The 25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010
Every Friday, folks on Twitter do #FF, which is the hashtag for Follow Friday (follow me on there, BTW. @Luvvie). It’s a day where folks are supposed to recommend to others who they should follow. As with everything on Twitter, the original concept has been made irrelevant by people who abuse #FF with random ass long lists and retweeting mentions of themselves. So #FF has gone by the wayside. However, one person who does #FF right is Miss Zindzi. She uses the day to RT the FUNNIEST tweets of the week and adds the #FF hashtag. She’s genius. And awesome for it.
Zindzi is great for finding the DUMBEST tweets EVER. So I asked her to bless me (and you) with a post on various tweets she’s come across all year, that are just on DUMMY. And she did. So… enjoy!
Twitter: A place for people to share their thoughts. A place for celebrities and public figures to connect with their fans and supporters. An English major’s nightmare.
I want to forget these tweets. I want to pretend MJB never typed “intelligents”. But I cannot. So with a heavy heart and deep sigh, I present to you:
The 25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010
1) @LeighyahBaby: Ladies that fall in luv with other peoples boyfriends have low selves of steam
Zindzi: Okay, she meant well, but DAMN.
Luvvie: The fact that I can’t e’em type “self esteem” anymore because of this is just…
2) @Tyrese: Real MEN who study&enjoy nieces asses clearly know the difference in a REAL of FAKE ass..So you ladies know It’s NASTY STOP IT!
Zindzi: When your misspellings/grammatical errors render your tweets slightly illegal, you need to step away from the keyboard
Luvvie: I don’t even know WHAT he’s talmbout here.
3) @starchyldzwurld: Iph sumbodee notice u got a hair owta playce they lyke u or they gelus oph u…#platowt…TiNg**
Zindzi: I…have no words. EVERYTHING is wrong here.
Luvvie: Wait… WHAT?
4) @Cdotthecatalyst RT @wait_Ur_A_NATE: this nigga got cerrobopause, why the fuck he keep moving his hand <– u mean cerebral paulsy?
Zindzi: My favorite type of grammatical error would have to be one that is made when attempting to correct someone else’s error
Luvvie: O__o
5) @chloowalker: i’m having withdrawal systems i haven’t had a gingerbread latte in days!
Zindzi: Withdrawal. Systems. *burns books*
Luvvie: Umm…
6) @NinoBgr8: #Ladies If u have hair on ur knuckles yew where going to be a man but God changed his Mine =)
Zindzi: *Blank Stare*
Luvvie: O_______O
7) @hoopz_23: Closes mouths don’t get feed!
Zindzi: Noes, they doesn’ts!
Luvvie: But do opens foots get ate?
8 ) @slimthugga: It’s wanna those movies that have chicks on that sullibant shit
Zindzi: Isn’t sullibant an arthritis medicine? Sullibrex? Celibrex? I dunno.
Luvvie: “wanna those” though?
9) @ItsNotU_itsRIS: Women, stop puttin these men on such a high pedal stool. Not all of them are worth it #imjustsayin
@itorria05: Question off the day!! why must women be called a hoe when they sleep with many but a guy is placed on a petal stool?
Zindzi: When I see “pedal stool”, I think of a unicycle. When I see “petal stool”, I cry.
Luvvie: The lack of respect of grammar, syntax, subject-verb agreement and the English language in general… But he gets an E for effort. I guess.
10) @NETWORKGIL: hate all girls with arterial motives that’s why I 20 plus no son no daughters
Zindzi: Nonsensical AND misspelled? *Facepalm*
Luvvie: I also hate ventricular motives. O__O
11) @BigHomie_: #HowToKeepAMan sign dat pre-nub b4 y’all tie the knot
Zindzi: Pre-nub=An arm pre-amputation?
Luvvie: Pre-nub is what happens AFTER amputation before the nub develops.

Zindzi: If you Google a word and the only results that come up are retweets of your misspelling, you’ve lost
Luvvie: NO birthday #secks for you! NO SIR!
13) @HP3D: if your gone hang with bitches, they minus well be female
@MsCJayBoss: If ya gotta stay home mine as well eat good!
@Tiana_Maclips: Matter as well walk to da nail salon while lex take her time
Zindzi: Okay, let’s discuss this. The term is “MIGHT AS WELL”. Not Mightus Whale, Mighty Swell, Minors Well…
Luvvie: All of ’em #minuswell just go away.
14) @enaboomb: If you don’t have flower to fry chicken.. use muster #random
Zindzi: Is this from Sandra Lee’s cookbook?
