I’m Wack on Wheels
I’m one of those folks who’s better on solid ground. I’m a GREAT walker. I can walk with the best of them. I can power walk, strut, skip… all’a that. Just don’t ask me to run or nothing. I’m allergic to that. It’s when you ask me to do stuff …

Dear Liza Minelli. No to “Single Ladies”
Liza Minnelli did a version of Beyonce’s “Single Ladies.” I’m murked. If you don’t getcho geriatric, eau de Ben Gay self and go be qwat somewhere! What are YOU doing singing “Single Ladies?”

APimpNamedSlickFront. Whose Uncle Is This?
I introduce you to Allen E. Brown aka APimpNamedSlickFront aka The Pimp Who Murked Me. He is actually a pimp in New Jersey who was running a prostitution ring, and ended up being sentenced to 18 years in jail. I took ONE look at this picture and had roast tourette’s. Let’s make a list of ALL the things that are wrong with this picture. I’d probably save time if I listed everything that was right = NOT A DAMB THING!

Dear Chris Brown, The Burnt Sienna Apology Blouse…
I’m overdue for one of my sternly-worded letters. I was pretty perplexed as to who I’d write one to this week. Then Twitter happened. I can ALWAYS blame Twitter. Chris Brown is this week’s addressee. Dear Chris Brown, Hey Chris hey. How are you doing? Can we rap for a …

Whose Cousin is This with the Jolly Rancher Barrettes?
Whose ratchet ol’ cousin is this?!? I saw this picture and wanted to go kick every trashcan in a 5-mile radius. There’s sooo much tomfoolery in this picture that I don’t even know where to start. Fine, I guess we’ll work our way down from the top. First he has colored contacts. Then braids. With Jolly Rancher beads. iCan’t.

The Wonderous One turns 60!
So today is Stevie Wonder‘s 60th birthday. We must revel and rejoice in this day. I don’t care how far gone Stevie’s hairline maybe, or the fact that it’s wading in all types of water. I’m always going to be a fan. I’ont care how many tacky blazers his team …

Welcome to the New AweLuv!
Hey folks!!! Welcome to the new and improved AwesomelyLuvvie.com! My blood, sweat and tears was thrown into redesigning this page so it’s all good for you all. I spent HOURS (and days) coding and customizing until I got it to look exactly like I wanted. I’ve ended my ‘lationship with Blogger. I’m now in the land of Wordpress! I had to finally make that leap like the big girl blogger I’m trying to be.

The Library of Congress Got Your Tweets
So this happened: After I finished saying a really drawn out “WOWWWW.” I realized that with THAT tweet, a lot of folks’ chances of ever running for public office just spiraled down the drain of life. That tweet just murked some hopes and dreams. Yes, yall. the Library of Congress, …

Under Construction
Hey folks! It’s about that time. I’m giving Awesomely Luvvie a facelift and overhaul. Last time I redesigned my site was 2009 New Years Day, almost 1.5 years ago. I need to upgrade my eLife and lighten things up in here. The white text on black background will be gone. …

Badu’s Badonk is BAD!
Everyone has been talking about Erykah Badu’s vidjo “Window Seat” all week. People have been debating whether the message of the video is parallel to the lyrics. And they’ve been discussion Erykah’s use of nudity to get her point across yaddy yada blah blah. I don’t gibbadamb bout any of …