Black Weblog Award 09
AwardsBusinessMy Life

I Wanna Win a Black Weblog Award!

Hey ALL!! My blog has been nominated for the Black Weblog Awards *does jig* in 4 categories: * Best Humor Blog * Best Personal Blog * Best Writing in a Blog * Blog to Watch My Twitter account is also up for “Best MicroBlog” *changes into sensible conservative suit* *gets …

Red Pump

The Red Pump Meetup was Fantawesome!

To continue my weekend recap (on Wednesday, when the weekend is almost here again. But, better late than never right?) And BTW, Fantawesome = Fantastic + Awesome Karyn (The Fab Giver) and I decided to throw Patrice (Afrobella) a Red Pump Project Mixer to welcome her to Chicago with an …

Blogging While Brown 2009 Rocked!
BusinessSocial Media

Blogging While Brown 2009 Rocked!

If this weekend was a dessert, it’d be a Bailey’s Irish Cream Cheesecake with pecans & caramel drizzled all over it. It was just THAT much awesome. Like seriously. I’ve been walking around just bursting out into a jig at random intervals. Talmbout *walk walk JIG JIG JIG walk walk …

LettersSocial Media

Dear YouTube, You are the Enabler of Unproductivity

This weeks letter isn’t that stern but it must be said. YouTube is tryna ruin me. And excuse me for the link whoredom in today’s post. Dear YouTube, iHate that iLove you. Like for real. There is a reason why most of the time, when folks send me a link …

My Life

iCan’t Run. I’m Allergic

So in my last post, I talked about my addiction to the web and how I’m trying to break the gift curse. When I asked for tips on how to stop my addiction to the web and gadgets as a whole, a couple of people commented that I should go …

My Life

You Know You’re Too Plugged In When…

In this day and age of connectivity and 24 hour access to the ‘net and some kind of gadget, it’s hard to unplug. I am one of the most accessible people this side of the equator. I can be reached via Gmail, GChat, Text Message, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, BlackBerry Messenger, …

My Life

Things That Are Scary At Me

Mkay so we’re all family here at AweLuv right? We s’posed to be able to be open with one another. Wells, I got some confessions. Y’all already know that I’m a thug. Despite that, there are a coupla things that take me out my element and make me go “EEK!!!” …

great wall of china
LettersSocial Media

Dear China, You Blocked So Much Internets!

This week’s sternly-worded letter has been earned by China (yes, the Republic of). And to anyone who is even THINKING about making some a “Are you sure you’re not from there?” joke because of my super slanted eyes, SHARRAP! Just shut your mouf wide open! Anyway, moving on… Dear China, …

eminem butt Face
AwardsTV and Movies

The 2009 MTV Movie Awards was a Fail

Y’all already know what time it is. AWARDS SHOW REVIEW TIME!! *crowd goes wild* (and by “crowd”, I mean “no one”). The victim is the MTV Movie Awards, which isn’t known to be the best, despite MTV’s lax standards of etiquette. Anywho, I live-tweeted the show, and my followers were …

Al B Sure Unibrow
Famous folks

The Time I Met Al B. Sure’s Unibrow

Thursday, April 30th was the national initiative, Dining Out for Life, which has restaurants around the country donating a percent of their proceeds to AIDSCare. Karyn & I decided to do a Red Pump Project Dinner in honor of the day, and we had 10 people come to eat with …