Whose Woke Kid Wrote This Journal Entry and Why am I So Proud?
As you know, I’m a fan of kids and old people. They have an earnestness to them that I love, and they are uncheckable because of it. It also helps that my YoungOld self tries to not let that part of myself die. This is why I aspire to be the kind of parent who raises children who don’t like being lied to and will call people out on their shenanigans (politely, of course).
On Facebook, a woman named Alanya posted a journal entry that a little boy, named King, wrote as an assignment in school. She wondered whose kid wrote it, and I had the same question. Because this kid is amazing and whoever raised him did well.
In case you can’t read it well, it says:
“Today was not a good learning day. Blah blah blah I only wanted to hear you not talking. You said something wrong and I can’t listen when I hear lies. My mom said that the only Christopher we acknowledge is Wallace. Because Columbus didn’t find our country. The Indians did. I like to have Columbus Day off but I want you to not tell me lies. That is all. My question for the day is how can white people teach Black history?”
When I tell you that King is my newest hero, I mean it! I straight HOLLERED as I read because King lowkey got bars, and he dropped a few. So much truth in so few words! “My mom said that the only Christopher we acknowledge is Wallace. Because Columbus didn’t find our country.” YES, KING. LET EM KNOW. Columbus ol’ wayward ass ain’t find shit and the fact that he has a federal holiday is a shame.
And then he tells his teacher that he can’t listen to lies. Lies are his ear kryptonite and he ain’t here (nor there) for them. Me too, King. Me. Gahtdamb. Too.
Even though he said that was all, he wasn’t finished until he dropped the question of the day week month year on teacher: how is caucasity teaching noir history? GOOD QUESTION, KING. The only better questions are “Why is Jadakiss as hard as it gets?” or “What REALLY is that on Jermaine Jackson’s head?”
Someone somewhere is all “but he’s rude.” Is he, though? Is his teacher not telling him lies with these lessons when he knows what really happened? This kid is inquisitive and his openness to seeking answers lets me know he is also willing to grow. Plus, he’s willing to listen to a TRUSTED authority figure (his mom) and he is challenging things as presented to him. I think he’s awesome and he will go very far.
And my favorite part (even though the ENTIRE THING is my fave) is how King responded to his teacher’s disappointment with a simple “ok.”

This is King.
You don’t argue with peasants. It’s like King just knew not to justify himself because HE SAID WHAT HE SAID. And who has the time? King is self-assured in his righteous indignation, and he knows he has every right to be sick of his teacher’s shit. Like a tree planted, he shall not be moved. That “ok” took me CLEAN out! “Ok” after someone says something long, or deep, or that you should have a response to, is next level shade.
King is alright with me.
Whose kid is this? Whoever King’s parents are. They deserve applause because they have raised a truthteller. I hope they bought him something. I know I’d be super proud.
Looka here Luvvie, I say “we pass hat” “set up a gofundKing”, or just get that baby some folding money for his wallet. My personal favorite response to folks is “ok” w/hint of crazy heffa for good measure. King, you’ve shown your royal blood & your aunties & uncles got your back. Don’t mess around & let us find what school district this is!
Oh please find it ????????????
What “very disappointed in your journal today” means is “you hurt my feelings.” My understanding of a journal is a space for the writer to share their thoughts and feelings. In my book, King gets and A+ because he did just that. Plus, shout out to the parents who named their child “King.” Claiming royalty and this baby is walking in it.
Exactly…you don’t get to be disappointed in someone else journal. Tell her King. His parents name him right y’all.
I love The King’s opening. “Today was not a good learning day.” Thank you for truth King. You wear your croan of truth well.
This is it exactly!!!!!! You don’t want to know my thoughts then don’t read my journal. Problem, meet solution.
Agreed. King is amazing and his teacher is not so much.
How is this teacher walking around after saying “I’m disappointed” with this journal entry? The point of teaching is to get kids to ask question! Thank you for sharing this and I hope King’s Mom will let us know where to send the gifts.
As an elementary school teacher, I think this is a fantastic form of communication and unquestionably sincere from a VERY precocious young man. We teachers always ask our students to write, whether in a journal or to reflect on an occurrence. King obviously detailed his reasons in a tight thesis “blah blah blah” towards his teachers’ astoundingly limited and pedantically ass-headed world view. I imagine the Charlie Brown teacher, in her low-toned TRUmPet drawl (see what I did there?) castigating King over his right to free speech, against unreasonable search and seizure, his right to a violence-free education. Because perpetuating the myth that Columbus “discovered” the United States of America (I know he didn’t, he “discovered” Hispaniola) is as bass-ackwards as you can be. Good on you, Mr. King, and godspeed. A➕
He didn’t discover Hispaniola, people were already living there, I am of Italian & Puerto Rican Heritage, imy Puerto Rican over ride my Italian when it comes to Cristóbal Colón/Cristoforo Colombo. All he did was rape & kill, We were human beings before him
I think that’s why she put discovered in quotation marks. Everyone knows he didn’t discover shit.
