5 Reasons Why I Loved Boy Meets World
TV and Movies

5 Reasons Why I Loved ‘Boy Meets World’ And Why I’m Excited for ‘Girl Meets World!’

Some of us 80s and 90s kids used to watch Boy Meets World religiously, following the stories of Cory, Topanga, Shawn, Eric and Mr. Feeny as they went from middle school to high school to college. It was about love, life, growing pains and growing up. It was cute, sappy …

TV and Movies

Mimi’s NoLex and Kirk’s Smackdown from Shirlene: LHHATL Episode 9 Recap

The people of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta can’t have nice things and it’s because too many of them are Team Bad Decisions. The Queen of that club is Mimi, of course. Last night’s episode had me shaking my head and wanting to shake her shoulders because she doesn’t wanna …

Ages of the Disney Princesses
TV and Movies

The Disney Princesses Were Younger Than I Thought

As you may know by now, I love Disney movies and I love talking and writing about them (see my posts on Disney Music is Everything and Disney Loves Single Parenthood and Princesses Who Make Piss Poor Decisions). And just because I’m a fan of them doesn’t mean I think …

Famous folksMusic

Diane Warren Tweets Note About “True Greats” to Kanye West. WELP!

No one can love Kanye West as much as Kanye West loves Kanye West, and that is a gift. I mean, the man’s newest album is titled “Yeezus.” He clearly has high self-esteem and places himself on a giant pedestal only he can see. Who else could go onstage looking like …

Falling Graduate Diane

Falling is a Habit for this Poor Graduate

There are times when practicality need to take precedence over some forced cuteness. One of those times is if you are going to be graduating and walking across a football field. The video below made me laugh SO hard for so many reasons. Watch. The first fall was like “aw …

Ratchet and the Geek podcast
My Life

Listen to Ratchet and the Geek Episode 12: All White

Scott Hanselman and I have dropped the latest episode of our Ratchet and the Geek. In case you don’t know about it, it’s our podcast where we cover all things TV, pop culture, social media, gadgets and technology in general. This episode is titled All White for many reasons. Scott …

TV and Movies

My Mega Recap of Episodes 3-8 of LHHATL Season 2

After episode 2 of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta, I missed 4 Monday showings in a row. I was super behind, and that’s why I haven’t written recaps in a while. Finally last week, I sat down and had a marathon viewing to catch up on the shenanigans of our …

PoliticsSocial Media

Hillary Clinton is Already Winning on Twitter

Hillary Clinton is now on Twitter, yall! And the lady is already rocking the place. Her bio is winning everything. I especially love “hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker.” You know Hillary perfected the mom bob like no one else. And her pantsuits are iconic in all their matronly glory. …


This Dancing Park Ranger Gave Me What I Needed

The internet is good for certain things and one of them is to expose us to fun people everywhere. The video below is actually old by internet popularity standards because it came out months ago but I watched it again and it brought me so much joy that I wanted …


Michelle Obama Let a Protester Have It and I Approve!

People gon learn that folks got limits. According to the Washington Post, Michelle Obama was speaking at a private fundraiser when a lesbian activist named Ellen Hurtz kept interrupting her. She wanted POTUS Obama to sign an anti-discrimination executive order. Wells, that wasn’t the time for her to be showing …