My LifeTravel

I’m Headed to Morocco for a Week!

Hey folks! Tonight, I’m headed to Morocco and I am doing a jig about it. I decided to just go because why not?? YOLO and all that jazz. You know I love to travel and it’s always been on my list! This is a play trip and I will be …


Was the Auntie War a Fake? Word is Cheryl Lynn is Not on Twitter

So last week’s Twitter thing between Cheryl Lynn and Anita Baker had us all refilling our tea kettles. Well, today, I get an email from Cheryl Lynn’s manager Thurlene Johnson saying that she does not have a Twitter account. “Cheryl Lynn does not have a Twitter or Facebook account. The individual …

Famous folks

Caitlyn Jenner’s Debut on the Vanity Fair Cover Broke the Internet

As promised on the Diane Sawyer interview, there will come a time when Bruce Jenner will be no longer. That time is now, and it is being done in grand fashion. Caitlyn Jenner lives, making her public debut on the cover of the July issue of Vanity Fair (on newstands on June …

TV and Movies

Hardhome: Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 8 Recap

I was advised to take a mild sedative before watching episode 8 of Game of Throne season 5. I didn’t listen. Lawdt, I did not listen. Let’s just get into it. Braavos Arya was not ready to be “No One” but she was ready to be “Someone Else.” That person is …

Stages of Binge-Watching Show NetFlix
TV and Movies

The Stages of Binge-Watching a Show on NetFlix

I don’t know about you but a perfectly enjoyable Friday night or Saturday involves me sitting on my couch watching NetFlix with all my favorite snacks around me. NetFlix is slaying traditional television, turning the industry on its heads and getting major networks to step their games up. They take …

Cheryl Lynn Anita Baker
Famous folksSocial Media

Because Cheryl Lynn Got Blocked By Anita Baker on Twitter

Last night, Cheryl Lynn took to Twitter to let us all know about how she’s been hurt by her old friend, Anita Baker, who has blocked her on Twitter. Two R&B aunties from days of yore. Let’s be clear. I do not call what happened a beef. One person tweeting …


4 Places to Visit in Nairobi, Kenya

In March, me and some of my oldest friends went to Kenya for the first time and we had a grand time. I even had a fantastic meetup with the Bloggers Association of Kenya that I blogged about here. I’ve been meaning to write about other things I did so …

TV and Movies

The Gift: Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 7 Recap

After last week’s episode of Game of Thrones, I just wanted some type of hope to peek through. We need something good because all that despair is exhausting. Let’s talk about it! Winterfell In Winterfell, Theon Reek brings food into Sansa’s chamber, and finds her curled in a ball crying …


The Woes Conundrum According to My Friends

I just really started noticing everyone talmbout how they’re running with their “woes” and I was like Wait. What did this happen? When did everyone start hanging with “woes” and why? I posed this question to my Facebook friends and below is the thread that ensues. I’m so glad to …

Scandal Logo
TV and Movies

You Can’t Take Command: Scandal Season 4 Finale Recap

Let’s get into the Scandal season 4 finale! The List – Mellie meets with the devil in a black suit: Rowan Pope, and he says his name is Damascus Bainbridge. He wants to give her money if she pays attention to an issue that is important to him. He’s all …