So I Met FLOTUS Michelle Obama and Her Hug Felt Like World Peace
During the Obama Administration *thinks back fondly as she weeps bitterly* I went to the White House about 6 or 7 times. In fact, in their last year in office, I was there 4 times and spoke 3 times. I even swag-surfed on the WH lawn during SXSL.
Yet and still, I never met the Obamas. Not President Barack. Not FLOTUS Michelle. Not Sasha. Not Malia. Not even Bo. It was cool, because I was in the gahtdamb White House. Now I wouldn’t touch the place with a ten-foot pole since it’s inhabited by the Tang Tyrant.
Anywho, y’all know how much I love me some Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama. First of her name. The Khaleesi of Healthy Eating. The Owner of the Arms of Your Envy. Black Girls Magic Epitomized. Giver of Epic Side-Eyes. First Lady of my Heart.
That woman is incredible and she is bae and I’ve always wanted to meet her. Beyond the fact that she is this pillar of everything right in the world, her and I go together because she’s a Chicago girl. And we both attended one of the best high schools in the country: Whitney M. Young Jr. Magnet. DOLPHINS!!!
So, a few weeks ago, someone from the FLOTUS’ team (yes, she is forever my FLOTUS) reached out to me about her College Signing Day event, which is part of her Reach Higher initiative. She has been doing it every year sine 2014, and it’s to encourage and empower 300 high school seniors as they’re headed on this new chapter. She partners with MTV for it, and it’s a day for them to hear from notable people with advice, high fives and insight into undergrad life. They wanted me to be one of those people.
So on May 5, I was in New York and reported to the Public Theater for the event. We were told the dress code was: casual. But rock a college t-shirt. Rep your undergrad set! I was wearing a shirt from my alma mater, the University of Illinois. The event had so many dope folks, like Questlove, Black Thought, Robin Roberts, Tamron Hall, Soledad O’Brien, Jidenna. I mean, it was star-studded. And me. HA! We got to meet backstage in the green room and I was surrounded by all these people I consider my boos in my head!
We were grouped into segments of 3 to take the stage and talk to the kids. I was with Hannah Brofman, DJ extraordinaire and iJustine, YouTube phenom. My message to the high school seniors was to give themselves room to grow while there, cuz I started college thinking I was gonna be a doctor. I ended it with my Psychology degree, a love for Marketing and a blog that I couldn’t quit. You really never know where life will take you but college was instrumental for me to become who I am today.
Twas hella fun, and energy was high. Some folks said they caught us on MSNBC. YEAHHH!
So once we were done with our part, we went to hang out in the green room some more. I kept whipping my head around as more celebs walked in and I was like “Oh heyyy!” I handed some copies of my book out too. Because: opportunity!
And then came time for us to meet FLOTUS once the whole program was over. She had spoken to the kids herself onstage. I meet a lot of famous people but I’m not usually nervous. I’m excited, more than anything. With Michelle? I was both. Like… I was actually nervous, because OMMMGGG IT’S MICHELLE.
I was standing in line with my designated group, which was pretty dope by itself, because it included by girl Tiffany R. Warren, my Naija bro Jidenna and the gifted Andra Day. We had no chill as we waited in line. And I kept ogling Auntie Shellie from afar. She is so beautiful!
And then it was our turn to meet and take a picture. EEEEEE! I walked up to FLOTUS Shellie and said “Nice to meet you. I’m Luvvie” and then she gave me a huge hug that felt like peace and wisdom and sunshine. Her hug was all warm and heartful. People keep asking me what she smells like and I can’t remember. I was too busy reveling in her presence. Although, I’d venture to say she smells Shea Butter and Love.
And then I told her we went to the same high school and she’s like “YOU’RE A DOLPHIN TOO???” And then she held my hand up and I died. Aaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! She’s so damb cool and so Chicago! I’m a stan.
We took out picture and we hugged again! I hugged FLOTUS twice. Jesus is Lord.

Photo by Chuck Kennedy
I legit skipped out the room singing. And I spent the next 3 hours being all “I just met the First Lady” to random people. My friends have told me not to wash the shirt I wore, but my friends are ridiculous people. Also, shoutout to the fact that her and I had on the same color pants. TOLD YOU WE GO TOGETHER.
