Whose Weird Maternity Photoshoot is This?
I know that people say that pregnancy is an incredibly beautiful time and it’s special. As you’re growing a little bundle of cry joy inside of you. It’s like LIFE MAGIC! And people like to document this time with a photoshoot. I’ve seen some amazing ones, of moms smiling down …

Whose All Plaid Everything Uncle is This?
Y’all gotta start claiming your wayward family members sometimes, especially when they leave the house looking any old which kinda way. Like the sir below: Ok. WHOSE UNCLE IS THIS??? And why does he look like torn wallpaper of plaid? My dude left the house in at least 17 different …

Whose Drunk Uncle is This?
We all have black sheep in our family. Some of the folks we don’t like to claim might one day end up on TV for all the wrong reasons. Like this dude: LMAO!!! This dude was so damb drunk that he couldn’t e’em hold his own head up to take …

Whose Struggle Braids are These?
Ya know, I want us all to understand our realities. I need us to look in the mirror and see ourselves for who we are. Or at least know what’s sitting on our heads. That is my wish for 2013. That we all embrace ourselves, know our limits and get …

Whose Weave Did Hurricane Sandy Literally Snatch?
I’ve been watching reports of Hurricane Sandy’s damages and I’m praying for my East Coast friends and family. It looks so treacherous and terrible. This is no Hurricane “Sneeze a Lil” Irene. This storm is completely about that doing the most life and I’m not here for it. I hope …

Whose Stingy Ponytail is This?
Ok look. Everyone ain’t meant to have long flowing, luxurious hair. This is why Jesus invented weave. For those who want long hair without the hassle. Yes, He did. Look in the book of Yakiastes. It’s right there. But there’s nothing wrong with short hair. Especially when the person who …

Whose Stevie J Haircut is This and Why is it So Accurate?
I was on my grind (O_O) when someone brought this pic to my attention on my Facebook fan page. And I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. So I cried laughing. One of your cousins got Stevie J’s face cut into the back of his head. AND IT LOOKS …

Whose Lawyer is This?
I haven’t done a “Whose is this?” post in a while so to bring it back, I found the perfect image. Just look below and get your life. Yo. My man Peter rightchea said if you need a GOOD lawyer, you better call him now. And he produced this high …

Whose Old Babe is This?
The internet is a den of Iniquity and there are sometimes when I wonder how I come across the things I do. The picture below is one of those times: *deepest sigh in the history of life* I don’t e’em… I can’t e’em… but what is… LAWDDDDD!!! Why is this …

Whose Country Uncle is This? Oh. Hey, Charlie Wilson
I ran across this picture of Uncle Charlie Wilson at last night’s Grammy Awards and I just *facepalmed* *blinks slowly* Sooo… wut? O________O I have so many questions. * What is Uncle Charlie Wilson rocking on top of his head? * Did he shave a chia pet and gently place …