dear Fellow Christians, About This Christ Crutch We Use to Justify Foolery…
I just feel like I need to talk to my faith-similar folks for a second. Dear Christians, I’m a life-long Christian and I was raised by a village of protectors and guardians who included my Grandmother, a lover of the Lord (with all her heart and soul). She taught me that being …

Dear Winter, You’ve Overstayed Your Welcome
I’m cold. You’re cold. We’re all cold. The word “cold” is freezing. But it’s Spring and this is ri-damb-diculous. Where is security??? Winter needs to be escorted out since it doesn’t want to leave on its own free will. This is why I am here with this sternly-worded letter. I …

Dear Lupita Nyong’o, Why Must You Slay Us Completely?
My newest celebrity crush is Lupita Nyong’o and if you have to ask me why, then we have nothing to talk about. I’m here to write her a love letter, because she is everything. I’m not even here to talk about her performance in 12 Years a Slave. No. I’m …

Dear Madonna, NOPE! You Cannot Use That Word
Social media keeps showing us that some of our favorite celebrities should really make use of their publicists 24/7 for all things. Also, they need to hire community managers to handle their accounts because when left to their own devices, they blow shit up so properly and so quickly. Madonna …

Dear Peggy Noland, About That Naked Oprah Dress… NO MA’AM!
I came across a link on The Cut about artist Peggy Noland’s newest project, “Oprah: Skinny, Naked, and Screaming on Your Dress.” THE HELL, BRO?!? So I’m here to write Peggy a sternly-worded letter because my spirit is IRKED! Look at the dress and see why I’m pissed: Dear Peggy …