Beth Santellana agrees with you! That’s why she put “discovered” in quotes. I appreciate that we have teachers like her around who would validate a young man expressing himself as King did!
I wish you were this precious child’s teacher…
King is like newest personal heroes! I am totally on the King-Project!!!! Up! Up!!! King, yuh ting up deh!!! (Translated: King your thing is up there! Interpreted: King is a king!!)
Way up!!!
*…ONE OF MY newest personal heroes…
Replied ‘ok’. No lofty replies..just two letters lol! Love it ????
But my thought here is how much we can all learn with a simple “ok” which is so loaded. With two letters he said, “This is MY journal, and MY thoughts. Your approval of what I write here won’t make it any less true or significant for me. Woman up. Your lying-ass history lecture was disappointing to me.”
Yasss hunty! That OK covered a whole multitude of f*cks to NOT give concerning her opinion in HIS journal. The shade was cool and breezy…
Ok. or the Ok emoticon is my symbol/response for “gone nah”. King was not with the sh**ts today.
Master King has spoken, his mic has dropped with that definitive two letter reply!
He was respectful in his response to her opinion. She was given the right to be offended that she denied him. He called her on her bs and she he has to live with a kid calling her a liar. I once gave an quick answer to a kid who came back the next day and said my mom said that isn’t right. I assured her I got her quiet which was all I needed. We both laughed. Fifth graders are the best. Curious, silly and still huggable.
nothing but respect for my King. *bows down*
I agree with an earlier post that states this is King’s journal with his thoughts, and he is entitled to those thoughts. However, I wonder for anyone who supports his lingering question of how can a white person teach black history, do we really want to go down that slippery slope? Is it not okay for whites to teach black history and blacks to teach white history?
I believe that as long as a person has an appreciation and accurate knowledge for that culture, then they should be able to teach it. Now, is that the case for this teacher? Eh. Doesn’t sound like she’s off to a great start, but I wouldn’t want to put any teacher in a box because of their skin color. I know a white educator who teaches in a predominantly white school you includes a lot of Langston Hughes. The enthusiam and historical context she uses to teach about Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance is inspiring to her students who, let’s face it, probably don’t read much Hughes or other black literature.
My point is, if I appreciate a culture, I’m not necessarily saying I identify with it, belong to it, or agree/condone all of it. I’m saying that I appreciate how lessons from history can guide our future. I’m saying that a white teacher who loves black writers and black history should be allowed to teach it if they do so responsibly. I’m saying the same for black teachers who appreciate Anglo culture. I’m saying that I realize being WOKE is a good thing, but I don’t want to be WOKE to the point that I miss opportunities to be inclusive or have my lingering questions from other cultures go unanswered because I refuse to hear it if they don’t live it.
Gayle ????⚰️
**DEAD** at Gayle
Gayle! ????????????????????????
I read Luvvie every chance I get. But I promise you nothing has made me want to respond to a post as much as Gayle’s “ok”. ???????????? Girl, are you King’s Mama?
Gayle wins. ????????
Thank you Gayle!!! There’s always that one person. You made me post for the first time with that! Still laughing ????
I’m reading the comments to the post about King and I love them and agree. Then I roll up on the salty tears of * not all of us is her*. Then I see the simple yet eloquent, Ok. I howled.
I need life support! Your answer was EVERYTHANG!!!!
Gayle has killed me DEAD!! lmao
Oh, Gayle. Thank you.
King simply asked “My question for the day is how can white people teach Black history?” He did not say a white person COULDN’T teach Black history. He wanted to know after listening to THIS white person lie about the history if this was even a thing. I mean aren’t all Black people judged by the one who does the wrong thing? King is wise beyond his years, CLEARLY. And if we’re being real and true or trill, his teacher would’ve welcomed his question with a thoughtful answer instead of admonishing him. When she couldn’t get on his level, he responded respectfully and shadily and appropriately.
To Phillygirl: From one Phillyjawn to another 🙂 – King asked a question because clearly their journal entries must include a QOTD. His teacher could have very easily provided an answer if she wasn’t all in her feelings! During my freshman year at Hampton University, I had a white African-American History professor. When I walked into the class, I was stunned but quickly learned this man was on point!!! He gained the respect of the class because he was well learned and knew his ish. So, of course a white person (or any person) can teach Black history…just know your ish and tell the truth.
I agree wholeheartedly, Rochelle. We should all be striving to better understand, learn about, and RESPECT each other (and their opinions) across racial, cultural, and economical divides. Well stated.
