TypeF and YouTube Can Lead You Astray
In the case of Tyra Banks’ Type F YouTube Channel, which is related to her TypeF website, folks are going to be led all types of wrong ways. I’m not sure if Tyra just handed over the management of that YouTube page to someone she REALLY trusts so she never checks …

Guess Who’s Coming to Patti’s Dinner? I Am Slayed
This video. Just watch it. I AM HOLLERING!!! Patti LaBelle, Aretha Franklin, Maya Angelou, Whitney Houston, Diana Ross, Mariah Carey, Chaka Khan, Beyonce, Rihanna, Ton Braxton. They need to end up in the same room like this. I’d pay to see it. lol Gems such as this are the reason …

Black Historical Figures Ride on Horses to Glory
I was minding my own business when one of my dope readers (@BeautyIntheGeek) emailed me talmbout how she went to the African Festival of the Arts in Chicago yesterday. It’s a great annual event and I usually go to load up on shea butter and to watch people rock their …

Aaliyah Passed 10 Years Ago and Twitter Acts A Complete Fool In Her Honor
There are certain times when the folks on Twitter make me shake my head vigorously. Anytime it comes to the death of a celebrity, some of the people on Twitter act like complete dummies with no home training or couth. Folks make me pull out my post on the Stages …

Someone Come Get Juanita Bynum And Her Speaking in Tongues on Facebook
Some of you may have heard of Evangelist Juanita Bynum. She of the scandal where her husband beat her down in the church parking lot or something wretched and unacceptable like that. AOL Black Voices even wrote a story called “Beat Up From the Feet Up.” And please don’t judge …

Dear Lauryn Hill, Rohan Wasn’t It Anyway
Soooo I just heard that Lauryn Hill got left by Rohan Marley for a Brazilian model (story’s here). My first thought was that maybe he’s sick of having to rummage through an entire closet to get to her love pocket. I’m just saying. Lauryn has earned this sternly-worded letter. Dear …

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Movie Was Everything!
Before I start, know that I won’t give away any real Harry Potter spoilers, and definitely not telling y’all details of the final battle. So don’t worry. You can read this in peace even if you haven’t watched the film or read the last book yet. True Life: I’m a …

Serena Williams’ Ass is My Patronus
Serena Williams’ ass is my spirit animal patronus (changed because the term “spirit animal appropriates Native American culture). I have said it once and I will say it again. Seriously. As one who wasn’t blessed with a lot of junk in her trunk, I do have ass envy. Remember the …

VH1’s “Single Ladies” Was Not Good
I’m a fan and avid watcher of bad TV. I love shitty reality TV shows and often DVR them. I live-tweet them like my next pair of shoes depended on it. I LOVE BAD TV. But some TV shows KNOW they’re bad, and they’re ok with it. “Single Ladies” is …

No More “Rolling in the Deep” Covers!
Now y’all KNOW my love of Adele. It was well-documented in the post I wrote a coupla weeks ago titled “Why I LOVE Adele.” Apparently, I ain’t the only one who thoroughly enjoys that plump Brit with a voice touched the the Lord! 98 comments and counting! One of my …