Luvvie: I enjoy seerop with my food.
15) @BubbleFaceBre: #In10Years Niqqah Will Relize Females Are Really Smarter Then Them!
Zindzi: Thank you for setting us back 50 years.
Luvvie: And she’ll be the exception to that epiphany when it happens

Zindzi: I’m definitely crying, too…
Luvvie: If this child don’t go reassess her lifespace…
17) @WakaFlocka1017: A hater is a undercover admiru
Zindzi: Sir.
Luvvie: I just…
18) @neivexsharpe: My grandma was lactoast & tolerant, my mom kinda is. That means I might, aslo?! Daaanngg it -_-
Zindzi: Lactoast. But definitely tolerant. Well, that’s good. *Sigh*
Luvvie: If she lacked toast, why ain’t she just eat waffles? Maybe she couldn’t tolerate it. Oh. That ain’t it? (-___-)
19) @tbad2thebone: Fantasia was her 2010 high school class valid victorian.
Zindzi: Another one of my favorite types of errors: Ones that are made while attempting to insult someone else’s intelligence]
20) @ShenekaAdams: I feel like doing some Debotury.
Zindzi: What annoyed me about this one was her attitude about being corrected. She CLEARLY meant “debauchery”, but when she was corrected, she said “not everyone uses the White Man’s dictionary”. So, to be fair, I consulted my Laotian Man’s dictionary, and yeah, “debotury” isn’t in there, either
21) @HazelLynn770: Straight women need to STOP taking the gay route as a escape goat.
Zindzi: Every time I see “escape goat”, I picture a bunch of goats running across a highway. Don’t judge me.
Luvvie: Escaped goat? Who let us Capricorns out the gate?? SHOURROUT TO MY FELLOW CAPRICORNS! Oh, he wasn’t talmbout us? Aight then. (-__-)
22) @Scooby85: Please dont miss interpret that last tweet people…. Omg lol
Zindzi: Miss Interpret? Is she friends with Miss Understood?
Luvvie: I thought she was BFFs with Miss Represent. *shrugs*
23) @anagabby93: My dad just felt extra dumb tryna say I aplied to thisd colledge and I said uhh no I didnt
Zindzi: Misspelling college is probably one of the dumbest things you can do, ESPECIALLY when calling someone else dumb.
Luvvie: Her poor daddy’s wasting money on college apps when she MIGHT wanna stay an extra year in high school to catch up.
24) @Nice_n_Strong: Stuck with a lot of should of , would of , could of
Zindzi: And you left me stuck with a lot of crap.
Luvvie: *deep sigh*
25) @Tyrese: In your relationship try and become a profetiobal forgiver..
Zindzi: This is the WORST kind of misspelling. The type that makes you question YOURSELF. I actually went to Google to see if maybe I was wrong, and “profetiobal” WAS an actual word. Shame on you, Mr. Gibson.
Luvvie: Profetiobal? Listen. EVERYONES ain’t meant to be deep.
Honorary mentions and Luvvie’s additions:

And a brain is a chest if it can’t execute. Wayment… O___O (-__-)
27) @iHateKatStacks: Leaving Atlanta On my way to Texas …. im all around the world
Luvvie: I just took Amtrak to Indiana. Y’all, I’m GLOBAL! O_____O
iHate that iLove Twitter sometimes. This is partly why. So much #debotury from people with low #selfofsteam, and then they wanna get an #additude when you correct them. These fools #minuswell just quit tweeting. For all #intensivepurposes, they’ont even know that spell check exists. Then they wanna talk bout haters when we all know it’s nothing but a #defensemagnesium. And you know who’s WORST at this? Tyrese. #Irregardless, he’s FAHN #doe. He’ont look like he got #surrebralposey or nothing. But he spells like he #daws. We all need to #except it. O_o Oh Twitter…
If your tweet ended up in the “25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010” blog post, I kinda need you to close your Twitter account and go get an English tutor ASAPtually.
Which of these is the absolute dumbest?
Much love to ZINZAY for gracing my eCrib with her presence. She’s an English major and prolific tweeter from Brooklyn whose hobbies include reading, writing and hoodie collecting. Follow her on Twitter and Tumblr. Follow @MissZindzi and @Luvvie on Twitter.
Also, check out the Dumbest Tweets tumblr. Updated almost daily with the dumbest tweets that we see on Twitter as they happen. You can also submit the dumb tweets you see there.
