Whose Cool Ass Shady Cat is This?
Everyone knows that cats are the patron saints of petty in the animal kingdom, so when I saw this photo from Imgur I had to share it on my Awesomely Luvvie Facebook page:

This is Jack. He got into a fight and ended up with a wound on his side. The Vet suggested a shirt as a less stressful approach to keep him from chewing it, rather than a plastic cone. Fun Fact: Most cats fit into baby shirts sized 0-3 months.
Basically, this cat is cool AF. And sick of everyone’s shit.
In the midst of Cheeto administration awfulness, this shady cat gave LuvvNation some joy and your comments had me howling!
Zuri: Jack is the CEO of a tech startup that has yet to go live on any product but has segways in the office.
Joy: Tell Jack I got this roommate named Foxy. She is single and ready to mingle.
Veronica: “Fun Fact: Most cats fit into baby shirts sized 0-3 months.” This is not information I needed to be aware of. I will not use it. I will not use it. I will not use it. I will not……. use……. *runs to Target in a cloud of smoke*
Marcia: For the record I don’t know any 0-3 month old that could rock this shirt with Jack’s aplomb.
Luvvie: They don’t have the swag.
Katya: Jack is obviously Janice’s pet. He’s tired of the bs, just like she is.
Luvvie: This is definitely Janice from HR’s cat.
Leah: This is the most Gen X cat I have ever seen. All he needs is a black coffee and a general air of ennui.
Gaye: And a man bun.
Leah: And a goatee.
Ambrey: And either a girlfriend wearing a sundress with tights and a winter scarf or a boyfriend named Gavin or Seamus.
Leah: “Of course I don’t have a smart phone. I like to actually talk to people. *rolleyes*”
Abbie: And of course, he plays ACOUSTIC guitar.
Leah: And rides a bicycle older than most of his co-workers.
Abbie: Or a unicycle.
Stacey: Wait, wait! No man buns for us GenX geezers. I’m also over here giggling because everyone is *usually* bagging on the Millennials.
Leah: Or a pennyfarthing, which he rides on weekends in a three-piece suit.
Litisha: His voice is a mix of Niles and Frazier Crane. Lol
Angela: In 2017, we are all this cat.
Tamisha: Jack ready to fight.
Luvvie: He gon put some paws on some folks.
Gaye: See now that’s what got Jack in trouble in the first place.
Mandy: Jack got to Sephora too late for the Fenty dark shades of foundation.
Tulani: #thesepaws
Laura: Oh you have no idea the amount of paws and claws they gone get when they try to take that off
Rachel: Jack is going to pick up that guitar and meow John Mayer covers until you fling your panties at him and scream.
Christine: Jack will be smothering you in your sleep. Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow, or the next day. Watch yourself.
Danielle: Jack said not today. Do NOT bring the covfefe over thisaway.
Kandyce: Jack is planning to get his human back for this cute shenanigan and its gonna be epic lol
Gaye: Jack dares you to say something about his shirt. In fact, “Jack” is short for Samuel L. Jackson Cat, and he has already dealt with several m%#&$ people with something to say about his m&@<$ shirt!
H: We all have been this cat since November 9, 2016.
K.W.: Oh, Jack’s got a few kittymamas in these streets. Bet.
K.W.: You know it’s true! He done rolled up on some unsuspecting calico with that collar popped….next thing she knows she’s stuck with a litter by her lonesome. #deadbeatcatdaddy
Candice: And asking for a caternity test. Maury, tell ’em that I ain’t them cats’ daddy.
Alisha: That cat was calm as Hell to allow someone to put the shirt on him. Also, his face screams “ALL MY LIFE I HAD TO FIGHT”.
Lysha: Jack has completely run out of damns, fucks and shits. #nopenottoday
Mrz: Jack doesn’t like all this new bullshit they call music now. Jack doesn’t drink no pansy ass foofy coffee. Just regular Joe. And you better give him a bourbon with a beer back. A REGULAR beer. None of that craft shit. And stay the hell off his lawn.
Kegan: Jack looks like he’s been hip to the latest IPAs before they were cool. And no, he doesn’t pay to get in because he totally knows the guy at the door.
Monique: Jack looks like he could use a shot of Hennessy. It’s been a hell of a day.
Suzana: That popped collar is everything.
