Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken: Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 6 Recap
Gahtdambit, Game of Thrones! *fights the air* Let’s just talk about it. On The Run Tour Jorah Mormont and Tyrion are whoknowswhere and the Lannister is talking nonstop. He tells Jorah that his father WAS a great leader for the men of the Night’s Watch. Seeing the look on his face …

I’m Writing A Book and AAHHHH! EXCITEMENT!
I can finally yell it from the rooftops. I AM WRITING A BOOK. I, Luvvie of House Ajayi, First of Her Name. Wearer of sick ass shoes and eater of rice. Giver of no dambs and thrower of epic shade and side-eye sorceress. I am writing a book and it’s …

George Zimmerman Was Shot in the Face A Little. Because: Monday
George Zimmerman in another altercation that police were called to. We like to call this special occasion “Monday.” That man gets in more trouble than New York rats get on the subway and he doesn’t ever see lock up. His life is clearly on some “Final Destination: Prison For Life” shit. …

Kill the Boy: Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 5 Recap
Game of Thrones season 5 is halfway through now with “Kill the Boy” and this week, they tell us that “Doom rules Valyria.” Well, clearly it rules this show too, and it must be directed by Pandora, who is clearly salty that someone opened her box. And where are her …

Sons of the Harpy: Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 4 Recap
Game of Thrones is the reason why we can’t have nice things like hearts that aren’t broken. Let’s just get into last episode (I know this recap is 7 days late. Sharrap I haz reasons). King’s Landing The Bank of America of Westeros (the Iron Bank) wants the Lannisters to …

A Few Good Women: Scandal Episode 421 Recap
When we left off on the last episode of Scandal, Liv had a gun to Russell’s head, wanting to find out what Operation Foxtail is. Let’s talk about it! Near Death – Jake is recovering from his injury and near death experience in Liv’s bed, and he is having nightmares …

So I Met Sir Elton John Yesterday and OMG OMG OMG
I’ve been kinda MIA from these parts lately but those who follow me on social media know what I’ve been up to. I know everyone isn’t on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram but when I’m quiet here, check there to see what I’m up to. ANYWHO, yesterday was glorious! I met Sir …

High Sparrow: Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 3 Recap
The episode starts us in a dark and gloomy dungeon that makes me just want to turn on a lamp in my house. Game of Thrones surely knows how to set the mood of doom. It is inside the House of Black and White, and the only thing white in …

If the Systems of Oppression Were the Game of Thrones
Ok so I admit that Game of Thrones is on my mind because I’m in the middle of finishing the recap for season 5, episode 3. Also, I watch too much TV so I enjoy finding parallels between art and real life. The Baltimore uprisings has sat on my spirit, …

Because A Dildo With Your Bae’s Ashes is Now a Thing
I don’t understand humanity sometimes, and of course we’re heading for doom. Stephen Hawking said so and now I’m sure of it. I read an article yesterday about a dildo you can order, with your loved one’s ashes inside. Don’t let something like death preclude your boo from having a …