Social Media Week Lagos, Here I Come!
Social Media Week is a global event that happens in multiple cities all over the world at the same damb time. The goal is to explore the “social, cultural and economic impact of social media.” So it’s basically All Social Media Everything. It happens twice a year, in February and …

I Was on WGNTV’s “People to People” With Micah Materre!
My peoples! I somehow failed to give y’all a heads up but I was on TV this weekend! It was WGN-TV’s People to People with Micah Materre, and I had a GOODT time! I was invited on to speak about my work with my nonprofit organization The Red Pump Project …

Why My Site Was in Internet Purgatory for the Last 24 Hours
Lemme tell y’all what happened. These past couple of months, I’ve been breaking my own traffic records. In fact, since July, my site traffic has doubled. I’ve been getting ALLA THE PAGEVIEWS! And I realized that I needed to upgrade my hosting account. I got the BRIGHT (read: really dumb) …

The Women’s Media Award Was One of the Most Epic Nights Ever!
I’m still trying to process the award I just got from the Women’s Media Center. This Social Media Award means the world because the organization that gave it to me is changing the face of media, therefore the world. When Beyonce said “Who runs the world?” she should have meant …

Robin Morgan’s Introduction and My Remarks at the Women’s Media Awards
I won the Women’s Media Center 2012 Social Media Award, based on my work on AwesomelyLuvvie.com and with The Red Pump Project. Read my recap of the entire evening HERE. Robin Morgan, co-founder of the Women’s Media Center (and epic superwoman) presented me with the award at the Women’s Media …

THANK YOU! I Won the Women’s Media Center Social Media Award. Because of YOU.
I started this post last night at 3:57am. I wanted to be asleep but I wasn’t making any efforts to get to sleep. My eyes were burning because it was 3:57am but I wanted to write. Yesterday was one of those days that was BEYOND my wildest dreams. In a …

Dear Diary, It’s Been 30 Days of Writing…
On October 1, I decided to join my gal Nicole Blades in the 30 Day Writing Challenge but I figured I’d quit by October 10. It’s October 31 and I’ve blogged everyday for 30 days straight, something I’ve never done before. EVER! In my 9 years of blogging, I’ve never …

Announcing the Ratchet and the Geek Podcast, My Latest Project!
It either I’m a glutton for punishment or I’m a busybody or a combination of both but I’m here to announce my newest side project! The Ratchet and the Geek podcast with my friend, technology OG Scott Hanselman! For those who might not know, a podcast is basically a radio show …

I’m Doing the 30-Day Writing Challenge. Lawd HEPMEH.
In the past coupla months, folks on these interwebs have been embarking on 30 Day writing challenges. It’s where they make it a point to write/blog EVERY DAY for 30 days straight. Folks like Aliya S. King and The XD Experience have done it and I’ve been clapping for them …

I Had a Blast at BlogHer 2012!
I attended my 3rd BlogHer conference a week and a half ago, and it was my 2nd BlogHer where I was a speaker. I was only able to go for 2 days, instead of 3 but I had a GRAND time while there. Lemme tells ya. That conference is truly …