Jasmyn: I’d be scared to square up with Jack. That stare though?
Carmen: Jack just wish a MF would…
Suzanne: Jack is like “bitch I would’ve preferred the cone. Wit dis bullshyt! You know this ain’t got shyt to do with no wound. This ’bout your damn 2017 holiday card.”
Zuri: Jack is ready to go to Starbucks and complain about how triggered he is by his bourgeois parents’ unrealistic expectations of him.
Zahnwhea: Saw this post. Immediately went to look through my daughter’s clothes for something for my cat to wear.
Kenya: That baby is pissed to the highest of pistivity lol
Mak: Jack looks like prefers chilled scotch when he isn’t kicking other cat ass.
Melanie: Jack doesn’t always wear shirts, but when he does he rolls the sleeves and pops the collar. Jack is the most interesting cat in the world.
Diana: One of my boys is a neurotic over-groomer of his lower belly, and he has a kitty onesie. The difference between a kitty onesie and a baby onesie is a reinforced cutout for purposes of evacuation and $35. I should really learn to sew.
Carol: Y’all know good and damn well Jack was high af when he let someone dress him in this get up. Now he mad cause none of his homies stopped this Madness #paybackisgonnabeabeotch
Nicole: I love this cat. He’s giving everybody the “fuck you looking at” face. We all should be like Jack.
Nova: JACK IS PISSED. Apparently, you got the wrong color and pattern fool. How’s Jack supposed to go out like that in front of his friends? Dang it man!!!
Oona: Actually, I think the cat is more like “Get me outta this effing button-down shirt before I end you…”
LeQuenta: Jack is straight up saying “not today Satan…not today”
Felix: Jack is WEARING that shirt.
Eliza: Jack has been playing guitar for years. Jack could be the guy who pulls out a guitar at a party. But he isn’t because he doesn’t need your fucking validation, alright?
Michelle: Jack is being forced to watch Fox News and in the not so far recesses of his mind has cussed #45 for the whole of his remaining time in office for the dirty filth that lies beneath that urnge lacefront of shambles atop his head.
Jaquita: Jack is writing strongly worded letters to the HOA about his lawn care and has left all his f#@$ in his other shirt.
Paige: My boyfriend said it looks like he vapes.
Erika: This cat must have borrowed the shirt from one of those babies that works the swing shift down at the factory.
Anette: This cat is sitting in a Starbucks drinking a pumpkin spice latte and writing his 4th self published novel titled “#FightMeBitch: I’m cool as Shit.” He has a condo in Seattle, drives a 2015 Prius and only eats organic, free-range chicken.
Charlese: Looking like he’s about to rehearse the choreo for MJ’s Bad video. #WhosBad #JacksBad
Bridgette: Oh, Jeezus! They gave him a Tinder profile! “Jack, 34. Sings and plays acoustic guitar. Girls think he’s sensitive and deep but he’s just “in it for the pussy.” Wears too much Axe body spray, smokes Camel non filters, Charles Bukowski is his personal hero. Reads in bars.”
Deidre: I would try this with my Kiwi, but she flopped over like she was dead when I tried putting a harness on her. She would really perform in a shirt.
Kanda: His name is Braxton, but the homies call him Brax.
Natasha: This cat takes its milk out of an avocado only.
Erin: He looks like a hipster who smokes French cigarettes and hates us all for being so pedestrian and uninteresting.
Jennifer: Hipster cat got the wrong latte. Hipster cat is unamused.
Jennifer: Plaid, really Mother? You could of at least bought me Burberry!!
Christina: This cat would go savage on that bird’s nest on top of 45’s ragedy ass head.
Jessea: John ‘Cougar’ Mellencat! ‘Ain’t That America’
Nicole:Please tell me this cat belongs to Maxine Waters.
Julie: That is the look of a cat that is going to shit DIRECTLY on someone’s bed. He ain’t havin’ it!!
Michael: Jack isn’t mad, he’s disappointed.
Clinton: Jack is an artist and he’s sensitive about his shit and dares a motherfucker to talk bad about his art.
Monique: #catbae
Cool ass cat. I’m here for Jack.
I so needed this laugh. The Luvv Nation never disappoints.
This is the feline version of the Dos Equis man. LOL!
I love this! I love anything shady….