Another Day, Another Hashtag. White People, You Gotta Get to Work NOW
Terence Crutcher was a father, husband, son, uncle, pastor. Terence Crutcher was shot and killed by officer Betty Shelby, even though he was unarmed. What started as his car breaking down led to his body in the morgue. Keith Lamont Scott was a father, husband, son, uncle. Keith Lamont Scott …

About Colin Kaepernick’s Stance and the Chafed Compatriots
Colin Kaepernick is the starting quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, and he is in the middle of a public hailstorm right now. He decided to sit down as the national anthem played before a game, and he has been caught up in the rapture of hate ever since. When asked …

We Gotta Talk About Nigeria’s Olympics Opening Ceremony Outfit Fail
I gotta admit that my favorite part of the Olympics is the opening ceremony. All the pomp and circumstance, but especially the march of nations. I love it because it humbles me, reminding me that I don’t know shit about geography, as I go “WHO?” at most of the countries …

About Michelle Obama’s DNC Speech and the White House That Was Built by Slaves
Michelle Obama. Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama the GAWDESS. First of Her Name. Sasha and Malia’s mama. Barack’s wife. Queen of my Heart. Slayer of Haters. Shader of Intellectually Inferior Walking Cheetos. She Who Shall Not Be Outdone. She stepped on the stage of the Democratic National Convention on day 1 and …

My Melanin-Deficient Readers Respond to Negotiate Terms of #BLAXIT
Yesterday, I published a post on what Black folks will take with us if we decided to make our exit (BLAXIT) from the United States. It was jumped off by Ulysses Burley III at The Salt Collective and basically, we are taking EVERYTHING awesome. Because we created/invented/brought them. My white readers …

#BLAXIT: Things We’re Taking With Us If We Leave
This country is ungrateful as hell. You know good and damb well Black folks built this thing with our blood and sweat, literally. Now you wanna treat us like Starks at the Red Wedding and we do not appreciate it. If we decided to peace out and make our Black …

On ROOTS Reimagined and Retelling This Classic Story
When I first heard that they wanted to remake ROOTS, I legit was like “Bhet why?” The mini-series from 1977, based on Alex Haley‘s book of the same name is one of those classics that everyone knows about even if they haven’t seen. Why touch it? Why do we need …

Why Won’t Rachel Dolezal Sit Her Non Black Ass Down?
Y’all. I’m so mad that Rachel Dolezal managed to take her 15 minutes of infamy and stretch it into whatever the hell is going on right now. I have been pretty good about not paying attention to her but this GOOFASS woman just won’t go occupy the stadium of seats she …

Harriet Tubman is About To Be on the $20 Bill Because It’s the Blackest Year Ever
Listen. By now, you should already know that 2016 is turning out to be the Blackest Year EVER. I already wrote a post on how February was the Blackest Black History Month on the record books, and we have kept it going. Why? Because this is Black History Year. It’s …

Snapchat is Weird and This Bob Marley Filter is Daft
Sometimes, I feel all old and cantankerous, because even as a digital strategist, I’ve resisted Snapchat for a while. I signed on early on and never really liked it. It was like Google Wave (remember that?) for me. You get on Snapchat and post video or pics of moments in …