Scandal logo gif
TV and Movies

Mrs. Smith Goes to Washington: Scandal Episode 303 Recap

Scandal is stressful, bro. I mean it. This show be having me waiting to exhale for a whole hour. I’m worried for myself because I be so invested in every second. When the show was bout to start, the homie @YoungSinick said “Shh, my stories are about to come on” and …

Whose is this?

Whose Wise Baby is This? (And Foolery From My Readers)

I think babies are cute by default because they’re so little and small things lean towards cute. And some babies are born cute AND looking like they’ve been here before. You’ve seen those mini humans. They just look like they hold a wisdom of the years and these are the …

Scandal season 3
TV and Movies

Guess Who’s Gooning at Dinner: Scandal Episode 302 Recap

If there’s one thing Scandal continues to do, it’s to out-goon itself. There’s just so much bad-assness in this show, and I am comfortable crowning Rowan Pope as King Goon of the World. My man has no chill and no dambs to give about anyone but the republic. “Guess Who’s …

Kanye on Jimmy Kimmel
Famous folksTV and Movies

So Kanye West was on Jimmy Kimmel Last Night

Last night, Kanye West went on Jimmy Kimmel‘s show to talk about their recent beef. Some people think it was the most brilliant interview they’ve ever seen and some wanna get Kanye to his therapist ASAPtually. We’ve all become armchair psychiatrists in the process. Let me give a quick synopsis for …

American apparel period power

American Apparel’s Period Power T-Shirt Gets a NAWL

Sometimes, making a fashion statement can go beyond edgy into “too damb much” category. American Apparel is now selling a t-shirt printed with a drawing of a masturbating vagina that’s menstruating that they call “Period Power” because ART! For $32, you too can support the work of a collective of …

scandal season 3 premiere 1
TV and Movies

Scandal is BACK! Season 3: Episode 1 Handled It!

Scandal is BACK, yall! I’ve been preparing for this moment ALL MY LIFE (ok 4 months, but still). Gladiators everywhere have analyzed the show to pieces and got our minds ready to see what Shonda Rhimes was gonna serve us for season three and last night was finally the time! …

TV and Movies

Play the Scandal Crossword Game with Me and Chescaleigh!

Folks are getting ready for the premiere of Scandal season 3, and the thirst is SO REAL, yall! I’m so parched for this show to return, and so is my girl Franchesca Ramsey (aka @Chescaleigh). Remember when we did Scandal Bingo for the season 2 finale? Well we’re back with …

Comcast Scandal Viewing Party E-vite copy
My LifeTV and Movies

I’ve Partnered with Comcast’s XFINITY for Scandal Coverage!

Hey folks! I’m super duper excited because I’ve partnered with Comcast’s XFINITY site for SCANDAL coverage this upcoming season! WHOOOT! I’ll be writing recaps on their new site, with top 10 moments of each episode. In preparation for the upcoming season 3 premiere of Scandal, I’ve even written quick …

Felina Breaking Bad
TV and Movies

Felina: Breaking Bad’s Finale Was the Perfect Ending to an Amazing Show

It was the perfect ending. It was just right. And it makes this whole “finale” thing even more bittersweet. To know I just watched the last episode of one of the BEST TV shows of all time (Breaking Bad) is so wall-slide worthy. I felt this exact same way when …


The Worst Person Ever and the Scorned Never Ex: Dating Fails

Many people are single because they want to be and others haven’t found THE ONE or ONES (hey, roll like you want). But many are single because they’re self-absorbed douchebags who can’t have nice things because they don’t know how to behave like decent human beings. Long story short: it’s …