Dear Peggy Noland, About That Naked Oprah Dress… NO MA’AM!
I came across a link on The Cut about artist Peggy Noland’s newest project, “Oprah: Skinny, Naked, and Screaming on Your Dress.” THE HELL, BRO?!? So I’m here to write Peggy a sternly-worded letter because my spirit is IRKED! Look at the dress and see why I’m pissed: Dear Peggy …
I Saw The Best Man Holiday and Here’s My Review (NO SPOILERS)
When I think of The Best Man, I remember the golden age of Black Hollywood. The 90s were awesome for diversity in entertainment (music, TV and movies). The film was part of a decade-long cluster of great coming-of-age stories that was BY US, FOR US but still relatable to everyone. …
My Hunt for Swiss Miss French Vanilla Hot Chocolate
When it comes to edible stuff, I have an obsessive thing where I love something a lot for a while and indulge in it ALL THE TIME. There was the time I ate Corn Pops every night before bed for a month. And then I’d wake up and eat a …
Lady Gaga’s Latest Outfit is a Sight for Sore Eyes
Lady Gaga was honored at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards a couple of days ago. Remember when we were all fist pumping because of her make under that had her looking semi-normal and not like Halloween on speed allatahm? Well that seems done. Gaga stepped out the house …
Kenya Lies, Cynthia’s Health and Kandi’s Mama’s Hateration: RHOA Season 6, Ep 2 Recap
Last night’s episode of RHOA had Kenya looking a fool as usual, Porsha in an alter-ego wig and Kandi’s mama Joyce doing the most with the least. And we got an education in how serious fibroids can be from Cynthia’s struggle. Let’s get into it! Paparazzi Princess – Kenya emerges …
Reason Africans Don’t Answer Phone Calls Has Me Cackling
Clifford Owusu’s YouTube video has me cracking up. It’s called “Reason Africans Don’t Answer Phone Calls.” Watch, laugh and learn to move your body like him. SON. LMAOOOO! That is a man after my own heart! HE WAS GETTING ALL HIS LIFE! I LOVE how African men dance. CHEI! My …
Icarus and the Burning Truth: Scandal Episode 306 Recap
Episode 6 of season 3 of Scandal was called Icarus. I’m a fan of Greek Mythology and I immediately recalled the story of the man whose father created wings so he could fly but he was warned not to get too high. He kept flying higher and higher and he …
Khandi Alexander is Maya Lewis on Scandal and My Pope Family Theory
A couple of days ago, it was revealed that veteran actress Khandi Alexander will be playing Olivia Pope’s mom, Maya Lewis on Scandal! It was an unexpected choice but an excellent one. Most of us didn’t e’em think about Khandi as we threw around names but when a little birdy …
Chinese Man Sued His Wife for Being Facially Untogether and Won
I know this is old news but it just came into my newsfeeds and I shook my head like I was in an Herbal Essence commercial from 2005. A Chinese man sued his wife for being ugly and not letting him know. Well, actually, she was apparently facially-untogether so she …
5 Things That Stay The Same in Your Life Because of Marriage Equality
Yesterday, the Illinois House of Representatives passed the bill that will allow same-sex couples to get married. My state is the 15th to be about that “freedom to marry” life and I fist-pumped. Love, and the ability to be pissed when you wake up to the same person’s cobweb breath …