Bill Gates Isn’t Giving You Money for Sharing A Facebook Picture
There’s a picture that has been shared into my Facebook newsfeeds and each time I see it, I *facepalm* and wonder where common sense went. It clearly took a vacation and said “I’m on a break” from society at large.
This OBVIOUSLY photoshopped picture of Bill Gates holding up a sign promising everyone $5,000 if they shared the pic has over 46,000 shares. And is growing by the second.
I have a couple of questions for the people who’ve shared this picture.
1. FORWHYTHEHELLCOME would William Gates spend his fortune on your random ass sitting at home?
b. Why don’t you realize this picture has been altered digitally?
iii. When in the history of ALL the internet has a picture or email saying “share this and you will get money” ever come through?
Are there NO other issues that Bill would care about besides “Lemme fund the people who use Facebook?” THERE ARE! And he’s already doing it with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This stupid sign talmbout “It’s about time I give back to the people!” ain’t e’em close to making sense.
And those people he’d give back to ain’t YOU! Go use your tax time refund check to buy all the clothes and video games you want. Bill ain’t funding that. This feels pretty obvious and everyone should know it.

Right, Michelle Tanner!
Y’all gotta start applying logic and reasoning to the things you do online. In THIS case, using past history and lessons from similar situations to govern yourself accordingly so you don’t look like Booboo the fool. It’s like the time when I had to write a post telling people that contrary to ALL the status messages they were seeing, Facebook is NOT charging people for the service.
I feel like the Paul Revere of social media common sense.
Have y’all seen this pic in your newsfeeds? Can you drop this post link to the next person who shares it? Tell a friend to tell a friend to stop falling for the random hype and for every photoshopped picture on Facebook. Also, tell them to go have a seat. \__
fake IG accounts:”First 50,000 ppl to follow and like our pic will get a $50 gift card” -__-
It came up on my news feed. My friend shall remain nameless to protect the identity of the gullible.
I like it when people try to justify the share by prefacing it with, “It’s probably not true, but hey it’s worth a shot!” Nope, your foolishness is still showing. It can’t be hidden.
I haven’t seen this pic but I don’t understand why people keep calling for simple stuff like this. This is why there will be no social security for us in the future. Gullible folks waiting for invisible money to come through.
I always direct folks to to check their rumors. *sigh*
Facebook should be renamed the see-gull! Gullible ass people doing the least with the most, on a daily basis with a 24/7 stream of stupid juice. I hate these things, and I hate the stupidity of people who believe these things.
I “love” the picture of the guy holding up the winning lotto ticket, with the caption that this person will share some of his money with everyone that ‘Likes’ the picture. Dammit if I didn’t see some-odd-hundred thousand likes, and I only saw it because one or more of my gullible ass associates on FB liked the picture!
Excuse me while I go cradle my head in the palm of my hand.
This was the picture that he used when he did an AMA on reddit. Someone photoshopped it for Facebook but the original image appeared in his AMA thread.
I hadn’t seen this particular image on my feed but I’ve seen plenty of ones like “Apple can’t sell these iPads because they’ve been opened so they’re giving them away to people who share this stupid picture” or “Sony needs people to test the new Playstation and then you get to keep it” and there’s some terrible picture of something obviously mocked up by some random dude in Photoshop. It’s like Facebook just impairs peoples’ common sense.
This is the same old “tracking e-mail” hoax adopted for facebook. You know, “Disney will give away free trips or the GAP is giving away free pants to the first 10000 peeps who forward this e-mail.” Some of my friends are still blocked on my e-mail today for clogging up my inbox with that crap. SMH…
Reply to this comment and I will ship $5 to myself (COD) to save the hungry whales and feed the dying children.
hey, this worked for me!
yes, smh, I have seen it. A couple of my friends “shared” it…I wanted to go all in their inbox and be like REALLY???WTF WOULD BILL GATES DO THIS CRAP FOR AND HE IS CONSTANTLY DONATING TO GOOD CAUSES??? You can not be that stupid for real.
I am also tired of the “like if you love jesus, scroll if you love satan”….So Lucifer has an FB account too now, huh…ok *walks away with head down in tears for stupidity*
Actually I think this one was an April fools joke(least that’s what I read somewhere), either by him or his team or someone else. It’s April 4th though, why is it still floating around?
NOT an April Fool’s Joke, crap been online for months
Much like those posts with tumor-covered children, saying how Facebook will donate $1 to his/her care for every share. >_>
THE WORST! I get stuck, in the middle of minding my own business, looking at a picture of some upsettingly ill child, whose privacy is being invaded all over the internet, because people are too stupid to realize that there is absolutely no way any money is going to this kid’s family. ugh ugh ugh.
I’m so sick of my friends doing this… I’m starting to think they may be stupid! It’s done so much that now every time I see something posted on Facebook I head straight to! NO the Statue of Liberty isn’t based on a black woman, NO Magic Johnson did not give blood!!! Lol
God blesed you with, thats wy you are giving