TV and MoviesVideos

I Want This Daria Movie With Aubrey Plaza To Happen

As a child of the 80s and the MTV generation, certain things automatically make me all nostalgic and Daria is one of them. That super sarcastic, no dambs to give, smart chick was everything. Daria was too cool for high school, misunderstood and perfectly fine having no range of emotion. …

Ratchet and the Geek podcast
My Life

Ratchet and the Geek Podcast: Episode 15 (Chicago Live)

Scott was in Chicago last week for a conference and while he was here, we decided to record our 2nd live version of the Ratchet and the Geek podcast. The first time we recorded it and allowed folks to watch on YouTube was when I was in Portland in May …


Dear Vibe Magazine, About Your Twitter After Dark Chat

The other night, Vibe Magazine’s Twitter account turned was turned over to radio personality, Angela Yee, for an hour for a “Twitter After Dark” chat. And I’m here to tell them to sit down for this decision. Because it was terrible, in my opinion. So here’s a sternly worded letter …

Social MediaVideos

10 Hilarious Vine Videos You Gotta Watch

I know that when Instagram video kicked off a couple of weeks ago, folks were declaring Vine to be dead since it allowed folks to post up to 15 seconds of video. But I shook my head because I’ve never been here for IG video. All it did was provide …


George Zimmerman Wants to be Superman And I’m Not Buying It

Man, look. Folks (ABC, CNN and ’em) are reporting that George Zimmerman saved a family last week when their truck overturned on a highway last week. Apparently, a family of four were trapped in their SUV when Porky Pig and another fella came outta nowhere to rescue them. DUN DUN …

Geraldo Rivera Shirtless
Famous folks

Geraldo Rivera’s Shirtless Selfie is the Anti-Thirst Trap

Yesterday morning, Geraldo Rivera, he of epic moustache and soldier coordinate reporter, woke up and decided he was proud of what he looked like. He tweeted “70 is the new 50 (Erica and family are going to be so pissed…but at my age…)” and included a selfie of himself shirtless …

Brown Twitter Birds Inny Vinny
CultureSocial Media

About This Whole Black Twitter Thing…

The phrase Black Twitter started as a joke when people realized the power of Black people who use Twitter. People started noticing that we were driving hashtags and trending topics. Then Nielsen did research and found out that African American women are the most active group on Twitter. Since then, …

Hot Luvvie
My Life

The Temperature is Oppression Degrees Fahrenheit. It’s Hot!

Look. Last week, I was complaining that Chicago hasn’t given us a real summer. We’ve been hovering around a nice and MILD 70 degrees for most of this summer. I wanted heat and I got it. Be careful what you ask for. Now we’re in the middle of a heatwave …

Treadmill Fall gif

The Treadmill Tumble That Left Me in Cackling Tears

I found the video below and laughed so hard that I was shaking silently for about 20 seconds. You know that laugh that looks like you’re sobbing because you’re trying to catch your breath? Yes. That one. Just watch this video (it’s 70 seconds long and gets good around 45 …

Social Media

#BlackBuzzFeed is Twitter’s Newest Awesome Trending Topic

I’m an avid reader of BuzzFeed, because their lists are addictive and their GIFs are amazing. Twitter wants to see what would happen if BuzzFeed created a section for topics that Black folks loves to talk about, thus starting the #BlackBuzzFeed hashtag that is now the #1 trending topic in …