This is What I Call Deep-Fried Heart Attack
It’s no secret that America’s fat. The country survives on a diet of sugar with a side of carbs and dessert of deep fried butter (I’m looking at you, Paula Deen). And chicken. That part is important. We musn’t forget about chicken. Now, this slow death brought to us by …

Whose Idea of Food Is This?
People always twitpic their meals and 97.3% of the time, it is a complete and utter FAIL. That’s why the homie SteenFox created the Tumblr blog: ThatPlate.tumblr.com. It is soooo utterly needed, especially around holiday times when folks are eating (and cooking) with reckless abandon. Today, a dude on Twitter …

Fried Kool-Aid is the Devil’s Snack
There are times I know the Devil has minions on Earth, and whoever invented Fried Kool-Aid is clearly one of them. What in all that is good, holy, sanctified and healthy is with that??? And I’m the fool who wants to try Red Velvet Fried Chicken. Even I’ve got my …

Red Velvet Onion Rings. Yes, Jesus Loves Me.
As some of you are aware, I am obsessed with all things rice and red velvet. Last year when I found out about the existence of RED VELVET FRIED CHICKEN (yes, I hollered when I typed that), I did all types of drops and twirls. And started a mission to …

I’m on an Anti-Diet
I know people are still dragging, dreaming of roasted turkey, mac ‘n cheese, stuffing, pies, jollof rice, suya, plantains… Wait, where was I going with this? Ah yes, it has been a rough transition back to work mode for some. Onward… I’m naturally small, and I’m built like I run …