I Want Red Velvet Oreos to Be Real So Bad AND THEY ARE!
Yall know I love all things red velvet. Red velvet cupcakes, cheesecake, cookies, waffles, pancakes, hot chocolate… I am the bubba Gumb of red velvet. This is why in the past 48 hours, so many people have sent me this picture. Everyone has sent me this SAME picture and I …

Why Does Kale Taste Like Dreams Deferred?
One day I looked up and everyone had become the Bubba Gump of Kale, talmbout kale salad, kale soup, kale smoothies, kale sammiches, kale nail polish (yes really. It’s called NailKale. Everyone go home. You’re drunk!). It was all kale everything and I was like whappened? Why it happen? I …

67 African Snails Confiscated at LAX Airport and Deliciousness is Wasted
Earlier this month, 67 live snails were found in a picnic basket at Los Angeles International Airport. They were brought from Lagos, Nigeria and were headed to be eaten by someone who appreciates their deliciousness. But they were seized by Customs, because you aren’t supposed to be bringing in wildlife …

3 Lessons From the Potato Salad Kickstarter Campaign That’s Raised Over $22,000
There’s a KickStarter campaign for potato salad and it’s made over $22,000. A guy posted a campaign on Kickstarter about how he wants to make potato salad and he set the goal to $10. Well, he’s now raised $22,500 (as of 3pm CST on July 7, 2014) with 25 days left. 1,750 people …

The Grossness of Green Ketchup: Throwback Thursday
Remember when the team at Heinz suffered from a bout of temporary insanity and put out green ketchup for the American public to consume? Yeah, it was around Y2K (year 2000, for the babies who went “HUH?”). Actually, they had purple ketchup too but that’s close to red so I …

Happy Thanksgiving! Whose Abomination Turkey is This?
I’m thankful for so much. A transformative year with showers of blessings, awesome friends and family and living and working with passion. I am also thankful for the Cookingforbae for showing me your struggle plates as well as my crappy T-mobile service for delaying the mass “Happy Thanksgiving” texts from …

My Hunt for Swiss Miss French Vanilla Hot Chocolate
When it comes to edible stuff, I have an obsessive thing where I love something a lot for a while and indulge in it ALL THE TIME. There was the time I ate Corn Pops every night before bed for a month. And then I’d wake up and eat a …

#PaulasBestDishes: The Best Twitter Hashtag in a Long Time
So some of us are just finding out that Paula Deen is racist and terrible. She’s losing today and Twitter has made her the butt of its jokes for the past 2 hours, to the delight of everyone. @BrokeyMcPoverty (writer and foolery enthusiast), asked if a hashtag existed yet, and …

This is the Most Delicious Resignation Letter Ever
When you know it’s time to quit your job and move on to greener pastures and whatnots, it can be hard to write the letter of resignation. Finding the right words takes time. And do you type it or write it out? Wells, this dude in the UK found the …

This is What I Call Deep-Fried Heart Attack
It’s no secret that America’s fat. The country survives on a diet of sugar with a side of carbs and dessert of deep fried butter (I’m looking at you, Paula Deen). And chicken. That part is important. We musn’t forget about chicken. Now, this slow death brought to us by …