I’m not gonna ignore this because my granddaughter attends a high school where, when it came time (read: NECESSARY) to start a BSU, only a white teacher spoke out and stepped up as sponsor. The only black teacher in the entire place spoke against it with an intensity that resembled rapture in the pulpit. Even the white kids were not there for Auntie Benita Carson.
I won’t reject the messenger out of hand based on the surface; and I won’t accept ignorance based on the same. Not all white people are your enemy; not all black ones are your friend. I’ll take Rachel Dolezal over Stacy Dash all day. Being woke is the bona fides required.
I don’t think it goes the other way. “White” history is basically the ONLY history for a LONG time. So we really only have their side to tell. When it comes to black history past slavery, it’s still their version for awhile. people have had to DIG and DEEP to find anyone else’s version. And even things further away from that time and closer to ours…..if we didn’t keep our history, it would be skewed in history books through their lens. There are PUBLISHED books in schools that refer to slaves, who didn’t have the option to be freed, as indentured servants. And still others talk about Native Americans as if they loved having the Europeans here and gave up their land voluntarily; and lets not forget to mention that we get the view that they can’t handle their liquor from white people too. So, I think his question was quite valid.
YES King! YES! School ’em!
Gayle’s OK was a flat out K.O!
“Ok” is my most favorite response ever. It’s how you shut down all arguments and I’m teaching my kids to use it regularly. Fortunately my 9 year old girlchild is already a pro. Because her mama taught her well. And genetics.
I’m usually a lurker on the blog but want to comment. This kid here? He gives me hope for our future. #WokeAF
I’m disappointed in the teacher for not being more encouraging to her students. The young man was expressing his thoughts and feelings on the subject in HIS journal. Instead of remarking how proud she is that he opened up about how he felt and encouraging him to never be afraid to question or speak his mind on something . She was “disappointed” that he didn’t agree and took it personal. REALLY?!?!?!? I’m DISAPPOINTED in her!
THIS! It’s what taking your power back and writing your own narrative looks like! Took me 50 years to learn to say “ok” and use silence as powerful weapons – so awesome he got this lesson early. His parents schooled him well.
Wow, the hypocrisy is real. Since when does black history include Native Americans or vice versa? What else are you going to appropriate for your own?
You’re saying Caucasians can’t tell their part in the story of world history? That’s like saying China can’t have Chinese history. It’s all gotta be the same story that everybody agrees on. WTF.
Zero f’s given aka OK…
Let caucasians tell it, they ARE the history of the world… so what are you saying?
Yall, these kids today are here to judge and drop knowledge with sprinkles on shade on top for good measure. Thank you Jesus for sending our ancestors back here to Earth to straighten these mofos out.
Yes! The return of the ancestors is upon us. Hear ye, all thee who dare to cross their paths with half-truths and tomfoolery.
Only truth here!
“I can’t listen when I hear lies” -Amen.
That line right there delivered my soul! As the mutha of two similarly-aged boys, I’m saying PREACH! I’m also hollering at the Biggie Smalls reference. Just take me down to the river.
I really want this on a t-shirt! No, I NEED this as a t-shirt and hoodie (for the cooler months).lol
Can we please find him and his parents? I really wanna let King know how Proud of him I am…THIS BABY IS EVERYTHING! May he ALWAYS SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER in confidence and with grace….
“I like to have columbus day off but I want you to not teach me lies”
There is just so much in this short exchange. I am here for every single alphabet this kid wrote! But why do I keep hearing NeNe Leakes “I’m not gonna sit here and listen to your lies”? Lol
Luvvie, you are proud because the children are our future!
Teach the kids and trust that they can handle the truth. I tell my boys everyday if they don’t learn anything else from their mother, “Don’t fall for the okie-doke. Knowledge is power!”
Um, all is right in King’s view of the world. Teacher, check yourself.
I am going to read King’s journal entry to my 11 year old grand-daughter…These are the kind of friends I want her to have. I love his mother!!!
Get ready to be continually “disappointed” as this child is WOKE!! all the way and there is no going back to sleep! King’s a leader and momma has planted the seeds and now the flowers are blooming!
[…] woke kid wrote the realest journal entry […]
Well he telling the damn truth! People need to stop lying about US history.
SO many parts of this half page, 250 characters or less comment on society, racial disparities and life in these United States are worthy of a Ted Talk, Sermon or some other dissertation style analysis- but I will settle for donating to King’s Gofundme page to assure he continues to speak his truth- will also purchase a a t shirt that says “blah blah blah”….
[…] woke kid wrote the realest journal entry […]
that’s some slavemaster mentality guilt/manipulatiom bullshit…obviously King’s not there for it, “ok” LOL