BooksBusinessMy Life

Announcing: New Edition of My Book, I’m Judging You!

My people! This time last year, I was getting ready for the publish date of my book I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual. I was prepping to kick off my press and book signing tour on September 13. Since then, my book has won hella awards, and I’ve signed thousands of them across the country.

  • New York Times Bestseller
  • #1 Washington Post Bestseller
  • USA Today Bestseller
  • Goodreads Choice Awards Finalist
  • Redbook “20 Books By Women You Must Read this Fall”
  • “17 New Best New Books to Read This Fall”
  • BookRiot “100 Must-Read Hilarious Books”
  • Winner of the 2017 Audie Award for Humor

I’m really proud of how well it’s done, and it’s blown any and all expectations I’ve had out the water. I NEVER HEXPERRIT to do so well. My paperback is on it’s 10th print, even! That’s how well it’s sold.

And now, something else.

A year after my pub date, I’m super excited to announce that the hardcover version of my book is being released on November 21, 2017!

ImJudgingYou Hardcover

It features this a slightly edited cover, cute endpapers and a BONUS CHAPTER I wrote called “We Didn’t Do Better.”

YES INDEED!!! My book is getting fancy and dropping in time for the holidays. If you wanna gift someone with it, or just have it grace your bookshelves, order one!

I’m over here like:

wanna dance with somebody

It’s now available for pre-order where books are sold.

amazonbnindieboundibookskobobam unnamed

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  1. Judy
    September 7, 2017 at 10:09 pm

    Literally just bought the paper copy today at the airport. Well, guess I need to go get this one! 2 chapters in and it’s a classic. It’ll be my version of the Bill Cosby book that my grandma & grandpa had…I would sneak and read it when I was 11… lol

  2. Boo Radley
    September 8, 2017 at 3:41 pm

    I’ve seen this headline in three different forums now, and each time my brain has initially processed it as some new venture you have with New Edition, and gotten ridiculously excited. Which makes no sense, because what would possible collaboration could that even be, brain?

    Still exciting, though. Congrats!