BET The Game
Famous folks

“The Game” Premiere Played Bald-headed Games! I Have Questions

So last night was the highly anticipated premiere of the TV show “The Game.” You know, the one that’s been off air for 2 years because CW kicked it to the curb. So fans lobbied for it like our health insurance depended on it. Yes, that one. BET picked it …

Skinny Girl Problems
My LifeTop Posts

Skinny Girl Problems Are Real

Skinny girl problems are REAL, and it is not our fault that our metabolisms are faster than Usain Bolt. I’m here to share with you what some of them are. Before I start, lemme say yes, I am aware that there’s a fat girl problem to counteract each of these. …

Ted Williams Golden Voice

Ted Williams and His Golden Voice: Thug Murker of the Week

As you all know, I’m a thug. I make babies cry by mean mugging them. I punch teddy bears just because. However, there are certain things that grab my attention and render my thug obsolete. Some stuff makes my thug pick up its’ luggage and go on vacation. These are …

Whose is this?

Whose Legs Are These? And Where’d She Get Those Boots?

I was on Facebook, when I ran across a picture on my newsfeeds, posted by one of the folks I went to college with. And I wonder… This woman LITERALLY drank herself UNDER the toilet. How do you drink to the point of passing out in between two toilet stalls, …

My Life

Who’s That on the Birthday Line? It’s LUVVIE!!!

Today is a special day! It’s MY BIRTHDAY!!! *and then I hit my dougie* YES MA’AMS and SIRS! Today’s my birthday! *cartwheels* 26 years ago, the world got a tad bit more ratchet, when at 2:30am, my mama birthed me. TWO weeks late. CLEARLY, I wasn’t on much then either. I …

My Life

Allow Me to Re-introduce Myself

Happy New Year, folks!!! *does the cabbage patch* Yessssssss!!! So I hope you stayed outta trouble on the 31st. I’d hate to see any of you on By hate, I mean thoroughly enjoy. Anywho, in this new year, I wanted to get folks re-acquainted to the person behind the …

My Life

Thank You For An Awesome(ly) Lovely 2010

WOWSIES! I can’t believe it’s the last day of 2010. Where did this year go? It ran faster than a Kenyan. Sheesh! Anywho, I didn’t want to have the New Year’s Eve go by without a quick wrap up, before New Years’ Eve festivities begin (and ratchetness takes over). Where …

Dumbest TweetsSocial Media

The 25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010

Twitter: A place for people to share their thoughts. A place for celebrities and public figures to connect with their fans and supporters. An English major’s nightmare. I want to forget these tweets. So with a heavy heart and deep sigh, I present to you: The Top 25 Dumbest Tweets of the Year.

Stages of Social Media Grief of Celebrity Deaths
CultureFamous folksSocial MediaTop Posts

The Stages of Social Media Grief of Celebrity Deaths

I analyzed the process of grieving on Twitter when celebrities die, and it’s the same cycle each time, with the theatrics at the highest levels.

Antoine Dodson Chimney intruder

Antoine Dodson’s Chimney Intruder Is Just… iCan’t.

Remember Antoine Dodson? Yeah I had Dodson Fever when that whole foolery first came out. And I may or may not have had the Bed Intruder song as my ringtone for a hot, quick second. Antywho, I’ve been kinda off the Dodson wagon though, after I saw how he’s allowing …