So yeah. TURN UP.
But wait. You know I had to hit the picture with the #DiddyCrop. No shade to my people. I just needed to zoom in on just me and her.

LOOK AT ME AND MY MENTOR! (I’m claiming it. sharrap)
Ok I’ma go now. *moonwalks out*
Have you bought my debut book I’M JUDGING YOU: The Do-Better Manual. Haven’t ordered it yet? Now’s your chance. You’ll love it. Amazon. Barnes & Nobles. iBooks. Audible (I narrated the audiobook myself). Kobo. Books-A-Million.
I met Robin Roberts once and had zero chill since she had been my journalism hero for forever. She was amazing and didn’t even take out a restraining order on me.
Meeting FLOTUS might just push me over the edge. Except I wouldn’t fall or anything. I’d just float because she’s that incredible, suspending laws of gravity and such.
You do wonderful things, Luvvie!
A #DiddyCrop was definitely in order! I give you points for even posting the original pic. 🙂
Yessssssss, luvvie and aunty shellie!!!!
I was supposed to help host an 2016 Invictus event November 2015 at Ft Belvior with FLOTUS and Prince Harry…my daughter had a fever and pink eye so I had to stay home.
Im still upset.
When my mother, who is normally a cool customer, met her at a book-signing a few years back, my mother couldn’t remember her own name. Or had to think about it. She said FLOTUS was so beautiful and so nice, inquiring as to whether my mother felt okay (not because she was gobsmacked but because she had waited in the rain). My mother said she was like, “…um, I guess?”
I want your life… man FLOTUS is my number 1 spice no matter what. So your story and your experience just resonates close to home for me. I’ll be in the statest for 2 months starting June. I’d love to meet you and her whilst there. .. 🙂 I am from Malawi and I have been selected for the Mandela Washington fellowship under the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI ) if you do want to know more please please do get in touch. ..
So wonderful! Lucky you! Michelle and I went to the same grade school but I went on to the local high school, South Shore — “school of our dreams” as the school song said. Heh.
And I love this event. It’s annoyed me for years that they make such a big deal out of athletes signing “letters of intent,” sometimes even sticking them on the front page of your daily paper, but nothing about top students making college decisions. No wonder more kids want to be basketball players than doctors or environmental scientists. She is doing a great thing to help turn this around in a small way. By the way, where did Melania go to college?
“By the way, where did Melania go to college?”
Oh, the shade is strong with you, young Jedi. :o)
Wow! That must have been awesome! And I know Ms. Tiffany R. Warren!!! She and my niece were good friends in youth group together here in Boston, MA. So glad to see her here as well.
Fellow Dolphin over here! I would faint if I ever met Michelle Obama, the patron saint of Black women from Chicago!
THIS is the epitome of that Kanye quote from a Dave Chapelle story, “…because my life is dope and I do dope shit!” Also, please pray for me because I just quoted Kanye! (In my own defense, this quote is from before he lost his good sense…the first time LOL)
I almost fainted at the “What does she smell like?” Girl, I remember people, places, and things by smell! LOL but I totally understand. I surprised you even remember the movement. I would have been walking around afterwards like I was in the twilight zone!
Oh, you got to meet Michelle the Magnificent….?!
You are realising dream upon dream, Luvvie, and it is just so great to be able to share in your excitement!
All I can say is that I bow down to you for not hysterically crying upon meeting FLOTUS. I’m tearing up just thinking about YOU meeting her.
OMG. Me too! I’m imagining meeting her and acting it out in my office….
I am floating FOR you here.
But also, I LOVE Andra Day!! So that alone has me passed out.
Love this. What a great experience. I always see all of your entertaining political posts shared across my feed. All of your hilarious stuff. But this? I dug for it after reading the NATO Whatsapp post – and I’m glad I did – because it’s so so good. <3 Yay for fulfilling a dream!
OMG!! Luvvie, you said I hugged her twice – Jesus is Lord. I laughed so hard I cried. Thank you so much for that laugh. God bless you!
I would take that picture to one of those places that create an oil painting on canvas from photos and make a giant oil painting with a giant gold fancy frame and hang it up in the living room.
I’m so jealous.
I woulda diedddddddddddddd