700 Posts and 6 Years Later: It’s My Blogversary!
I’m a TERRIBLE house blog mother because yesterday was an important anniversary and I forgot it. But now I am here and I must pay amish… to MYSELF. I’m a Capricorn and my blog is a Leo. I’ve been blogging for 9 years, but six years ago on August 8, …

I’m Speaking at BlogHer with Issa Rae, Chescaleigh and Dr. Goddess!
This week, I’m headed to New York City to speak at BlogHer 2012, and I’m super excited! This is my second time and I’m just as geeked as I was 2 years ago. In 2010, I moderated the “Humor Writing Lab” with Lizz Winstead (co-creator of the Daily Show) and …

I’m in the City of Angels Making My Dreams Come True
Hey folks! I’ll be MIA from blogging this next week. I’m in Los Angeles working on a project I can’t talk much about yet. But it’s a dream come true and I’m blessed to have the opportunity. And it’s all because of my blog and my writing and my love …

Life’s Wops of Glory Announcements
Honestly, 2012 has been an EPIC year for me and it isn’t even half over. God has been doing the wop of glory in my life this year and I’m ever so thankful for His blessings. Every opportunity I’ve received has felt like a holy shove in the right direction …

Imitation is NOT the Sincerest Form of Flattery
I’m annoyed and a bit pissed because Complex Magazine had a post on their site called “50 Funny Spelling Mistakes on Twitter.” Sound familiar to you? That’s because I have a website dedicated to catching the grammatically-challenged and overall foolish that happens on Twitter. It’s called DumbestTweets.com, and it’s over …

My Ode to Angela Nissel: Funny Lady Spotlight
As a budding female humorist, with a dream of going really far with this, I have to pay homage to those who came before me. I must give props to the ladies who crap on the premise that women aren’t funny unless we’re making fun of bad decisions we make …

What We Wore to the Academy Awards
When the day of the Academy Awards arrived, Afrobella and I got up super early so our glam squad could come through and make us look like princesses. And they REALLY did. First, we got our hair done by Felicia Leatherwood, the hair whisperer. Felicia is not only one of …
Journey to the Academy Awards: My Epic Oscar Day Recap
This post is coming so late because I haven’t known how to recap the most EPIC weekend of my life thus far. This whole thing has seemed surreal since I found out I’d be going to the Academy Awards, but experiencing it felt even crazier. Half the time, I couldn’t …

I’m Going to the 2012 Academy Awards!
If you’re part of my Facebook fam or follow me on Twitter, this is probably not new news. But last week, I got GREAT news that I (and Afrobella) have been credentialed to be on the Academy Awards Red Carpet, on February 26, 2012! We’ll be doing press coverage and …

Google AdSense is a Hater And They Disabled My Account
So a couple of weeks ago, I got an automated email from Google AdSense saying: “After reviewing our records, we’ve determined that your AdSense account poses a risk of generating invalid activity. Because we have a responsibility to protect our AdWords advertisers from inflated costs due to invalid activity, we’ve …