Whose Birthday Cake is This?
I found my newest guilty pleasure in the website NoWayGirl.com. It is NOTHING but epic foolery in picture form. I came across one of their pictures and my side-eye was so strong my eyes hurt afterwards. Wait a minute. Wait a GAHTDAMB minute. IS that a cake with pistols, shotguns, …

Whose T-Shirt Is This? Jesus Ain’t Sanction It
One of my readers passed this pic to me, and all I did was give EXTREME side-eye. Sir… I’m pretty sure Jesus, nor his disciples, nor Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Shadrack, Meshack or the Billy Goat, sanctioned the existence of this shirt. I mean, I respect his fervor and passion …

Whose Legs Are These? And Where’d She Get Those Boots?
I was on Facebook, when I ran across a picture on my newsfeeds, posted by one of the folks I went to college with. And I wonder… This woman LITERALLY drank herself UNDER the toilet. How do you drink to the point of passing out in between two toilet stalls, …

Whose Wayward Family Is This?
So I seem to be a glutton for punishment. Everytime I tell folks to add pictures of foolery and ratchetness on my Facebook fan page’s wall, they go above and beyond this duty. Especially Scarlett. This chile has NO sense! Anywho, last go-round, she added like 10. And each one …

Whose Sexy Flexy Granny Is This?
So the other day. I decided to put on my Facebook fan page that folks can feel free to share any photos, videos or stories of foolery that they find. Why? Foolery I asked for, and foolery I got. This picture happened. WHOSE GRANNY IS THIS??? I feel so ashamed …

Whose Dumb Idea Is This? Kohl’s Failed!
Ladies and gentlefools. You know when I post back to back in a day, I mean business. Well I had to post about this as it came across my gchat. Afrobella sent me this link and I went AWF!!! Like cussing tourette’s. A “Ghetto Fab Wig?” You have GOT to …

Whose Aunty is This With the Windshield Wiper Brows?
I was on MissJia.com when I saw this picture below. And I was forced to save it and make it my Twitter background. I think at least once an hour, someone tweets me talmbout “WHAT IS THAT?!?” I don’t even… I just… *facepalm* WHAT (not who) is this? Where do …

APimpNamedSlickFront. Whose Uncle Is This?
I introduce you to Allen E. Brown aka APimpNamedSlickFront aka The Pimp Who Murked Me. He is actually a pimp in New Jersey who was running a prostitution ring, and ended up being sentenced to 18 years in jail. I took ONE look at this picture and had roast tourette’s. Let’s make a list of ALL the things that are wrong with this picture. I’d probably save time if I listed everything that was right = NOT A DAMB THING!

Whose Cousin is This with the Jolly Rancher Barrettes?
Whose ratchet ol’ cousin is this?!? I saw this picture and wanted to go kick every trashcan in a 5-mile radius. There’s sooo much tomfoolery in this picture that I don’t even know where to start. Fine, I guess we’ll work our way down from the top. First he has colored contacts. Then braids. With Jolly Rancher beads. iCan’t.