Famous folks

I’m Digging Nicki Minaj Lately and It’s Not For Her Music

Y’all know Nicki Minaj’s music tapdances on my last nerves and she dresses like a highlighter factory blew up. But she’s the most popular female rapper out there so she’s everywhere and I just have to deal. And avoid listening to her tunes. Or staring at her pictures for too …

TV and Movies

Kirk’s Cabin Getaway, Joseline’s Demand and Scrappy’s Walk of Shame: LHHATL Episode 11 Recap

I know I’m a delinquent with my Love and Hip Hop ATL recaps this season but bear with fickle G. Anywho, last night’s episode was full of side-eye as we really got to see how Ain’t Shit Kirk was. Him and those damb denim vests. Let’s just get into it. …

Famous folksMusic

When He Said Goodbye, It WAS For Long: Remembering Luther Vandross

Today is the 8th anniversary of Luther Vandross passing, and chile… he is STILL missed. That man’s vocal chords were clearly coated with Heaven’s ambrosia and dusted with angel St. Michael’s wings because it was amazing. Luther Vandross took old songs and when he sang them, folks forgot the originals. …

AwardsTV and Movies

The 2013 BET Awards Killed TURNUP and Charlie Wilson Brought the House Down

I never miss the BET Awards because even when it’s bad, the tweets make it afun to watch. But this year, it actually wasn’t that bad. And for BET, that means it was a good show.  I missed the first hour of the show so I’m gonna act like those …

Neyo Instagram Breakup
Famous folks

Ne-Yo’s Instagram Breakup Note is Wack

Celebrities complain about how they have no privacy because paparazzi, TMZ and everyone wants to know about their lives constantly. Some of them do have a right to whine, but others know damb well they enjoy the attention, especially when THEY bring it to themselves. Yesterday, Ne-Yo the slack-jawed yokel …

NOPE gif

This Week Has Given Me Outrage Fatigue Syndrome

I haven’t updated since Monday and it’s because I’ve been so overwhelmed by everything happening this week that I haven’t been able to write. It’s been such a newsworthy 4 days and every time something is settling down, something else happens. You know when you have so many thoughts that …


A Girlfriend Scorned and the Breakup Scavenger Hunt

When relationships end, oftentimes, they aren’t amicable. And sometimes, one party is so hurt that they can’t help themselves but to get petty. And from time to time, they’ll act out on it. Like the lady below did when she found out that her boyfriend hasn’t been completely honest with …

Blogging While Brown Speakers 2
BusinessMy Life

The Makeup Show, BWB, BlogHer Etc: Where I’m Speaking This Summer

My peoples! As you may know, I sometimes work (because these shoes won’t buy themselves). I’m a digital strategist and I teach people and organizations on social media, communications, blogging, technology, branding and online advocacy/activism and more. This summer (which I consider June 1st and on because reasons), I’m speaking …

FoodSocial Media

#PaulasBestDishes: The Best Twitter Hashtag in a Long Time

So some of us are just finding out that Paula Deen is racist and terrible. She’s losing today and Twitter has made her the butt of its jokes for the past 2 hours, to the delight of everyone. @BrokeyMcPoverty (writer and foolery enthusiast), asked if a hashtag existed yet, and …

Butter Blue Eyes Bigotry Paula Deen Story
CultureFamous folks

Butter and Bigotry: Paula Deen is Racist and Terrible

Another day, another celebrity being dropkicked off their pedestal. I woke up to find out that Paula Deen, the Matron Saint of Butter and Diabeetus Diet is a grade A racist. This is like finding out that Santa Claus killed the Tooth Fairy. Because she looks like Mrs. Claus and seems …