Blogging While Brown 2010 Was Awesome
I had A BLAST in Washington DC this past weekend. The Blogging While Brown Conference was super super awesome for so many reasons. So take off your coat and stay a while. There’s much to gist you with. The Conference began on Friday with a game night but Afrobella and …

AweLuv DEED that: Redesigned Afrobella’s Website
Hey y’all. If you’re reading this before noon, odds are that I’m somewhere making sweet sweet love with my pillow. I was supposed to write about my exciting Sunday but I had to finish what I was doing. What was it? Well I’m glad you asked (“Sharrap!” to everyone that …

Welcome to the New AweLuv!
Hey folks!!! Welcome to the new and improved AwesomelyLuvvie.com! My blood, sweat and tears was thrown into redesigning this page so it’s all good for you all. I spent HOURS (and days) coding and customizing until I got it to look exactly like I wanted. I’ve ended my ‘lationship with Blogger. I’m now in the land of Wordpress! I had to finally make that leap like the big girl blogger I’m trying to be.

LifeSpace Organizer Needed
So a while back, there was a story floating around about a college student who put out an ad for a personal assistant on Craigslist. And he got 100s of inquiries. I realized that if a lowly undergrad (no offense. Sidenote: Anytime that is used, it pretty much guarantees that …

BlogHer, Here I Come!
So I was at work the other week minding my own business like I usually do (O__O) when I received an email with from BlogHer (biggest female blogging community in the country). I opened the email to see an invitation from them to me to speak on a Humor Writing …

Blogalicious 2009 Was Great!
What it does, folks? So I’s back from Atlanta from Blogalicious (conference for Women of Color bloggers) and it was FANTAWESOME! I was mainly there to rep The Red Pump Project because my goal is to get 500 bloggers “Rocking the Red Pump” on their blogs to raise awareness about …

Blogging 101: So You Want to Start a Blog
Blogging is here to stay, and I think most folks can have a good blog about whatever, as long as they’re passionate about the topic, knowledgeable and can spell. I’ve been blogging for over ten years and I’m a serial blogger, running multiple ones that are pretty decent. I’m also a …

I’m a Finalist in the 2009 Black Weblog Awards
*Sigh* Have I ever told you I heart you? Yes YOU! The ones reading this blog. I does! I heart you like: Why am I professing such profound love for yall? Because yours truly is a finalist in the Black Weblog Awards for: Best Humor Blog & Best Personal Blog. …

I Wanna Win a Black Weblog Award!
Hey ALL!! My blog has been nominated for the Black Weblog Awards *does jig* in 4 categories: * Best Humor Blog * Best Personal Blog * Best Writing in a Blog * Blog to Watch My Twitter account is also up for “Best MicroBlog” *changes into sensible conservative suit* *gets …

Blogging While Brown 2009 Rocked!
If this weekend was a dessert, it’d be a Bailey’s Irish Cream Cheesecake with pecans & caramel drizzled all over it. It was just THAT much awesome. Like seriously. I’ve been walking around just bursting out into a jig at random intervals. Talmbout *walk walk JIG JIG JIG walk walk …