The Stages of Twitter Celebrity Roast and Wig Snatch
Celebrities on Twitter can’t ever catch a break because it’s on there that we see how our favorite notables REALLY are. We truly get to see them as the flawed humans they are. We know who can’t spell, who’s petty and whose publicists are 140 characters away from quitting and …

iCan’t With Tyrese’s Father’s Day Poem. Nawl.
Oh Tyrese. I gotta start this post like this because the man just makes me hit my facepalm often. I mean, first it’s because of his love-hate relationship with the English language. He loves to hate on rules of grammar and syntax. So much so that he has his own …

What Happened to Lisa Turtle?
I was minding my own business yesterday when I saw BuzzFeed’s post about Lark Voorhies, aka Lisa Turtle from “Saved by the Bell.” I wasn’t ready for what was waiting for me. O___O I don’t understand. No really. Someone explain to me what happened to this once beautiful lady with …

My Ode to Angela Nissel: Funny Lady Spotlight
As a budding female humorist, with a dream of going really far with this, I have to pay homage to those who came before me. I must give props to the ladies who crap on the premise that women aren’t funny unless we’re making fun of bad decisions we make …

So I Watched Lindsay Lohan Host Saturday Night Live
And she was terrible. Wait. Let me be nicer. She was…awf.. yeah no. She pretty much sucked as host of Saturday Night Live. I was kinda rooting for Lindsay Lohan too. I wanted her to be good so I won’t feel like saying “Aawwww Lindsay” every time I see a picture …

My 5 Favorite Celebrities I Met Outside of the Red Carpet in Los Angeles
The past week has truly been EPIC in every way for Afrobella and I. Our trip to LA for the Academy Awards went beyond the show itself. We got the chance to go to several events with Stephanie Frederic of FGW Productions in the days leading up to the Oscars and …

Jaheim the Hood Duck Needs to Have ALL of the Seats
I’m interrupting my LA trip to bring you this roast of Jaheim. Many of you just said “Who?” And my reply is “Exactly.” But to his mama and his record executive, he is an R&B singer whose last hit happened sometime when I was in college. Anyway, a pic came out …

Whose Country Uncle is This? Oh. Hey, Charlie Wilson
I ran across this picture of Uncle Charlie Wilson at last night’s Grammy Awards and I just *facepalmed* *blinks slowly* Sooo… wut? O________O I have so many questions. * What is Uncle Charlie Wilson rocking on top of his head? * Did he shave a chia pet and gently place …

My Ideal Whitney Houston Tribute Show
Last night, the Grammy Awards basically dedicated the show to Whitney Houston by making sure her name was never far from the mouths of presenters. Beginning with an opening prayer from host, LL Cool J, and with random mentions throughout the night. I loved the thoughtfulness they showed, especially with …

Dear Whitney Houston, You Were the Voice of My Generation
I don’t understand at all and it’s not registering in my head fully that you’re really gone, Whitney. I screamed when I found out. I literally screamed as I saw on TMZ.com “Whitney Houston Dies at 48.” I refreshed the page because surely, they’ll take it back. They didn’t. How …