Famous folks

Blake Shelton is People’s 2017 Sexiest Man Alive Because Everything is Stupid

To be honest, I don’t pay much attention to People Magazine, nor do I take their shenanigans as truth (except for that one time when they featured my book. That was totally legit). So their annual “Sexiest Man Alive” and “Most Beautiful People” list is usually laughable because it’s hella …

Famous folksWhose is this?

Whose Ghost is This? Oh It’s Sammy Sosa

You know what is an everlasting bastard? When people fall from grace spectacularly. Y’all. A picture was circulating last week and I had to make sure it wasn’t photoshop. It was of baseball great, Sammy Sosa, standing on the streets of London and it scared the bejeez out of me. …

Famous folks

Jane Fonda’s Death Stare to Megyn Kelly Soothed My Soul

Y’all. Y’ALL. In these times of dumpster fire, joy must come wherever we can find it and I have found glee today! Megyn Kelly, white privilege Barbie, has a new morning show on NBC. Those fools over there chose her over Tamron Hall, so you know I already wasn’t wishing …

Serena Williams Maria Sharapova 2
Famous folksLetters

Dear Maria Sharapova, You Should Release a Song Called Mad and Mediocre

Maria Sharapova is releasing a memoir titled Unstoppable and excerpts of the book came out. She fixes her mouth (and hands) to talk about Serena Williams in the book, and I just need to write her a letter because Maria got life all the way wrong, so she’s earned this …

Famous folks

Don’t Come for Cher on DACA. You Might Get Ethered

Cheeto Satan and his administration sunk to new lows of cruelty this week when it was announced that DACA (Defered Action for Childhood Arrivals) was being rescinded. This leaves around 800,000 people vulnerable and uncertain of their future in this country. As an immigrant, I stand with other immigrants. DREAMers …

Luvvie Meets Michelle Obama 1
Famous folks

So I Met FLOTUS Michelle Obama and Her Hug Felt Like World Peace

During the Obama Administration *thinks back fondly as she weeps bitterly* I went to the White House about 6 or 7 times. In fact, in their last year in office, I was there 4 times and spoke 3 times. I even swag-surfed on the WH lawn during SXSL. Yet and still, I never …

Diddy Met Gala
Famous folksFashion

Count Diddy Won at the 2017 Met Gala

The Met Gala is the annual meeting of people who Anna Wintour can still stand. It is an assemblage of the most ferocious people in music, media, movies and more. It is a place that we all act like we wouldn’t like to be invited but we’re lying and we too …

Famous folks

Serena Williams is All Of Us. If We Got Superpowers.

You know what I don’t have time for? Serena Williams and her perpetual showing that some of us are just mere mortals while she’s a citizen of Mount Olympus. Actually, lemme quit lying. I GOT ALL THE TIME FOR IT. That woman is extraordinary. Sheesh. Yesterday, we found out that …

Famous folks

The Pairing Of Our Nightmares: Ann Coulter and Jimmy Walker

A recent AOL story is alleging that walking horcrux Ann Coulter is dating former ‘Good Times’ star and perfect prototype for potential unrealized Jimmie Walker. While some people are saying that this is old news, it was new information to me. I needed time to process it. And I don’t know who I’m more …

CultureFamous folks

ECLIPSED was Amazing and Now There’s A Documentary Going Behind the Curtains

The first time I met Danai Gurira was in 2014. We were both at the ONE Campaign’s AYA Summit, and it was there that I got to see how incredible she is. People know her mostly as Michonne from The Walking Dead, but she is also a gifted orator and …