In this New Year, Audit Your Life
Every year, I see a new year as an opportunity to audit myself, my life, my relationships. I think it presents to us a chance to look around and see what we have chosen, and how it either feeds or starves us. And after the year we’ve just come through, …

Announcing My Next Book Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual
The day has finally come… BOOK NUMBER 2 IS HERE. I am nervous. Why am I nervous?! It took me 9 whole years to finally call myself a writer after I started this blog. Why? Because I was afraid of everything that came with that title. I didn’t think I …

The Best Birthday Gift You Could Give Me in 2021 + A Big Podcast Announcement!
Hey, y’all. I am currently chin-deep in some blankets while I prepare for a day of doing absolutely nothing. You know why? Because it’s my birthday! I am so grateful to be on this earth another year and make it to another birthday, even with the continuous dumpster fire of …

On Writing and Finishing My Second Book
Exactly 5 years ago (May 13, 2015), I signed my first book deal. That book (I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual) was published on September 13, 2016. It hit the New York Times bestselling list instantly and changed my life. Over 100,000 copies sold so far. It’s wild, because …

Introverts Are Also Struggling in the Quarantine
At this point, the days have all blurred into each other and today is March 31st but it’s really March 99th and nothing makes sense. I legit wished my cousin a Happy birthday, because he’s an April 1 baby. Imagine my SHOCK and AWE when I was told I was …

About My TED Talk That Almost Didn’t Happen and Now Has 2 Million Views
Last week (April 5, 2018), my TED talk Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable crossed the 2 million view mark! It’s been watched, all over the world, 2 million times! It’s been transcribed to 18 different languages. In 15 years of writing, 8 years of speaking, it’s my most consumed thing. …

Come Hear Me Speak at SXSW This Weekend!
My people!!! This week, I’m going to be at SXSW! My schedule is jam-packed with some dope events, including one you can come to if you don’t have a SXSW badge. Here’s where you can catch me! SATURDAY I’m so geeked to be a featured speaker at SXSW and my talk is …

I’m Done for the Year
This year, I had 50 speaking engagements, took 114 flights, and flew 154,000 miles. I LOVE what I do and I am blessed beyond measure and 2017 has been an incredible year for me. I was the kid in the candy store. As you’re eating ALL the candy, you are …

Watch Episode 5 of My Show, Rants and Randomness!
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 24 hours, you know there is A LOT to rant about this week. On this episode of Rants and Randomness, I cover how Black women are out here saving the world, per usual, and White women are out here hustling …

Watch Episode 4 of My Show, Rants and Randomness!
On this week’s episode, I have some things to get off my chest, y’all! Let’s get into it. For the good, I share one of my favorite books, Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It follows the story of a Nigerian woman who moves to the U.S. and starts a blog …