I did that GIF
BusinessMy Life

Dear Diary, It’s Been 30 Days of Writing…

On October 1, I decided to join my gal Nicole Blades in the 30 Day Writing Challenge but I figured I’d quit by October 10. It’s October 31 and I’ve blogged everyday for 30 days straight, something I’ve never done before. EVER! In my 9 years of blogging, I’ve never …

Ratchet and the Geek podcast

Announcing the Ratchet and the Geek Podcast, My Latest Project!

It either I’m a glutton for punishment or I’m a busybody or a combination of both but I’m here to announce my newest side project! The Ratchet and the Geek podcast with my friend, technology OG Scott Hanselman! For those who might not know, a podcast is basically a radio show …

Writing is hard lisa simpson gif
BusinessMy Life

I’m Doing the 30-Day Writing Challenge. Lawd HEPMEH.

In the past coupla months, folks on these interwebs have been embarking on 30 Day writing challenges. It’s where they make it a point to write/blog EVERY DAY for 30 days straight. Folks like Aliya S. King and The XD Experience have done it and I’ve been clapping for them …

Chescaleigh Issa Rae LaidBackChick Dr Goddess Luvvie BlogHer
BusinessMy Life

I Had a Blast at BlogHer 2012!

I attended my 3rd BlogHer conference a week and a half ago, and it was my 2nd BlogHer where I was a speaker. I was only able to go for 2 days, instead of 3 but I had a GRAND time while there. Lemme tells ya. That conference is truly …

BusinessMy Life

700 Posts and 6 Years Later: It’s My Blogversary!

I’m a TERRIBLE house blog mother because yesterday was an important anniversary and I forgot it. But now I am here and I must pay amish… to MYSELF. I’m a Capricorn and my blog is a Leo. I’ve been blogging for 9 years, but six years ago on August 8, …

BlogHer Strategic Content
BusinessMy Life

I’m Speaking at BlogHer with Issa Rae, Chescaleigh and Dr. Goddess!

This week, I’m headed to New York City to speak at BlogHer 2012, and I’m super excited! This is my second time and I’m just as geeked as I was 2 years ago. In 2010, I moderated the “Humor Writing Lab” with Lizz Winstead (co-creator of the Daily Show) and …

LA Pool
BusinessMy LifeTravel

I’m in the City of Angels Making My Dreams Come True

Hey folks! I’ll be MIA from blogging this next week. I’m in Los Angeles working on a project I can’t talk much about yet. But it’s a dream come true and I’m blessed to have the opportunity. And it’s all because of my blog and my writing and my love …

BusinessMy Life

Life’s Wops of Glory Announcements

Honestly, 2012 has been an EPIC year for me and it isn’t even half over. God has been doing the wop of glory in my life this year and I’m ever so thankful for His blessings. Every opportunity I’ve received has felt like a holy shove in the right direction …

BusinessMy Life

Imitation is NOT the Sincerest Form of Flattery

I’m annoyed and a bit pissed because Complex Magazine had a post on their site called “50 Funny Spelling Mistakes on Twitter.” Sound familiar to you? That’s because I have a website dedicated to catching the grammatically-challenged and overall foolish that happens on Twitter. It’s called DumbestTweets.com, and it’s over …

Angela Nissel
BusinessFamous folks

My Ode to Angela Nissel: Funny Lady Spotlight

As a budding female humorist, with a dream of going really far with this, I have to pay homage to those who came before me. I must give props to the ladies who crap on the premise that women aren’t funny unless we’re making fun of bad decisions we make …