Aaliyah Passed 10 Years Ago and Twitter Acts A Complete Fool In Her Honor
There are certain times when the folks on Twitter make me shake my head vigorously. Anytime it comes to the death of a celebrity, some of the people on Twitter act like complete dummies with no home training or couth. Folks make me pull out my post on the Stages of Celebrity Grief on Twitter VERY often. People don’t even know how to act if the celebrity died years ago.
Aaliyah left this Earth 10 years ago. A whole entire decade has passed on and folks ain’t figured out how to act about her being gone yet. Like Drake, who tweeted:

Girl, take a nap!
Can someone tell Lumiere that Aaliyah didn’t know his stranger bish self? WHO GON’ TELL HIM? Drake’s Canadian ass was NOT known by Aaliyah before she passed. He was like 12 or 13 and wasn’t e’em on Degrassi yet. Or was he? Either way, she ain’t know his life!
Why do folks always gotta act so familiar? Drake was up there acting like Aaliyah’s his holy mentor and guardian. Lemme find out that God made Aaliyah Drake’s Heavenly Sister. Apparently, while he’s on stage rapping like a diabetic sloth, Baby Girl’s cheering him on. I don’t think so. Wheelchair Jimmy might wanna go have a seat cuz… NAWL! Just… NAWL.
I don’t have time.
As if that wasn’t foolish enough. Y’all know how much people on Twitter do THE MOST ALLA TAHM??? ALL. THE. TIME. Too many times, folks have no boundaries when it comes to jokes and just BEING in general. The 10th anniversary of Aaliyah’s death is proving to be an occasion for the couthless and the day just started. By 1am, central time, the worldwide trending topic was… (wait for it)…

#AaliyahsAirplanePlaylist as a worldwide trending topic means that was the most talked about topic on Twitter at the time GLOBALLY.
WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU PEOPLE??? This is why a lotta folks can’t have nice things. And need perpetual prayer. I had to spray my computer with holy water and log off Twitter because I needed no parts of it.
NO MA’AM! I will NOT participate in that awful and terrible topic. Folks need couth in their lives. Everything isn’t meant to be made into dirty dozens.
And apparently, this fool took offense to it folks’ outrage of the trending topic:

Yes, because a global terrorist and an R&B singer are the same people. (-__-) Not saying Osama jokes are right but please shut the hell up! This comparison is dumb. As hell.
I just cannot with a lotta folks on Twitter. SMH. I just CAN’T.
Anyways, RIP to Aaliyah. 10 years gone but her music still lives on! This time last year, I wrote a “5 Reasons Why We Still Love Aaliyah” post. So getchu some.
WHAT. DA. HAYLE? Playlist?!? People are stupid. RIP Baby Girl
Some people just don’t have the sense God and their mama gave them. Twitter is a breeding ground for stupidity.
I love that song, and was sure no one could sing it better that the actress who played Sister. I was one of the biggest Aaliyah fans.
And that up there is why I rebuke Twitter in the name of Juanita Bynum!! liufhgaufdhlujdfiha;!!!
I can’t with dumb ass people…..
DEAD! \______/
tell my mama i loved her!
My dear Kay, I’m noticing yo azz is just as ignant as Luvvie! You ain’t ish for this comment!!!
Yeah her and Luvvie is tag teaming ratchetness! I can’t hardly stand it, but I keep coming back!!!
Lawd hep ME!
(i’ll be back…)
I’m cracking up at Drake’s tweet. lmbo!!!! Boy rest!!!
Aaliyah’s airplane playlist keeps trending because people keep tweeting things like #aaliyahsairplaneplaylist is so disrespectful, which it is but if they stop saying that then hopefully it will stop trending.
He (Drake) has a picture of her on his ear piece when he does shows, he must feel some special connection to her.
I can’t. Twitter is a mess. Luvvie you had me rolling.
I MUST stop clicking links. I just spent WAY too much time reading over those dumb tweets. I’m glad my husband and daughter are sound sleepers beacause I was laughing like a dumbass. Both my cats just woke up and gave me the side eye.
Ha Ha Ha!!! I can totally see those cats giving side eye! That’s what they do!
I waned to kick Kreawaeashawn (I don’t really care how her name is spelled) having the nerve to do a tribute tweet. Boo-boo, have a seat.
He’s uber weird to me but guess his heart is in the right place. And that topic was disrespectful as hell. Twitter idk what to say, I will say hi to folks, RT a few things and log off cause they be doing way too much.
Yer Mostest Awesomelynessis?
But ….
But ….
Her 4 Page Letter just showed up in my mail box.
An’ now I can’t “cash” that baby in.
Just my luck in life …
this is what nigerians call “FAMZING”
thats what drake did right there, he was famzing aaliyah *hiss*
loooool, why did I picture that phrase in my mother’s voice??? XD
The playlist thing only kept trending because people kept talking about it. Had all the people who were offended stopped tagging it I think it would have gone away.
On another note no Drake didn’t know Aaliyah personally but I felt he was speaking as a fan. He has stated numerous times that she was an transpiration to him as a kid.
I think his sentiment is he’s sorry he never had the chance to get to know her.
I don’t get what’s wrong with being a celebrity being a fan but I guess you can take someone one way and I can take it another.
Geez Drake, she’s been gone for 10 years. Let. Her. Go.
“on stage rapping like a diabetic sloth” <<this just made my morning! LMAO! Drake is a damn fool.
[…] Aalyiah Passed 10 Years Ago and Twitter Acts Like a Complete Fool in Her Honor. Awesomely Luvvie is awesome. […]
Not a diabetic sloth, though!! Stop it right now!! RIGHT THIS SECOND!! I’m not supposed to be cackling this hard!