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This is too much in one place,My chest hurts from laughing at this.Good job
Hurts when breathe? LOL
That’s what I was thinking. Where that at?
Or even – Que tweeted, “Love is in tha air tonight. I want that hole world 2 kno ur mine forever…[Dawn] Will U Marry Me……I love you.”
It’s the little things those minor details………………..that can fuck you up.
In @Chrisbrown’s defense….its been concluded by my timeline that he may be autistic, thus explaining his ability to dance better than most people, yet not speak coherently or deal with frustrating social situations. I’m just saying that could be why… for Tyrese, he’s just retarded. Sexy as hell, but retarded.
Nice excuse for Chris Brown but NAWL! Yes, he may get his Cletus the Slack-jawed yokel on TOO often. That boy is just low key remedial. And as for Tyrese… yeah. He just needs to be mute and look segzy. Don’t say NUFFIN, Black Ty!
I hate that I remember the uproar from almost every one of these. Oh and it’s a different category of stupid, but y’all should have added the one from the guy who hoped Christmas Eve didn’t fall on Friday the 13th. O_o
I totally missed that. Some dude said he ain’t want Christmas Eve on… iCan’t. I just…
Wait, somebody hoped that Christmas Eve didn’t fall on Friday the 13th? I missed that one. LMAO!!!!
Yeah, I remember that! I think his name is @KineticalDummy
Dummy indeed.
I DIED at “lactoast & tolerant”!
This whole list was absolute foolishness and I loved it.
LMMFAO whyyyyyy must i cry???
i just caused a #seen in my home (my dad said “this n*gga is crazy” as i laughed #historically to myself) because of the level of #debotury in this post.
i think the key lesson to be learned here is when you #lacktoast AND you’re tolerant, your level of ignorance increases, while your #selfofsteam decreasesbut . like i always say–if you cant beat em, #minuswell join em!!!
p.s. Tyrese, #doe?!?!?! i need him to delete his twitter account and go ahead and press “reset” on his life too *smdh*
LMAO! Your dad is prolly like “this fool don lost ALL her good mind.” And Tyrese’s publicist needs to threaten to quit if he’ont quit Twitter.
One word: dead.
*tries to revive you* DON’T GO TOWARDS THE LIGHT!!!
As a karate expert, I’m not gonna talk about anybody listed in this post; but as a professor of English, my heart is heavy and my eyes are weary…and my abs are real tight for laughing so hard. Lawd. Thank you Zindzi and Luvvie!
NOT the karate expert lmao
LMAOOO @ Karate expert. U dumb.
Hell, me too.
Oh goodness. I cackled SO hard while reading this!!! It just confirmed 2 things:
1)No matter how hard I try I will never understand anything Tyrese tweets. His Twitter presence really makes me sad. He needs to delete his account, not talk or write, look pretty, and occasionally sing on buses. That is all.
2) I’ll keep open and pay attention to red squiggly lines. Don’t wanna get caught by any eagle eyed tweeters!! 😉
Iunno what form of English Tyrese chooses to tweet in but he needs to let the rest of us know so we aren’t in a perpetual state of side-eye.
LOL @ keeping open. You’ont e’em need all’at. But do pay attention to those squiggly lines!
LMAO!!! I loved this post!
😀 Glad to hear it!
I had to stop reading at #2 Tyrese should be embarrassed. WTF was he talking about?
Who the hell knows what Tyrese was talmbout? I was just like O_______O
But he is now a published author. I wonder how much editing that editor had to do to that damn book. Hell the editor probably gave up translating blacktiese.
So while reading this post, I was laughing and coughing (I’ve got a cold) my mom screamed from the other room, “Are you crying? What’s wrong?!” This was just too damn much for my soul.
LOL! Had mama thinking you were going through something. Which you kinda were.
Each one more rib-cracking than the last. But ‘lactoast & tolerant’ takes the cup!
I’m over here dying laughing at this. I also remember the uproar on Twitter from most of these.
But I’m mad that the “cereal rapist” tweet didn’t make the cut. LMAO
Hmm… I musta missed the “cereal rapist” tweet. I don’t remember that one.
Who did he rape, Cap’n Crunch, Count Chocula, or that silly rabbit turning TRIX? LMAO.. I JUST CANNOT!!!!
LOL what bout Toucan Sam? Don’t leave him out.
Y’all don’t know. Reading this gave me life today. Thank you!
Your critiques had me on the floor! lol!!!
