It’s a Celebration on Awesomely Luvvie So Giveaway Time!
I’m always tardy for the party, even when it’s my own. August was insanely busy for me. So busy that I forgot a major special occasion here on AwesomelyLuvvie.com! On August 8, 2006, I launched this blog with a simple post, not thinking it would turn into anything but a …

I Was Chosen as a 30 Under 30. Check Me Out!
So blessings rain down on me continuously and I just want to do all types of church scoots. God is clearly doing the wop and the cabbage patch in my life AS WE SPEAK! That’s the only explanation I got for it. What happened this time? Wells… The Black AIDS Institute, …

Guess Who’s On Eight Bus Ads In Chicago? The Red Pump Project!
So some of you know I founded an organization called The Red Pump Project with my girl Karyn Watkins of The Fabulous Giver. We raise awareness about the impact of HIV/AIDS on women & girls, using red pumps as a symbol of empowerment. We’re national, with ambassadors around the country …

10 Reasons Why My Trip to LA Rocked. Part 2
So yesterday, I kicked off my post about my trip to LA from 2 weeks ago. Get a piece of Part 1. Anywho, LA rocked because: * I met a bunch of the folks I’ve been itching to meet for a while. I’m talmbout Marie Denee (who is just the …

10 Reasons Why My Trip to LA Rocked. Part 1
This post has been a long time coming but ya know I stay tardy for all the parties. Anyway, 2 weeks ago, I was in Los Angeles for the first time EVER. I went for the Blogging While Brown Conference and decided to stay a coupla days extra to run …

I’m Going to the NTEN Conference in DC! Thanks to YOU!
For the past 2 years, I’ve gone to the Nonprofit Technology Conference to represent the organization I used to work for as Marketing Coordinator. This conference is an awesome 3 days of panels, networking and just getting to learn more about working in the nonprofit technology field (my specialty). Both years …

Blogalicious and Miami: All TEN Everything!
I’m all tardy for the party, but better late than never, right? RIGHT??? Anyway, although Blogalicious 2010 was a full week ago, I’m just now getting to recapping it. It was awesome! It also ended on 10/10/10, so you know I have to do #AllTENeverything! Here are 10 reasons my …

Awesomely Luvvie is 4! Let’s Celebrate!
Awesomely Luvvie is FOUR YEARS OLD!!! *takes swig of Bailey’s* *Sheneneh hip twurk* Four years ago, I abandoned my Xanga blog to move to Blogspot. On August 8, 2006, I wrote the first post on “Luvvie’s Queendom” (LAME NAME!). That blog became “Luvvie’s Random Rants” and then evolved to the …

BlogHer 2010 Was Awesome: My Recap
BlogHer 2010 was THE BEST! So I’m back from the East Coast, and I must say that was the BEST. TRIP. EVER!!! I’ve traveled a decent amount of times this past year but these last 5 days were hands down the best time I’ve ever had outta town. The whole …

All Blog Conference Everything
In the beginning of this year, I decided to set a lofty goal for myself. One I actually didn’t think I’d hit, but like they say, AIM FOR THE STARS blah blah blah fall blah blah moon. Or something. I wanted to attend the three blog conferences I attended last …