Watch Episode 3 of Rants and Randomness!
My people! So as you might know, I have a weekly Facebook show that I started a couple of weeks ago called Rants and Randomness. I get on Facebook Live and give book recommendations, spotlight a creative I love, and then rants about all things pop culture and shenanigans. This week …

Watch the First Episode of My Show, Rants and Randomness!
Beautiful people! Guess what? I started a Facebook show as part of their Watch vertical, called Rants and Randomness. Once a week, I’ll be getting on Facebook Live to cover all things pop culture and relevant to our lives (including randomness). As the Side-Eye Sorceress, I’m uniquely positioned for this. There …

I’m Speaking at the Chicago Theater for the Together Tour!
Hey boos hey! It’s been a super busy fall for me as I’ve been on the incredible Together Tour! What’s that? It’s a tour that was co-founded by agent extraordinaire Jennifer Rudolph Walsh and best-selling author Glennon Doyle to bring women in a room for a night of radical transparency and inspiration …

Announcing: New Edition of My Book, I’m Judging You!
My people! This time last year, I was getting ready for the publish date of my book I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual. I was prepping to kick off my press and book signing tour on September 13. Since then, my book has won hella awards, and I’ve signed thousands …

About My Book Hitting the New York Times Bestselling List, What Didn’t Happen and What Happens Now
Ok, so we got to talk about my book. 11 months ago, on September 13, 2016, I became an author. After getting an agent, writing a proposal, selling it and then getting to the work. My first book I’m Judging You: The Do Better Manual made its’ debut into the …

Join Me on the Together Tour This Fall!
Back in May, I posted a photo on my Instagram account of me scheming and dreaming with Glennon Doyle and Abby Wambach. They are bad-asses and I was hyped to be working on something amazing with the now married duo! Well, I’m finally excited to announce that this fall, I’m going on …

About Why “The Talk” is Necessary and Affirming Black Girlhood
In a world where simply being born with Black and brown skin puts you behind in the starting race of life, it’s important that we equip our children with what they need to handle it. We’ve had a Black president, yet we still have to deal with people calling us …

I’m on Work Break for Most of July!
My peoples! Just here to quickly let y’all know I’m on work break until last week of July so I can recharge and work against the brain drain I feel from working too much in the last few months. What this means is: No blog posts or writing of pieces …

Catch Me at EssenceFest This Weekend!
The 2017 ESSENCE Festival is this weekend in New Orleanand I’m HYPED! I look forward to ESSENCE Fest every year, but this year is extra special because I’m proud to be a featured speaker and panelist! I’m in amazing company with people like Iyanla Vanzant, Ava DuVernay and Auntie Cissy Houston, Congresswoman Maxine …

A Seat at Luvvie’s Table was Powered by Noir Pixie Dust
My resistance coping tactic is to surround myself with Black women. One thing that was re-affirmed to me after November 8 is that if I can’t count on anyone else, I can ALWAYS count on Black women. So since then, I’ve enveloped myself in a blanket woven by the love of sisters. …