Giving life via ratchetness is what I aspire to do. Mission: accomplished. 😀
This would be funny…but since I don’t read the white man’s dictionary, minus well take notes! 😉
Take #knowts indeed.
I guess I won’t be able to due to my low selves of steam.
My phone is prone to random autocorrections of slang and what not, so I’m pretty mindful to check my own tweets and make fun of and correct myself. I also have been known to use (*sp) when spelling a word that I THINK may be wrong. However, this shit right here??? I just…
Yeah what’s funniest bout all these tweets is the assured way the tweeter tweeted them. Like “this point I’m making rocks.” NAWL!
*dead* Please don’t let MJB eulogize me though she be jackin folks names up….its too early for this fuckery lemme go find my asthma pump
Chile, MJB coulda easily been 10 of these 25 tweets.
Very funny, but I had to stop reading. I think I was becoming dumber but each new tweet. lol
Read one (dumb tweet), teach one (to not tweet the same)
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. If I ever teach in district that allows corporal punishment, I will threaten to beat anyone writing like this especially if they know better.
Feel free to laugh first then cry later after you think about it. And if corporal punishment is allowed, a beating would be your OBLIGATION for these types of mistakes.
This whole list just kicked my soul. THIS is why I can’t follow some celebs because it might kill the little respect I have left for some of them. And Waka….*sigh*….every time he opens his mouth, a grammar teacher rolls in their grave.
Waka is the Child that was Left Behind.
THIS!!! Lawd… you ain’t lying!
I’m just gonna… go over here >>> *thud*
*fans you* *throws water on your face*
Just hilarious!
This is THE BEST year end wrap up EVER! Great work. A great morning laugh… I’m not even gonna read this twice.
It’s even funnier the 2nd time reading some of these tweets.
The best have to be when someone is trying to sound A LOT more intelligent than they are… “Defense Magnesium”? LMAO! iDied thrice!
Apparently the girl talking about “the white man’s dictionary” used that as a “defense magnesium” as well. BWAHAHA! I’m going to have a ton of fun showing this to people today.
I wanted to laugh at some of the other ones, but I really couldn’t decipher what was being said. 🙁
There are 2 of these that I’m still like WTF? Some folks clearly made up a whole new illogical language.
Standing ovation, ladies!
I’d like to add this gem from Ms. Mary J. Blige:
@bitchysnob that’s all you Got?? Grow up! Lol!!! Everyone miss spells words on here! Waisting no more energy on you! Lol!!!! Waist of time!
you mean Standing ovulation?
Presizely!! 🙂
Ya know what…? DMario, GO AWAY! lol
Bless Mary J’s heart. She’s just… she should stick to singing.
this made my morning!!! I never see these tweets in real time but someone I follow always retweets them. appreciate the laughs.
Thank you so much for this laugh. I’m no English major so I’m always double checking my spelling and grammar.
You promised another classic post today & you’ve succeeded. Well done.
This was hilarious. I was in tears by #10…Thank you both Zindzi & Luvvie.
Shut Up i am literally crying right now! I have to make sure i keep my game tight on twitter lmao
With each dumb tweet my faith in US education systems was weakened, but Zindzi said she consulted her Laotian Man’s dictionary, I was drop kicked through the goal posts of life.
Yeah. The public school system has failed us all and left ALL these children behind. WOMP!
I have truly been rendered speechless by this entire post, lol! I can’t wait to see what 2011 has to offer.
2011 will be bigger and better. I claim it! 😀
I’m glad everyone enjoyed the article. What bothers me the most is that I had SO many misspelled tweets to choose from!
Man, it’s so many other tweets that #couldof been incldued on this list…like some #won saying Kanye makes up words, like sarcophagus! LOL
#Grate list ladies!!! The commentary after each tweet makes the post even funnier!
OMG I’m crying so hard right now… I got to #5 and said “Gatdamb this is sofaking ignorant” (pardon my french). I refuse to follow Tyrese and Chris Brown. Especially MJB; it hurts too much. But yeah I follow Waka on purpose just for the ignance.
These right here??
Luvvie: If she lacked toast, why ain’t she just eat waffles? Maybe she couldn’t tolerate it. Oh. That ain’t it?
Zindzi: What annoyed me about this one was her attitude about being corrected. She CLEARLY meant “debauchery”, but when she was corrected, she said “not everyone uses the White Man’s dictionary”. So, to be fair, I consulted my Laotian Man’s dictionary, and yeah, “debotury” isn’t in there, either
And a brain is a chest if it can’t execute. Wayment… O___O (-__-)
I’ont ‘preciate y’all making me hurt like this. *wheezing*
Awesome post!!
