So I Watched Chi-Raq the Movie: My Review
Spike Lee has never been known for his subtlety as a filmmaker and that is surely not going to change with his latest movie, Chi-Raq. The title is in your face, and so is everything else about it. It’s a film that has been drowning in controversy since it was …

Come Celebrate My Blog’s Birthday at My Awesomely Golden Party in Chicago!
My peoples! On August 8, 2006 I launched this website. Back then it was called “Luvvie’s Random Rants” and I had just graduated from college. I felt like I had outgrown my Xanga blog (remember Xanga?) so I moved to Blogger, shut down my old blog that I had for three …

Ratchet and the Geek Podcast: Episode 15 (Chicago Live)
Scott was in Chicago last week for a conference and while he was here, we decided to record our 2nd live version of the Ratchet and the Geek podcast. The first time we recorded it and allowed folks to watch on YouTube was when I was in Portland in May …

SnowtoriousBIG is Here! Stay Safe, Chitowners!
As you all know, we’re in the midst of SnowtoriousBIG, the goon ass blizzard that is coming through Chicago and the Midwest. Skinny people of Chicago! If you’re going outside today, please wear a heavy backpack so you don’t get blown away by the wind. Kthx! Don’t get Dorothy’ed from …

Rio Won Olympics and Chicago’s Mad
So by now, you already heard that Rio won the 2016 Olympics. My poor city, Chicago was the first one eliminated. The Olympic Committee went: “I’m happy for you, Chicago & I’mo let you finish, but Rio had the BEST Olympic bid of ALL TIME! Oh, and 2016 DEEZ!!! Giggity, …

NorthFace Strengthens Me
Y’all already know this winter has been on some Kentucky Freeze-A-b*tch type stuff. It’s been horrendous. I’ve quit Chicago a plethora of times, telling it to pack its sh*t and GO and I meant it. It actually had the nerve to be -11 for a couple of days. What in …
Coldest Winter Ever
And no, I’m not referring to Sister Souljah’s book. It’s -26 degrees (feels like it anyway) right now in the Chi. That is a screenshot I took of weather.com. Like in REAL life, not virtual. it’s reported that this is the coldest it has been since 1996. I don’t know …
Chicago is Giving Me Brain Freeze
Seriously, I was going to write an entry today but I stepped outside, and I believe my brain fluid froze. Chicago ain’t SH*T for this weather. How cold is it, you ask? According to weather.com, It is currently 8 degrees, but the wind chill makes it feel like 11 degrees …

I Hate Winter
I just can’t cope. I’m not sure why it hits me hard every year like its the first time, but I hate cold weather/winter! I mean really. This ish is ridiculous. Today is like 20 degrees below obscene in Chicago (ok, its 17 degrees, but you get my point). I …
Celebrate Good Times for Obama!
I was on YBF.com a couple of days ago, and she put a list up of ways for Black folks to celebrate if Obama wins to keep folks from getting nervous, at least for the first few days. I already broke ALL them rules and it has only been an …