Tom From MySpace Read Someone For Filth on Twitter
Note: This post was clearly supposed to be for yesterday but what had happened was… Loitering on Twitter pays off sometimes. Because if you do it at the right time for long enough, stuff will happen that’ll have you eating popcorn like Michael Jackson in Thriller. Last night, I sho’ll …

Instagram’s New Terms of Service is a Fail
I joined Instagram September of 2011 just so I could hold down the Luvvie username. Between then and July 2012, I had uploaded just 2 pictures, and one of them was of my socks in the “rise” filter. And then July happened and I went to LA and decided to start Instagramming more so …

KitchenAid’s Tweeter Is Gonna Need to #OccupyLinkedIn
During the presidential debate, whoever was tweeting for KitchenAid accidentally sent this tweet out: This is the definition of an EPIC FAIL. It’s so bad that I read that and went “WELP that’s a wrap.” Whoever was tweeting for them made the biggest mistake of their career, and therefore, it …

New MySpace is Almost Here and I’m Not Here For It
A sneak peek of the new MySpace is out and I did a “It’s cute but meh.” Watch the vid below and see for yourself. The new Myspace from Myspace on Vimeo. Ummm… it looks like a fancy ass Tumblr that will come in handy for musicians and folks with …

How to Back Up Your WordPress or Blogger Blog
I’ve been blogging for a long time and I’ve written over 700 posts and have about 170 sitting in my drafts folder. That’s a lot of typing and letters. If something was to happen and my site crashed and I lost all of these, I would basically quit writing. I’d …

Viacom and DirecTV Beef and Shade Each Other on Twitter
The other day, I wrote “5 Things I’m Not Here For” and one of those is the beef that Viacom and DirecTV are having. DirecTV dropped all of Viacom’s channels before midnight on Monday, because they haven’t renegotiated their contract. Apparently, the two companies can’t agree on terms so DirecTV …

The Stages of Twitter Celebrity Roast and Wig Snatch
Celebrities on Twitter can’t ever catch a break because it’s on there that we see how our favorite notables REALLY are. We truly get to see them as the flawed humans they are. We know who can’t spell, who’s petty and whose publicists are 140 characters away from quitting and …

The 20 Dumbest Celebrity Tweets of 2011
So, as I promised after Part 1 & 2 of the 50 Dumbest Tweets of 2011, here’s the final list of the year: 20 Dumbest Celebrity Tweets. Some celebrities have really cheapened their stardom by acting out constantly on Twitter. Every time a celebrity tweets, a publicist quits his/her job …

The 50 Dumbest Tweets of 2011. Part 2
Have you read Part 1 of the 50 Dumbest Tweets of 2011? No? Well read that first then come back. So, here’s the other 25, in no particular order of foolishness. 50 Dumbest Tweets of 2011. Part 2 25. *looks on calendar* Man, mine stops at month 12. She must …

The 50 Dumbest Tweets of 2011. Part 1
Last year, Miss Zindzi and I collaborated to bring you the 25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010, summarizing a year’s worth of stupidity on Twitter into 25 highlights (or lowlights, depending on how you look at it). It was so well-received that it spurred me to create DumbestTweets.com to chronicle the …