OMG!!!! #selfofsteam #defensemagnesium
Enough said. I laughed til I cried at this. Great job ladies.
*curtsies* 😀
FYI, an “escape goat” is what Amish bank robbers use to get away.
Blunted: FYI, an “escape goat” is what Amish bank robbers use to get away
Help me, Tom Cruise!!
Tom Cruise can be of NO help to you. lol
LMAO!!! You dumb as hell.
You just gained a new follower with this post! This is the first thing to make me laugh in 3 days!
YAYYYY!!! *cartwheels* This makes me happy. Welcome!
Whyyyy must you murk me on my birthday, Luvvie?!? Whhhyyyyyyy? *throws self off bed*
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CAPRICORN!!!! *hugs you* *throws confetti*
Oh my God! #18 is my favorite. Really, I have a degree in English and I know I make some typos, but damn!!
Too funny. Thanks for the laughs.
You’s welcome!
“I have sint this out to som uf my friends who don’t have twitter to let thim know what there missing out on!!! My sister is an Inglish major and I can’t wate to see her reaction to this.”
Okay, my soul almost disowned me for typing that way and those red lines are bothering me. *REALLY trying to NOT go back and correct them*
I don’t know which one was worse. I stopped following Rev. Run b/c he tweeted something that was misspelled and grammatically incorrect and I just couldn’t.
Tyrese is slowly losing his sexiness in my book. Like you fine and all but I can’t deal with a man who, if he was to ever actually WRITE me a love letter, deciphering what he’s trying to tell me would take ALL of the sweetness and thoughtfulness out of the whole letter.
Good post, I’m trying to get this everywhere, I’m going to RT it, put a link to it on my Tumblr and fbk it and email it out as well.
Rev Run and his wisdumb… girl I don’t have time. And yah, I bet it took a lotta effort for you to type like that.
Truly appreciate you passing this on too! Thanksies!
You’re quite welcome, any time.
my sister, the English major, read it and was truly disturbed. About 2 years ago she and I met this woman who’d just written her first book. She gave each of us a free copy and that book has so many grammatical, spelling, and tense errors it’s almost hard to read.
and my friends, who don’t have Twitter, got a lot of laughs out of this.
OH GLLLOORRRAAAAAYYY!!!! this is hilarious! “for colored tweets who induce suicide with their illiterate literary attempts to be smart when the rainbow isnt spelled correctly” im still wiping tears! LOL…yeah i really did. not the “lol” straight face kind…hahaha
Sadly, these tweets are more of an indication of a sub-standard educational system that is intentionally handicapping people of color rather than an opportunity to feign superiority over the educationally disabled.
1) You’re assuming that all these errors were made by underprivileged people of color, which is untrue.
2) These are just jokes, and honestly, if you’re smart enough to use technology, create a Twitter account and Tweet, you should know basic phrases and know how to spell correctly.
Right and I KNOW my comp. is not the only one that will give you the red line if SOMEthing doesn’t look right (got it just then capitalizing the first half of that word)and if you right click on it, it’ll give you the correct term.
Or more of an indication that grown people using the computer should pay attention to the little red squiggly line that automatically pops up when typing something incorrectly, hell even the green line that comes up when the whole dang sentence is just.plain.wrong. The assumption that all of these tweets are from people of color is also an indication that you may need to chill on the profiling, racially. Be blessed, I hope your intentions were good. 🙂
“Selves of Steam” is my fondest 2010 memory. I use it daily.
Oh and “cerrobopause”…. iCant…
LIFE BE BREATHED INTO ME BECAUSE I JUST DIED…several times! HA!!!!! Yes. Yes. Yes.
18) @neivexsharpe: My grandma was lactoast & tolerant, my mom kinda is. That means I might, aslo?! Daaanngg it -_-
*throws mouse acoss the room*
We ain’t paying for no new mouse for you!!! lol
Before I continue laughing.. Are we absolutely sure these celebs tweet themselves? If so… {Proceeds laughing} at least kanye admits his grammar is terrible, he warns before he tweets
This post right here makes me wanna be your hype woman. Like I wanna walk around with you and co-sign everything you say. I follow you around with a boom box playing “Eric B. For President” as your theme music. I wanna go to random municipalities on primary and election day and write your name in for all of the offices on the ballot. I wanna start an urban marketing firm, hire some nuckas for a street team, wrap a van and put Luvvie flyers all over the hood.
