Whose is this?

Whose Demon Canta Melon Baby Is This?

Sometimes, people get really creative at baby showers. Apparently, the toilet tissue game isn’t innovative enough anymore and the food needs to make a statement. I came upon the picture below, of one of the snacks from someone’s shower and I jumped back and almost threw holy water on my …

BusinessMy Life

5 Lessons from My First Time Attending ESSENCE Fest

I just got back from New Orleans yesterday, fresh off my first ever ESSENCE Fest, and I am still not recovered. Whew. First world problems is being exhausted from 4 days of panels, pampering, and parties, I know. It was hella fun, though, but I don’t bounce back as fast …

My LifeTravel

Headed to New Orleans and ESSENCEFest for the First Time!

I am sitting here procrastinating on packing as I am wont to do. I just really hate this part of traveling. It’s so painful! GAAHHHH! Anywho, I’m GEEKED because tomorrow, I’m going to New Orleans for the first time ever, and it’s for ESSENCEFest! ESSENCE Magazine’s annual weekend with music, …

Whose is this?

Whose Brother is Rocking this Impressive Scalp Weave?

We are a gifted people, I tell ya. We make something out of nothing and make hair out of scalp. Weaves aren’t just for women, ladies and gents. We’re bringing equality into the hairhat industry now, by providing these services of insta-hair to the fellas too. I came across this …

AwardsTV and Movies

The 2015 BET Awards Did My Youngold Heart Some Good

On a scale of the Oscars to I Don’t Even Mind That Much That This Show is Longer Than Some Marriages, the 2015 BET Awards was an 8. I looked at my recaps of past years’ BET Awards and I saw that I’ve actually really enjoyed most of them. It …

TV and Movies

The Maury Povich Show is a National Treasure

I googled and it says the Maury Povich show first aired on September 9, 1991. That show is only 6 years younger than me. WOWSIES. I just wanted to do an ode to one of the funniest, most foolery-filled shows on television. Even to this day, Maury is unfuggwitable because …


A Guide to Planning a Trip to Morocco (Part 1)

Morocco is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. The entire country prides itself on the beauty of everything from its land to mundane things like a bathroom door. There is so much history there that it is basically like walking back in time, in certain places. I …

Jesus Flip a Table

About Charleston, Forgiveness and Black Pain

Three days ago, a monster walked into bible study at Emanuel AME Church, the oldest Black church in the south. He sat with them for an hour before pulling his gun out and killing 9 of them. Their names need to be spoken. Susie Jackson (87). Reverent Clementa Pinkney (41). …

TV and Movies

Mother’s Mercy: Game of Thrones Season 5 Finale Recap

What is life? What is air? Nothing matters anymore. I am not ok. I am not alright. I AM NOT FUCKING OKAY!!! It’s been a full day and I am still distraught. I have never in the history of ever been so upset at anything on television. If you have not …

CultureTop Posts

About Rachel Dolezal the Undercover Sista and Performing Blackness

Soooo about Rachel Dolezal… I am aware that I’m tardy for the party in throwing my hat in the ring but I’m just here so I don’t get fined. I might be a day late and a word count short but this lady has taken over our minds in the …