This Dancing Park Ranger Gave Me What I Needed
The internet is good for certain things and one of them is to expose us to fun people everywhere. The video below is actually old by internet popularity standards because it came out months ago but I watched it again and it brought me so much joy that I wanted …

Chescaleigh’s “Draw My Life” Video Preached My Life
I’d seen a couple of Franchesca Ramsey’s (Chescaleigh) videos but I didn’t get familiar with her until last year when Shit White Girls Say About Black Girls came out. I loved it, just like everyone else because we all identified with it and it was so doggone funny. And I think …

Two Chips, One Drunk Joke and an Awesome Cartoon
Y’all know I have a soft spot for cartoons. Heck, I’m represented online by one so yeah. LOVE IT! Anywho, Adam Patch‘s wife, Morgan, got all DRONK off wine (it’ll creep up on you) and she had a joke to tell him. He had the bright idea to record it …

The “Worry Bout Yourself” Baby is Awesome
This video has been going around Facebook and when I watched it, I straight up CACKLED! Her name is August and she wasn’t trying to get ANY help to buckle her seat belt. She wanted to do it all by herself. Her little finger pointing at her daddy! “Can I …

Kid President Meets the Real President. I’m Verklempt.
Kid President is a 9-year old boy named Robbie Novak who manages to have more compassion and optimism in his little body than most of us can muster up. And he’s inspiring and adorable and just awesome. I was introduced to him through this pep talk he gave us all, …

Old White Folks Rapping For Jesus
You know? The internet is truly the Den of Iniquity. When I was sent the link of the video below, the moment I pressed play, I realized I shoulda just walked away. Because. For reasons. Just watch. *faints* Iunno if this is real or not but West Dubuque 2nd Church …

DMX’s Rudolph Rap Has Brought Me Christmas Cheer
I haven’t been in the holiday spirit but I think that changed tonight. When someone sent me a link saying it was DMX singing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, I asked them to take it back. I thought it’d be terrible and I wanted no parts of it. And then I …

Because Chicken is Worthy of Praise and Worship
No less than 10 people have sent me a link to this video, dubbed the “Chicken Gospel” and it took me a while but I finally watched it. And let me tell you, it took me 10 minutes because I kept on pausing it to laugh. This. is. hilarity. The …

Ohio State’s Marching Band Rocked this Halftime Show
As an Illinois alum, I really shouldn’t be publicly acknowledging the awesome of Ohio State University’s anything since we’re rivals. Well, it’s more like we hate the fact that they always beat us in football, but lemme stop before my fellow ILLINI accuse me of treason. Either way, right now, …

I Want “The Wire: The Musical” To Happen For Real
Ok so I love the TV show The Wire which is no longer on air, but arguably the best TV show ever in history of TV and all things awesome. I watched ALL 5 seasons in 1 month this year and I was hooked from episode 1. It’s EVERYTHING. Anywho, Funny …