In other words, you a’ight wit me gurl! This ish was hilarious!
ROTFLMAOOOO @ hype woman. This doggone comment is soooo awesome. I just wanna put it in my pocket and take it places with me.
thank you, luvvie & zindzi for helping me clear the madness from my chest. laughter truly is the best medicine.
Your hair is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!!! Natural hair FTW!!!
I don’t follow him but some of my followers were going in on 50 Cent after he did a rant trying to threaten somebody all the while using incorrect grammar and misspelling SIMPLE words. What’s worse is, when he tried to make excuses and say “it’s just twitter” or whatever and those were misspelled as well.
off topic but why hasn’t this post gone to my email? I always get an email when there are new blogs up but I have yet to get the one about this blog. Good thing I’m following you on Twitter or I’d have missed out. lol
it just got to my email, sorry
50 Cent is an idiot. That doggone buffoon. Chile don’t get me started on that asshole.
Hmm… did you finally get the post in your inbox? I hope so! Feedburner musta been on CP time delivering the email.
Sam Jack speaks for me:
ROTFL dead at all of it! Whoooo best tears laugh of this week!
My Qdoba is now ALL over my computer screen. Lawd Luvvie I’se feeling mighty down I’se feeling mighty low and then I seent yo post and now I know.
… THERE IS A GAWD!! *miss sofia rock back and forth*
I somehow made it to #25 and have been laughing — out loud no less — for the last 30 minutes. Profetiobal?!?! Genuine tears. In my mind I heard it read in Katt Williams’ voice.
I STILL don’t know what profertiobal is supposed to be/mean.
I really think he meant “professional” but I could be wrong
a typo for professional, maybe. But what is sullibant?
I’m thinking maybe sullibant = celibate
I think you are right, he meant celibate. But why are people that *expletive considered* stupid having sex anyway?
I can’t stop laughing. Thanks for making my day. Love the site.
YAYYY!!! Glad to make your day. And I love your tumblrs, girl!
First…please don’t clown the mixspelling of my username, email and websight. I was tryna be different.
B) You owe me pants…and a therapy chair since I will forever be using Depends due to this post.
and HEREUNTO…this is funny as all be damned. As a fellow “Grammar Nazi” I choke down my inner scholar to keep from going bush-wack-a-doodle on these Innernet folks (You KNOW I’m gonna be on-porpoise mixspelling all day) I needed this laugh.
…a new fan!
LOL no clowning. I spelled Queen as “Kween” on my Twitter profile. But there’s a difference in misspelling on purpose to be tongue in cheek and just KNOWING you’re correct but be dead wrong.
Glad to have you! 🙂
Well, gee, I tweeted the dumbest tweets I could find for about 6 months but only ever garnered 9 followers. So two weeks ago I gave up and changed my username from @2dumb2tweet to @fradenscheude.
I can’t believe I missed out on a popular blog entry from my failed experiment! The tweets I RT’d were dumber than most of the ones in this article. They’re still there, fwiw (unless the original tweeters deleted their tweets).
LAWD! I read this once on the way to work this morning, and cackled out loud and had several people look at me like I was insane…*shrug*…then came back to the post after seeing someone tweet “elegend deaf”…well…
Kudos for a great post, #doe!
“Elegend deaf” just murked me. Chile…
Somebody translate please. WTH is “Elegend deaf” ????? English is my first and only language…
This right here is one of theee funniest things I have ever read on these here internets…Wow. This is a classic. Can’t wait to share!
Thanks much! And share away! The masses must read about the foolishness we deal with on Twitter regularly!
I can’t effing breathe. I stopped on 19. I can’t.
19??? I hope you didn’t miss the other 8! lol.
Thank you for making me laugh so hard that I cried. And please, save the children. Happy New Year, y’all!
You’re welcome, Pattycakes! lol
For all egrets and porpoises, this minor well bee won of the wurst tweets of the year:
@KimKardashian: The lightening flashed and Khloe and I thought it was camera flashes! Haha
Dumb, tweet, iCackled at Zindzi’s response:
@MissZindzi: Barack Obama RT @buccibandana What was the President’s name in 1975?
I’m still crying laughing… This was epic (though technically, thinking about these grammatically challenged tweeters is actually quite depressing)
I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time. I’m over here CRYING! My husband thinks I’m crazy because I did a couch slide on to the floor while reading this post. This is exactly what I needed today so THANK YOU!
