Why I Love Adele: Her Voice and Soul
My love affair with Adele began later than everyone else’s because, well, I’m always tardy for the party. First time I saw her was at some awards show last year singing “Chasing Pavements.” I was all “Who is this? She’s kinda tight.” But she fell off my radar for a …

Obama got Osama; FoxNews Throws Shade; People Act a Fool Outside of White House
Unless you’ve been living under the same rock we thought Osama was hiding under, you know that he’s dead. The world found out that global enemy #1 was murked and killed last night, while chilling in a mansion in a suburbs in Pakistan. Chile… WHAT? So this dude wasn’t even …

Dear Donald Trump, You’re a Dusty Degenerate
This week’s sternly-worded letter is truly deserved. If you don’t know why, then either you’ve been hiding under a rock or you’re related to Sarah Palin. Either one is not a good look. Let’s get into it. Dear Donald Trump, When you decided that you might be running for presidency …

Happy Birthday, Afrobella!
Today is a glorious day! It’s Afrobella‘s birthday!!! Yes, THAT Afrobella. The one whose hair precedes her. The one who folks call the Godmother of Brown Beauty Blogging. She was doing it before people blogged for the freebies (because there were none back then). She’s the reason a lot of …

Dear Charlie Sheen, Please Go Have Some Seats
Charlie Sheen is nuts. THAT is why I’m writing this week’s sternly-worded letter? Very rarely does this level of batsh*t nuts-dom come to our attention. I mean DAMB! Charlie Sheen has been EVERYWHERE this past week talmbout his his life as a rich crackhead and wondering who gon check him. …

Dear Lil Kim, This Nicki Minaj Beef is Tired
This letter to Lil Kim has been a long time coming. And everytime I lose my vigor to write it, something else happens. Sit back. Enjoy. Dear Lil Kim, Hey gurl hey. *deep sigh* You know I used to be a fan of yours, right? Your songs went HARD in …

If Tupac Met Malcolm X, They’d Side-Eye This Painting Together
At this point in time, y’all already know I spend WAY too much of my time and days loitering on the Den of Iniquity that is Twitter. Yesterday was no different. I was minding my own business (O__o) when someone posted a link to a twitpic by Tyrese. It was… …

“The Game” Premiere Played Bald-headed Games! I Have Questions
So last night was the highly anticipated premiere of the TV show “The Game.” You know, the one that’s been off air for 2 years because CW kicked it to the curb. So fans lobbied for it like our health insurance depended on it. Yes, that one. BET picked it …

The Stages of Social Media Grief of Celebrity Deaths
I analyzed the process of grieving on Twitter when celebrities die, and it’s the same cycle each time, with the theatrics at the highest levels.

The Kardashians Wish You A Merry Christmas
I came across this Gawker post talmbout the recently released The Kardashian family Christmas photo. So I had to show it to y’all. The Kardashians are a relatively attractive family. And yes, they got a lot cuter from plastic surgery. BUT… There’s just so many things that don’t quite curl all …