It’s Been Nine Fine Years of Awesomely Luvvie!
9 years ago on August 8, 2006, I decided to scrap my little rinky dinky blog I started in college. I felt like I had outgrown it so I logged on to Blogspot and started a new blog where I just wanted to talk about whatever my heart desired. I …

Awesomely Golden Shindig Recap: Best Pordee Ever!
Friday night at CityPoint Loft in Chicago, I held my Awesomely Golden anniversary shindig celebrating my blog’s Golden birthday (this site turned 8 years old on August 8). Over 150 people joined me for what turned out to be the BEST. PARTY. EVER. It was beyond my expectations and it …

Living My Life Like It’s Awesomely Golden! It’s My Blog’s 8th Birthday!
Eight years ago today, I decided that I had outgrown my little blog on Xanga, where I was talmbout college life, friendships, heartbreak and whatnots. I was 3 months out of college and I wanted a fresh start so I went to Blogger.com and created a site. I called it …

Golden Goal: 80,000 FB Fans by August 8 to Celebrate 8 Years
On Friday, August 8, 2014, Awesomely Luvvie turns 8 years old. I’m celebrating with an Awesomely Golden party in Chicago that day (and if you’re in town, you should come. Get tickets), where there’ll be games, drinks, music, dancing, prizes. SO MUCH FUN! I also want to celebrate this milestone …

Opening For Kerry Washington at BlogHer, Awesomely Golden, Chaka Khan Concert: My Next 3 Weeks
This week begins an action-packed 3 weeks for me and it will be madness but it’s the good kind. By mid August, I will be in need of a getaway, which I’m getting (3 days in Mexico)! I’m looking forward to all of it. Y’all know I like to bring …

Come Celebrate My Blog’s Birthday at My Awesomely Golden Party in Chicago!
My peoples! On August 8, 2006 I launched this website. Back then it was called “Luvvie’s Random Rants” and I had just graduated from college. I felt like I had outgrown my Xanga blog (remember Xanga?) so I moved to Blogger, shut down my old blog that I had for three …