![Breaking Bad](https://awesomelyluvvie.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Breaking-Bad-360x180.png)
10 Thoughts About Breaking Bad Episode 512: Rabid Dog
I just caught up with last week’s episode of Breaking Bad last night, which is why my recap is coming just a few hours before the next episode airs. 1. There are few shows on TV that make you wanna lose your mind through pure silence and camera angles like …
![Fifty Shades of NO](https://awesomelyluvvie.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Fifty-Shades-of-NO-360x180.jpg)
#50ShadesofShade: I Read 50 Shades of Grey and Live-Tweeted It
On Friday evening, I read Samantha Irby’s post on her 50 Shades of Grey read and it made me laugh so hard that I was inspired. I have managed to avoid the book soccer moms everywhere have been losing their minds over, even after it was sent to me as …
![failed fail gif](https://awesomelyluvvie.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/failed-360x180.gif)
When Twerking Goes Wrong: This Girl is On Firrreee! (Updated: It was Jimmy Kimmel’s Prank)
I’m sick of talmbout and hearing about twerking, as I’m sure you are too. We can all blame Miley Cyrus for that. But I promise that the video below will be worth your while. Caitlin decided to make a twerk video for her boyfriend and tragedy ensued. Watch what happens …
![Mullet man](https://awesomelyluvvie.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Mullet-man-360x180.jpg)
Whose Brother Was Rocking This Supreme Mullet?
The mullet is the hairstyle that will never quit. No matter how much we ridicule it. It’s come in different variations over the years too. With a front that has a bob or fingerwaves or braids. THE MULLET WON’T DIE AND I WONDER WHY! HA! That rhymed. But getchu a …
10 More Hilarious Vine Videos You Must Watch
To think we ever thought Instagram video was going to kill Vine. NOPE! Vine has basically become the place to go for micro-comedy. It’s hilarity in 6-second spurts and I am so here for it. I did a 10 Hilarious Vine Videos post in July and here’s part 2! 1. …
![#31WriteNow Blogging Challenge](https://awesomelyluvvie.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/31WriteNow-360x180.jpg)
3 Lessons To Learn From My #31WriteNow Challenge Fail
On the last day of July 2013, I wrote a post announcing that I was doing #31WriteNow blogging challenge. I challenged myself (and other fellow bloggers) to commit to posting something new on their websites EVERY DAY in August. I did a similar challenge (#30WriteNow) in October 2012 and surprised …
![DEAD floor gif](https://awesomelyluvvie.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/DEADfloor-360x180.gif)
The Roast of Johnny the Velveteen Crooner and the Gospel Bump N Grind
Most times, what happens in GChat stays in GChat. But sometimes, my friends and I have such ridiculous convos that I just marvel at our foolishness. PLUS, it’s worth proving that I roll with a crew of folks who lack couth. I’m not lonesome in my foolishment. One of my …
![Breaking Bad Family Showdown](https://awesomelyluvvie.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Breaking-Bad-Family-Showdown-360x180.jpg)
These Are Walt’s Confessions: Breaking Bad 511 Recap
I don’t know about you but watching every new episode of Breaking Bad gives me heart palpitations. I just feel like doom is round every corner so I can’t e’em chillax when it’s on. I’m expecting some sort of boogeyman to come and eat Walt or something. Chile… Anywho, in …
![Tired entrepreneul](https://awesomelyluvvie.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Tired-entrepreneul-360x180.webp)
Confessions of a Tired Entrepreneur
*stands up* My name is Luvvie and I’m a tired entrepreneur. Everyone: “Hi, Luvvie.” When I got laid off my gig as a nonprofit Marketing Coordinator in April 2010, I planned on polishing my resumé and getting back in the game. That was almost three years ago and I haven’t …
![ABCReports Miley Twerks](https://awesomelyluvvie.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/ABCReports-Miley-Twerks-360x180.gif)
#ABCReports: ABC News’ FAIL on “Twerking” Roasted on Twitter
After Miley Cyrus showed her (lack of an) ass (literally) at the MTV VMAs, she’s been the subject of everyone’s posts and news reports. It’s been over a day and many of us are over it. However, ABC News decided to do a “scientific” report on twerking and it’s just …