
Golden Goal: 80,000 FB Fans by August 8 to Celebrate 8 Years

On Friday, August 8, 2014, Awesomely Luvvie turns 8 years old. I’m celebrating with an Awesomely Golden party in Chicago that day (and if you’re in town, you should come. Get tickets), where there’ll be games, drinks, music, dancing, prizes. SO MUCH FUN!

I also want to celebrate this milestone by getting 80,000 AweLuv Facebook fans. That would be GOLDEN. I’m at 69,700 now so I need your help to do this. 10,000 new fans in 5 days is a lofty goal but I think we can do it!

Golden Goal-80,000 FB

Help me get my blog birthday wish. Join my Facebook fan page (if you aren’t already a part of it) and invite 10 people you know who love to laugh, love pop culture, love foolery and would need the cackles. My fan page brings all the pordee to the yard.

Download the picture above and repost on your social media! Pin it, Instagram it, tweet it. Tell folks to LIKE Awesomely Luvvie. WE ARE ABLE TO CAN!

Oh and purple, teal, orange and black UNABLE TO CAN tees are available for the next day.

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The Overalls and Jumpsuits Struggle is So Real


  1. […] the Awesomely Luvvie FB page | The post Golden Goal: 80,000 FB Fans by August 8 to Celebrate 8 Years appeared first on Awesomely […]

    August 6, 2014 at 11:25 am

    only a little over 9K to go… IT SHALL BE DONE! LET’s GET IT! #LuvvNation!