Stages of Celebrity Roast and Wig Snatch
Famous folksSocial Media

The Stages of Twitter Celebrity Roast and Wig Snatch

Celebrities on Twitter can’t ever catch a break because it’s on there that we see how our favorite notables REALLY are. We truly get to see them as the flawed humans they are. We know who can’t spell, who’s petty and whose publicists are 140 characters away from quitting and …

Dumbest TweetsSocial Media

The 20 Dumbest Celebrity Tweets of 2011

So, as I promised after Part 1 & 2 of the 50 Dumbest Tweets of 2011, here’s the final list of the year: 20 Dumbest Celebrity Tweets. Some celebrities have really cheapened their stardom by acting out constantly on Twitter. Every time a celebrity tweets, a publicist quits his/her job …

Dumbest TweetsSocial Media

The 50 Dumbest Tweets of 2011. Part 2

Have you read Part 1 of the 50 Dumbest Tweets of 2011? No? Well read that first then come back. So, here’s the other 25, in no particular order of foolishness. 50 Dumbest Tweets of 2011. Part 2 25. *looks on calendar* Man, mine stops at month 12. She must …

Flaming Young
Dumbest TweetsSocial Media

The 50 Dumbest Tweets of 2011. Part 1

Last year, Miss Zindzi and I collaborated to bring you the 25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010, summarizing a year’s worth of stupidity on Twitter into 25 highlights (or lowlights, depending on how you look at it). It was so well-received that it spurred me to create to chronicle the …

Honesty Box
Social MediaThrowback Thursday

Remember Facebook Honesty Box?

In like 2007, Facebook introduced apps, and one of them was “Honesty Box.” Honesty Box allowed you to send any of your friends messages anonymously and it allowed folks to say whatever they wanted, without repercussions or anything. And folks acted accordingly too because keyboard courage is super real. Honest …

Social Media

If the Social Networks Were in High School

High school is a microcosm of the real world. Folks think when they graduate, the dynamics they had to deal with then end. WRONG! Life is high school on a larger scale. So I thought about what would happen if the social networks where we spend our eLives were high …

Facebook logo
LettersSocial Media

Dear Facebook, Stop It with the Changes

I was on Facebook last night and refreshed my page. I walked away and came back and saw my newsfeeds were hella different looking. Facebook has earned yet another sternly-worded letter. Dear Facebook, STOP IT! You do this EVERY TIME! Every. single. time. You make a huge change, we complain …

Social Media

Facebook Ad FAIL

Facebook is feeling like the older brother who still wants to practice his guitar and go on tour with his garage band, except he’s 45 and balding. I’m not sure what this is supposed to mean but go with me here. It’s just been hella obnoxious to me lately, with …

Famous folksSocial Media

Aaliyah Passed 10 Years Ago and Twitter Acts A Complete Fool In Her Honor

There are certain times when the folks on Twitter make me shake my head vigorously. Anytime it comes to the death of a celebrity, some of the people on Twitter act like complete dummies with no home training or couth. Folks make me pull out my post on the Stages …

Snoop at the Last Supper
FaithSocial Media

The Bible, As Told in 2053. Or Through Blogs

I was bored so I started thinking of what would happen if they came out with the new Bible in like 2053. Or maybe even today. How would the stories be told differently? How it would be covered by blogosphere and others. 2053 Bible is probably gon say Jonah got …