Disney Loves Single Parenthood and Princesses Who Make Piss Poor Decisions
I am a Disney fan, and I grew up watching all the cartoons like so many others did. Disney is basically an institution that’s wrapped all up through my childhood memories but when one thinks about their movies, you’ll realize that they aren’t all honky dory. Disney movies are ALWAYS …

What Happened to Lisa Turtle?
I was minding my own business yesterday when I saw BuzzFeed’s post about Lark Voorhies, aka Lisa Turtle from “Saved by the Bell.” I wasn’t ready for what was waiting for me. O___O I don’t understand. No really. Someone explain to me what happened to this once beautiful lady with …

Dear Bristol Palin, Criticizing the President? Girl SHUT UP
I’ve been overdue for a sternly-worded letter, and there’s so much foolery in the world that this one could have been written to a plethora of people who don’t know how to act, or did the most with the least. However, the lucky winner is Bristol Palin. She had the …

My Ode to Angela Nissel: Funny Lady Spotlight
As a budding female humorist, with a dream of going really far with this, I have to pay homage to those who came before me. I must give props to the ladies who crap on the premise that women aren’t funny unless we’re making fun of bad decisions we make …

Louis XIII Liquor Costs How Much?
I walked into this DOPE Walgreens they just opened on State Street here in Chicago, and got my LIFE. First of all, the Walgreens is 2 floors, and they got everything! They even have a sushi bar (where the chef makes it for you to order) and a fro-yo spot …

10 Things I Learned About Myself From My Trip to Abuja
My peoples! How I’ve missed you so. My blog hiatus was longer than I planned, but that was because I was frolicking with my family in Abuja, Nigeria. I was there for my cousin’s wedding and you know Nigerians love to do it HUGE, which we did. I had a …

“Hoodies and Heels” Party for Trayvon Martin? I Hate People.
I called it. I CALLED IT. The other night, I was on Twitter talmbout how I don’t want to see folks have a club party in honor of Trayvon Martin. I KNEW these raggelly club promoters would use this to try to bring folks to come drop down and get …

Regina King as Huey and Riley
I’ve been a fan of the Boondocks since it was a comic strip. I’d read it in the Chicago Sun-Times every morning on my commute on my way to school (as a junior and senior). When it became a show, you know I had to watch it. My thoughts on …

I’m Proudly Rocking the Red Pump Today!
I’m rocking some fierce red pumps today because tomorrow (March 10) is National Women & Girls’ HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD)! In March 2009, Karyn (The Fab Giver) and I launched The Red Pump Project to raise awareness about the impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls. Our mission is to …

No Country for Social Justice Hipsters
Ever since the KONY 2012 thing went viral and set the internet ablaze (last night), folks have been dropping all types of thoughts on it. I’m not going to get into the depth of the arguments on their transparency and all that. Nor will I touch the “white savior” piece …