I’m mad that 100+ people retweeted those misspelled tweets by Tyrese, Chris Brown, etc. ((smdh))
You know folks love the drama! lol
I died TWICE and Jesus brought me back LOLOL
Thanks for wetting my eyes for an hour
Praise 5 lb 7 oz sweet alabaster brown baby Jesus!!
Jesus was white.
I hate that I figured this out, but “sullibant” is supposed to be “celibate”. I am just glad that @slimthugga isn’t my son.
This was hilarious! I love that Tyrese posts dumb shit on Twitter and has a book coming out. Makes me feel like my NYT Bestselling dreams aren’t in vain.
My favorite dumb ass tweet was from someone who said they love watching #sesemystreet.
Big Bird, Elmo, Ernie, Bert, Oscar, Cookie Monster and friends have just cried their eyes out over WHOEVER tweeted misspelling the street they’ve lived on for over 40 yrs (at least I think it’s been 40 yrs, I’m only 25)
These have made my day. I am over here crying.
Please forward this link to all of the above tweeters:
It is a guide to avoiding common spelling errors in the language of dumb ass.
I figured it would be useful.
(*note* It was super hard for me not to add a misspelling or two for kicks, but I have a thing against that squiggly red line that displays all of my spelling errors that the aforementioned tweeters have some sort of immunity to).
#25 misspelling AND typo!! I mean sometimes it’s hard to control your fingers on a kainoard, but REALLY!! :p
I made the list twice? It’s a Mr. Meanor what you do people.
*squints* Is that really you, Tyrese???
[…] 25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010…AwesomelyLuvvie […]
I knew reading this was certain death…
I died but Jesus sent me back *OhMy*
Just so funny! Thank you for these.
[…] Awesomely Luvvie: 25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010 […]
[…] upon a 10 things That didn’t happen in 2010 list, and a 25 worst tweets of 2010 write up recently, which inspired this one. Not albums from ’10 any of them, in fact most of […]
I’m literally in tears, grammatical errors make me laugh so hard. This is my most favourite blog post of all times.
(P.s in Jamaica we spell favorite as favourite)
Just letting it be known 😉 lol.
Jamaica and all the rest of the Commonwealth countries 🙂
I laughed so hard I almost wet myself. My timeline has just caught on to this post and I’m dying with how they’re using the mistakes. But seriously English is a dying language .. SMH .. Escape goat?! Really wah di bumboclaat? But my favourite would have to be Self of Steam 0_o Im going to use that in an email soon and traumatize my father
this was pure hilarity! I thought I was alone in spotting these nuances! And so right, TYRESE does it the most whilst being so prophetic! I can’t…dead.wid.laff
Absolutely hilarious!
As usual Luvvie is trying to cause me to choke ta def…..don’t appreciate it lol
I had to catch my breath from laughing so hard at this post. Freaking hilarious!
I can’t believe I just had the time to read this. I am laughing so hard. “Pedal Stool” OMGoodness! Thanks for the laugh and check out We of Hue (formerly Moms of Hue).
i got one for 2011:
“#Mainchick eats flaming young & #Sidechick eats Mcdonalds …LoL”
he meant filet mignon. and flaming young doesnt even sound appealing…
I’m sitting here looking at my phone laughing probably looking crazy as hell…what is heights of magnesium??? Low selves of steam….escape goat??? Is this real life…it can’t be! You are hilarious!
I know it isn’t 2010 anymore, but I just ran across this tweet, and I quote, “I just mite haft to commit sue aside if I don’t get any pu**y soon…” Sue aside? I won’t even go in on the rest of the tweet… x_x #dead
SUE ASIDE???? You know what???? iCan’t.
Ok so to defend #7, that was just a simple TYPO. The letter(S) is right next to the letter(D). But as far as all the rest, they sound retarded!!!
That was the funniest ever!!! I used to do the same thing with FB status updates! It used to piss me off, but now I just realize that people are really dumb.
[…] final fave comes from the 25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010: “Ladies that fall in luv with other peoples boyfriends have low selves of […]
I know I’m super late in reading this, but it had me IN TEARS just the same. I think Tyrese was trying to say PROVERBIAL forgiver. o__0
That’s a mess. Which is why I check and double-check with my spell check before I give ANY tweet the green light. 😉
I. Can’t. #Breeve.
Sweet Baby Jesus, help me! How I need thee Lord! ROTFL!!!!
