Starbucks’ Unicorn Frappuccino is a Weapon of Mass Diabetes
Honestly, folks do not want us to have nice things, like long lives where we don’t struggle with the gout or an extreme case of “the sugars.” Folks like Starbucks, who just released a new drink called the Unicorn Frappuccino. It’s a limited edition offering, available nationwide until April 23. This …

Because Now You Can Get Collard Greens at Neiman Marcus
So at this point, I think the theme for 2016 is FIRMLY “The Devil is Busy.” As in, this year’s hashtag should be #TheDevilisBusy2016. Or #SatanisPuttinginWork2016. Because there is just too much foolishment happening. TEW MUCH, FATHA GAWD. What happened this time? Well, luxury store Neiman Marcus is now offering …

Some People Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Say the Grace When It’s Time to Eat
One of the things that those of us who are Christian hold dear as a tradition is the pre-meal prayer. We want to make sure that we ask God to bless what we are about to consume, so that it can be well and all that good stuff. BUT… some people use …

Our Favorite Cook, Auntie Fee, Was on Steve Harvey’s Show. I LIVE.
You KNOW how much I love me some Auntie Fee! She of phrases such as “something sweet for the mufucking kids” and “kids and fat people like a lot of cheese.” She got internet fame from posting videos of her cooking various heart-clogging foods. Her son, Tavis, is behind the …

No Country for Yellow Starbursts (aka Disappointment Chews)
Starbursts are candy that I’m passionate about and the creators have clearly created a candy caste system to allow us to rank the people in our lives by the color we give them. Pink is the starburst you give your best friend to show them your love is real. Yellow …

I Want Red Velvet Oreos to Be Real So Bad AND THEY ARE!
Yall know I love all things red velvet. Red velvet cupcakes, cheesecake, cookies, waffles, pancakes, hot chocolate… I am the bubba Gumb of red velvet. This is why in the past 48 hours, so many people have sent me this picture. Everyone has sent me this SAME picture and I …

Why Does Kale Taste Like Dreams Deferred?
One day I looked up and everyone had become the Bubba Gump of Kale, talmbout kale salad, kale soup, kale smoothies, kale sammiches, kale nail polish (yes really. It’s called NailKale. Everyone go home. You’re drunk!). It was all kale everything and I was like whappened? Why it happen? I …

Auntie Felicia’s Cooking Show is What We Need
There are times I come across silver and gold on these internets and tonight is one of those times. I have been introduced to Felicia O’Dell (aka Auntie Fee) and her resourceful cooking. My life has been changed and I am made better for it. Felicia O’Dell (I like that …

Happy Thanksgiving! Whose Abomination Turkey is This?
I’m thankful for so much. A transformative year with showers of blessings, awesome friends and family and living and working with passion. I am also thankful for the Cookingforbae for showing me your struggle plates as well as my crappy T-mobile service for delaying the mass “Happy Thanksgiving” texts from …

#PaulasBestDishes: The Best Twitter Hashtag in a Long Time
So some of us are just finding out that Paula Deen is racist and terrible. She’s losing today and Twitter has made her the butt of its jokes for the past 2 hours, to the delight of everyone. @BrokeyMcPoverty (writer and foolery enthusiast), asked if a hashtag existed yet, and …