Four Seasons of Angst and Linen
So y’all know me and Kindred love a good roast. A coupla weeks ago, we were in the mood to listen to some douchebaggery music (note: we call ultra sappy songs douchebag music because you can just picture some douche on YouTube playing it on an acoustic guitar. We LOVE …

Kanye West said “Runaway.” Do Just That.
Ok. So everyone and their mama have been talking about Kanye West’s short film “Runaway.” It was highly anticipated. People pissed their pants in suspense. It was just hyped. I didn’t give much of a damb though. Just because I figured I’d see it when I saw it. However, I …

The Breakfast Song is Awesomely Foolish
My boy Crownie is such a damn enabler, sending me these videos continually. He is like my foolery dealer. We were once again on gchat when he sent me this gem a bit back. And below is our conversation that ensued as we watched. Luvvie: bwahahahahahahaha omg! cackles Crownie: *dead* …

Dropkick Him, Jesus, Through the Goalposts of Life
I’ve been changed, for the day I listened to this song, I KNOWED there was a GAWD! My homie, Crownie (McIGface), who is so foolish he needs a Sense Bailout, and I were on GChat and I sent him this video. This video had me in a severe bout of …

Doing the Dougie Can Be Dangerous
This whole week has been an abundance in ratchetness. Online and offline. Foolery has ruled everything around me (FREAM). Anywho, folks have been tryna murk my soul, sending me a bunch of foolishness they’ve found on YouTube. Well, someone sent me this video below and I realized I first saw …

5 Reasons Why We Still Love Aaliyah
AALIYAH!!! *drops* On August 25, 2001, I was heading into my senior year of high school. I was on the phone talking to my best friend at the time. Roasting, ranting… doing what I do now. Except with no audience. Somehow, we talked unto the wee hours of the morning. …

I Have Antoine Dodson Fever
LAWD! If y’all don’t know who Antoine Dodson is by now, you ain’t LIVED!!! You must be living in a world where YouTube doesn’t exist and Google isn’t allowed. Yes, you may have migrated to China. I’m going to assume everyone reading this has heard of Antoine. If you haven’t, …

Everyone Needs A Sassy Gay Friend
Everyone needs a Sassy Gay Friend. They’re as awesome as you think. So before you make another important life choice, please consult your Sassy Gay Friend to ensure it’s the right one. *flips glittery scarf* *smirks at camera*

Dontchu Hear Me Calling You, Miss Honay?
On the day I seent this vidjo, my life changed for the better. I proceeded to watch it no less than 20 times. And I cried laughing each time. My ace boon, Kiarri et moi watched it and DAHD together. Our conversation about it via gchat is below (this was …