OMG i cried with laughter! had to take breaks inbetween as well. that bad (or good depending how u look at it!) lol worst part is i’m in actually in a silent part of the library with only one other person who by now must believe i’m insane! ah well! 😛
great stuff!
i just can’t with the stupidity… buuuuuuut it makes for superb levels of entertainment when i’m supposed to be working…
Gaddam! I have to tweet this hehehhe
I have a fresh 2011 contender:
@cosmonaut84 Beau Brayfield
i stil think donald trump shuld reconsidir, he wud good this county into good place #trump2012
i am soooo late, but wow if this didn’t just make my day. gosh. that dumbest tweets blog just got my vote!
This shit had me ROLLING. LMFAO
For the first time in my life my ability to read is a handicap b/c I had to reread some of those SEVERAL times just to understand what they were trying to say. I guess this is the new thing now- Twitterfied Anglish
I really hope Twitterfied Anglish doesn’t become the new thing. I’d really weep for humanity.
I don’t know what to say. Speechless…and I didn’t even have to use a dictionary to spell anything in this entire paragraph correctly. I hesitate to have children, because if they end up like any of these idiots, I will kill them. Seriously.
I couldn’t understand most of what they were trying to say until I read your commentary. This is sad and twitter is the DEBIL!!!!
this post made my night! thank you……. still snickering…….
I love this stuff! Very funny.
People crack me up.
OMG. I’m crying!
[…] like “Eff a complex being!” They have signs and everything, not really, but they #minuswell. For example, today folks were talking about the alleged false separation story of Will and […]
I am sooooooooo late to this post, but boy if this didn’t make my damn day!!! I am crying! I have real tears of laughter.
[…] 25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010 * Dear Lil Kim, the Mixtape and Nicki Minaj Beef. Girl… * APimpNamedSlickFront: Whose Uncle […]
I just have to say – why haven’t I found this site before? This was hilarious! Twitter English has found its way into the school system. My friend who is a middle school teacher showed me some papers she was correcting, and so many of them looked like texting shortcuts. SMH…
Awesome site Luvvie. I will be back! And I will keep spell checking my tweets! ;D
so glad I didn’t make this list! i was crying! lmao I hope you get the thanksgiving plate pics from tomorrow.
You forgot to add tweets from MIKE EPPS! I had to stop following him bc I was losing IQ points reading them….smh
ok, thank you for sharing!
[…] year, Miss Zindzi and I collaborated to bring you the 25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010, summarizing a year’s worth of stupidity on Twitter into 25 highlights (or lowlights, […]
[…] and see the “25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010” from last […]
[…] * 50 Dumbest Tweets of 2011: Part 1 * 50 Dumbest Tweets of 2011: Part 2 * 25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010 […]
The s being next to the d is the difference between sick and dick….
Maybe that’s why all these celebs have herpes?
ps…you may want to check out you tube comments…peep this gem
onlyprincessRayRay I love Cars That Go Boom ! i was me and my possy wit bunny d .we were crusin in the jag or the lambregney
onlyprincessRayRay i mean it was
(Smh…smh again)
Now I understand that sometimes you misspell things and not everyone has the internet browser that shows you your spelling misktakes. However if you are going to post soemthing on a public forum proof read it first. Then again some people are just idiots.
[…] It’s called, and it’s over a year old. Also, I created a “25 Dumbest Tweets of 2011” post back in December 2011 and a “50 Dumbest Tweets of 2011“ post (well, 2 […]
Thank you. The “minus well” tweet was the proof I needed when someone doubted me that there are folks who actually think “might as well” is spelled that way. The first time I saw it I thought they were referring to a hole in the ground where you find subtraction symbols.
[…] 25 dumbest tweets of the year. […]
[…] 25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010 […]
[…] 25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010 […]
Why oh why am I just finding out about this???
OMG you guys made my day. I could not even understand half of those tweets until you somewhat translated them back to English in your commentary. Bahahahah!
[…] actually the area I still struggle with most. As Luvvie would say, it’s probably a low shelf of steam issue. I have to give a lot of credit here to my husband, mother, and close friends who encourage […]
Apparently Tyrese also thinks that Pounds and Euros are the same thing
Luvvie you #shouldof put an “NSFW disclaimer”. This had me cackling in the office like the wicked witch of the west and now my boss is side eyeing me cos he knows I ain’t working
[…] Props to @MissZindzi, who’s been running the Dumbest Tweets blog with me and she helped kick off the first ever list (25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010). […]
I can’t believe Tyrese’s “Aurthur” announcement didn’t make the cut!! Maybe that particular blunder was made in 2011.