Canteloupe Cancelled

Cantaloupe Needs to be Cancelled

Earlier this week, I was blissfully eating assorted fruit and I came across some cantaloupe. I went for it, not knowing that mid-chew this cantaloupe had different plans. How do you start off a little sweet and then change your mind about it! 😩😩😩  It’s the indecisiveness for me! Why …

fail whale
Social Media

I’m “I Had a Xanga Blog” Social Media Years Old

Sometimes it’s fun to reminisce about the good ol’ days of social media and being online. You know? Before we realized the people who created it are basically Voldemort, planning world domination with our data. Young folks today don’t even know how much things have changed in such a short …

Social Media

Facebook is Gonna Label Onion Links as Satire Because Everyone is Slow Now

Facebook is experimenting with a new feature that will tag posts from The Onion as “Satire” when they show up in newsfeeds. Some people are outraged and wondering why they’d do such a thing. I’m here to let you know why: because everyone is slow now. Everyone. It crosses class, gender …

Golden Goal-80,000 FB

Golden Goal: 80,000 FB Fans by August 8 to Celebrate 8 Years

On Friday, August 8, 2014, Awesomely Luvvie turns 8 years old. I’m celebrating with an Awesomely Golden party in Chicago that day (and if you’re in town, you should come. Get tickets), where there’ll be games, drinks, music, dancing, prizes. SO MUCH FUN! I also want to celebrate this milestone …

Creepy Love Note
My Life

So I Got a Love Note on Facebook

Facebook is the place where people get to try out their best efforts in flirting. Folks’ Nigerians uncles are forever trying out their best lines too. Last week, I received a message on my Awesomely Luvvie Facebook fan page and I didn’t know whether I was being trolled or if …

Social Media

My Week in Facebook Statuses: Volume 1

I spend more time on Facebook nowadays and I’m actually preferring it over Twitter. I never thought I’d see the day. Yes, news gets there much slowly (and I will still shade it for that) and it’s terrible for information hogging but I can’t help it. FB is winning me …

Reverend Threat
FaithMy LifeWhose is this?

Whose Reverend is this Threatening Me in the Name of Jesus?

It is that time of the year again: when people use Martin Luther King Jr.’s image inappropriately for club flyers. MLK ain’t march to be the image of “Freaky Fridays” at the local disco. STAHP IT EVERYONE! I already wrote about this last year but more flyers have emerged for …

Social Media

The Bitstrips Abuse on Facebook Must Stop, Beloveds

I LOVE cartoons and my main avatar on these interwebs has been a Yahoo! Avatar for YEARS! It’s even in my site header. But the thing is that I can be represented well by a cartoon because I have cartoonish features. Let’s face it, I look like a walking drawing …

Famous folksSocial Media

Bill Gates Isn’t Giving You Money for Sharing A Facebook Picture

There’s a picture that has been shared into my Facebook newsfeeds and each time I see it, I *facepalm* and wonder where common sense went. It clearly took a vacation and said “I’m on a break” from society at large. This OBVIOUSLY photoshopped picture of Bill Gates holding up a …

Honesty Box
Social MediaThrowback Thursday

Remember Facebook Honesty Box?

In like 2007, Facebook introduced apps, and one of them was “Honesty Box.” Honesty Box allowed you to send any of your friends messages anonymously and it allowed folks to say whatever they wanted, without repercussions or anything. And folks acted accordingly too because keyboard courage is super real. Honest …